This topic describes how to clone nodes across workspaces.
You can clone nodes across workspaces in the following scenarios:
- Clone nodes from a workspace in basic mode to another workspace in basic mode.
- Clone nodes from a workspace in basic mode to a workspace in standard mode.
- After you clone a node, the folder and workflow to which the node belongs are also cloned to the destination workspace.
- Before you clone a node, make sure that its ancestor nodes are cloned to the destination workspace.
- The process to clone nodes across workspaces is a process to create nodes, folders, and workflows in a new path. If nodes, folders, or workflows that have the same names as those you want to clone already exist in the path, the existing nodes, folders, or workflows are overwritten. If a node and its ancestor and descendant nodes are cloned at the same time, the dependencies among the nodes remain unchanged after the nodes are cloned.
- Log on to the DataWorks console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Workspaces. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the workspace that you want to manage resides. Find the workspace and click DataStudio in the Actions column. On the DataStudio page, find the desired workflow in the Business Flow section and double-click the name of the workflow.
- In the toolbar, click Cross-project cloning. The Create Clone Task page appears.
- Configure the Target Workspace parameter and select the nodes that you want to clone.
- Click Set Compute Engine Mapping. In the dialog box that appears, configure the mapping between the compute engine
instances of the current workspace and the compute engine instances of the destination
If the destination workspace has multiple compute engine instances, you must configure the mapping between compute engine instances of the current workspace and the compute engine instances of the destination workspace before you clone nodes. If you do not configure the mapping, nodes are cloned to the default compute engine instance of the destination workspace.
- If the compute engine type of some nodes that you want to clone does not exist in the destination workspace, a message appears in the Compute Engine Mapping dialog box. You can select Skip Nodes Without Target Engine Instance to ignore the nodes. Otherwise, an error is reported during node cloning.
- The Set Compute Engine Mapping button appears only if the source or destination workspace has more than two compute engine instances of the same type.
- In the lower-left corner, click Add to List. The selected nodes are added to To-Be-Cloned Node List.
- In the upper-right corner, click To-Be-Cloned Node List. In the Nodes to Clone panel, click Clone All.
- In the Compute Engine Mapping dialog box, confirm the mapping of compute engine instances and click OK.
- After the nodes are cloned, go to the destination workspace and view the cloned nodes. In most cases, the directory structure of the workflow is cloned.