Property definition
Data source type: oss_hdfs
Supported configuration mode (ConnectionPropertiesMode): Connection string mode (UrlMode)
Connection string mode
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
regionId | String | cn-beijing | Yes | The ID of the region to which the OSS-HDFS bucket belongs. |
endpoint | String | | Yes | The endpoint of OSS-HDFS. |
bucket | String | test-oss-sh | Yes | The name of the OSS-HDFS bucket. |
authType | String | RamRole | Yes | The access identity. Valid values: RamRole and Ak. |
authIdentity | String | 112345 | Yes | The ID of the RAM role. |
accessId | String | xxxxx | Yes | The AccessKey ID used to access a data source in AccessKey mode. This parameter is required in AccessKey mode. |
accessKey | String | xxxxx | Yes | The AccessKey secret used to access a data source in AccessKey mode. This parameter is required in AccessKey mode. |
envType | String | Dev | Yes | The information about the data source environment. Valid values:
Configuration examples
Connection string mode
AccessKey mode
"envType": "Prod",
"endpoint": "",
"bucket": "test-oss-sh",
"authType": "Ak",
"accessId": "xxx",
"accessKey": "xxx"
RAM role mode
"envType": "Prod",
"endpoint": "",
"bucket": "test-oss-sh",
"authType": "RamRole",
"authIdentity": "1123456"