Property definition
Data source type: ftp
Supported configuration mode (ConnectionPropertiesMode): Connection string mode (UrlMode)
Connection string mode
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
protocol | String | ftp | Yes | The protocol type. Valid values: ftp, sftp, and ftps. |
host | String | | Yes | The address of the host. |
port | String | 22 | Yes | The port number. |
baseDir | String | /root/ | No | The base path. |
securityProtocol | String | passwordAuth | No |
The authentication type. Valid values: passwordAuth and authTypeSshKey. This parameter is required if you set the protocol parameter to sftp. |
username | String | xxxxx | Yes | The username. |
password | String | xxxxx | No | The password. This parameter is required if you set the protocol parameter to sftp and the securityProtocol parameter to passwordAuth. This parameter is required if you set the protocol parameter to ftp or ftps. |
sshKeyFile | String | 1 | No | The ID of the authentication file. This parameter is required if you set the securityProtocol parameter to authTypeSshKey. |
Configuration examples
Connection string mode
"host": "",
"port": "5432",
"protocol": "sftp",
"username": "xxxxx",
"password": "xxxxx",
"envType": "Dev"