Property definition
Data source type: analyticdb_for_mysql
Supported configuration modes (ConnectionPropertiesMode):
Connection string mode (UrlMode)
Instance mode (InstanceMode)
Current-account instance mode
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
regionId | String | cn-shanghai | Yes | The ID of the region to which the AnalyticDB for MySQL instance belongs. |
instanceId | String | am-wz90k6goz2i63d8m1 | Yes | The ID of the AnalyticDB for MySQL instance. |
database | String | database_demo | Yes | The name of the AnalyticDB for MySQL database. |
username | String | xxxxx | Yes | The username used to access the AnalyticDB for MySQL database. |
password | String | xxxxx | Yes | The password used to access the AnalyticDB for MySQL database. |
envType | String | Dev | Yes | The information about the data source environment. Valid values:
Cross-account instance mode
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
regionId | String | cn-shanghai | Yes | The ID of the region to which the AnalyticDB for MySQL instance belongs. |
instanceId | String | am-wz90k6goz2i63d8m1 | Yes | The ID of the AnalyticDB for MySQL instance. |
database | String | database_demo | Yes | The name of the AnalyticDB for MySQL database. |
username | String | xxxxx | Yes | The username used to access the AnalyticDB for MySQL database. |
password | String | xxxxx | Yes | The password used to access the AnalyticDB for MySQL database. |
crossAccountOwnerId | String | 1577495724967111 | Yes | The ID of another Alibaba Cloud account. |
crossAccountRoleName | String | dw-ds2.0-role | Yes | The name of the RAM role assumed by another Alibaba Cloud account. |
envType | String | Dev | Yes | The information about the data source environment. Valid values:
Connection string mode
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
database | String | database_demo | Yes | The name of the AnalyticDB for MySQL database. |
username | String | xxxxx | Yes | The username used to access the AnalyticDB for MySQL database. |
password | String | xxxxx | Yes | The password used to access the AnalyticDB for MySQL database. |
address | JSON Array |
| Yes | The address, which is configured in the JSON array format but contains only a single pair of host and port. |
properties | JSONObject | No | The advanced parameters for a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) connection. | |
envType | String | Dev | Yes | The information about the data source environment. Valid values:
Configuration examples
Current-account instance mode
"database": "database",
"password": "***",
"instanceId": "am-uf6z88b2xi4niv71p",
"regionId": "cn-shanghai",
"envType": "Dev",
"username": "username"
Cross-account instance mode
"database": "database",
"password": "***",
"instanceId": "am-uf6z88b2xi4niv71p",
"regionId": "cn-shanghai",
"envType": "Dev",
"username": "username",
"crossAccountOwnerId": "1853195337009715",
"crossAccountRoleName": "dw-ds2.0-role"
Connection string mode
"address": [
"host": "",
"port": 5432
"database": "db",
"properties": {
"connectTimeout": "2000"
"username": "aliyun",
"password": "xxx",
"envType": "Dev"