This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
Space Management
API | Title | Description |
Workspace | Workspace | |
CreateProject | CreateProject | Creates a workspace. |
UpdateProject | UpdateProject | Updates a DataWorks workspace. |
DeleteProject | DeleteProject | Deletes a DataWorks workspace. |
GetProject | GetProject | Queries the information about a DataWorks workspace. |
ListProjects | ListProjects | Queries a list of DataWorks workspaces of the tenant to which your account belongs. |
Workspace Role | Workspace Role | |
GetProjectRole | GetProjectRole | Queries the information about a role in a DataWorks workspace. |
ListProjectRoles | ListProjectRoles | Queries the information about roles in a DataWorks workspace by page. |
Workspace Member | Workspace Member | |
CreateProjectMember | CreateProjectMember | Adds a workspace member and assigns a workspace-level role to the member. |
DeleteProjectMember | DeleteProjectMember | Removes a workspace member and the workspace-level roles that are assigned to the member. |
GrantMemberProjectRoles | GrantMemberProjectRoles | Assigns roles to members in a workspace. |
RevokeMemberProjectRoles | RevokeMemberProjectRoles | Revokes roles that are assigned to a member in a workspace. |
GetProjectMember | GetProjectMember | Queries the details about a member in a workspace. |
ListProjectMembers | ListProjectMembers | Queries details about members in a workspace. |
Data Source
API | Title | Description |
CreateDataSource | CreateDataSource | Adds a data source to the development environment or production environment of a workspace. |
DeleteDataSource | DeleteDataSource | Removes a data source by ID. |
UpdateDataSource | UpdateDataSource | Modifies a data source by ID. |
CloneDataSource | CloneDataSource | Clones an existing data source. |
GetDataSource | GetDataSource | Queries a data source by ID. |
ListDataSources | ListDataSources | Queries a list of data sources based on the business information of data sources. |
Data Source Sharing Rules | Data Source Sharing Rules | |
CreateDataSourceSharedRule | CreateDataSourceSharedRule | Creates a rule for sharing a data source to other workspaces or RAM users. |
DeleteDataSourceSharedRule | DeleteDataSourceSharedRule | Deletes a sharing rule of a data source by ID. |
ListDataSourceSharedRules | ListDataSourceSharedRules | Queries a list of sharing rules of a data source. |
Resource Group Management
API | Title | Description |
Resource Group | Resource Group | |
DeleteResourceGroup | DeleteResourceGroup | Deletes a serverless resource group. |
UpdateResourceGroup | UpdateResourceGroup | Updates basic information about a resource group. |
GetResourceGroup | GetResourceGroup | Queries the information about a resource group based on its ID. |
ListResourceGroups | ListResourceGroups | Queries a list of resource groups. |
DissociateProjectFromResourceGroup | DissociateProjectFromResourceGroup | Disassociates a resource group from a workspace. |
AssociateProjectToResourceGroup | AssociateProjectToResourceGroup | Associates a resource group with a workspace. |
Routing | Routing | |
CreateRoute | CreateRoute | Creates a route for a network. |
DeleteRoute | DeleteRoute | Deletes a route from a network resource. |
UpdateRoute | UpdateRoute | Updates the information about a route. |
GetRoute | GetRoute | Queries the information about a route based on its ID. |
ListRoutes | ListRoutes | Queries a list of routes of a network resource. |
Network | Network | |
CreateNetwork | CreateNetwork | Creates a network and associates the network with a general resource group. |
DeleteNetwork | DeleteNetwork | Disassociates and deletes a network from a general resource group. |
Data Development
API | Title | Description |
Node | Node | |
CreateNode | CreateNode | Creates a node in Data Studio. |
DeleteNode | DeleteNode | Deletes a node from DataStudio. |
UpdateNode | UpdateNode | Updates the basic information about a node in DataStudio. This API operation performs an incremental update. The update information is described by using FlowSpec. |
MoveNode | MoveNode | Moves a node to a path in DataStudio. |
RenameNode | RenameNode | Renames a node in DataStudio. |
GetNode | GetNode | Queries the information about a node in DataStudio. |
ListNodes | ListNodes | Queries a list of nodes in DataStudio. You can also specify filter conditions to query specific nodes. |
ListNodeDependencies | ListNodeDependencies | Queries a list of descendant nodes of a node in DataStudio. |
Workflow | Workflow | |
CreateWorkflowDefinition | CreateWorkflowDefinition | Creates a workflow in a directory of DataStudio. |
ImportWorkflowDefinition | ImportWorkflowDefinition | Imports a workflow and its child nodes that are specified by the FlowSpec field to DataStudio. |
DeleteWorkflowDefinition | DeleteWorkflowDefinition | Deletes a workflow from DataStudio. |
UpdateWorkflowDefinition | UpdateWorkflowDefinition | Updates the basic information about a workflow in DataStudio. This API operation performs an incremental update. The update information is described by using FlowSpec. |
MoveWorkflowDefinition | MoveWorkflowDefinition | Moves a workflow to a path in DataStudio. |
RenameWorkflowDefinition | RenameWorkflowDefinition | Renames a workflow in DataStudio. |
GetWorkflowDefinition | GetWorkflowDefinition | Queries the information about a workflow. |
ListWorkflowDefinitions | ListWorkflowDefinitions | Queries a list of workflows in DataStudio. You can also specify filter conditions to query specific workflows. |
Resource | Resource | |
CreateResource | CreateResource | Creates a file resource in DataStudio. The information about the file resource is described by using FlowSpec. |
DeleteResource | DeleteResource | Deletes a file resource from DataStudio. |
DeleteResource | DeleteResource | |
UpdateResource | UpdateResource | Updates the basic information about a file resource in DataStudio. This API operation performs an incremental update. The update information is described by using FlowSpec. |
MoveResource | MoveResource | Moves a file resource to a path in DataStudio. |
RenameResource | RenameResource | Renames a file resource in DataStudio. |
GetResource | GetResource | Queries the information about a file resource. |
ListResources | ListResources | Queries a list of file resources in DataStudio. You can also specify filter conditions to query specific file resources. |
Function | Function | |
CreateFunction | CreateFunction | Creates a user-defined function (UDF) in DataStudio. The information about the UDF is described by using FlowSpec. |
DeleteFunction | DeleteFunction | Deletes a user-defined function (UDF) in DataStudio. |
UpdateFunction | UpdateFunction | Updates the basic information about a user-defined function (UDF) in DataStudio. This API operation performs an incremental update. The update information is described by using FlowSpec. |
UpdateFunction | UpdateFunction | |
MoveFunction | MoveFunction | Moves a user-defined function (UDF) to a path in DataStudio. |
RenameFunction | RenameFunction | Renames a user-defined function (UDF) in DataStudio. |
GetFunction | GetFunction | Queries the information about a user-defined function (UDF) in DataStudio. |
ListFunctions | ListFunctions | Queries a list of user-defined functions (UDFs) in DataStudio. You can also specify filter conditions to query specific UDFs. |
Deployment | Deployment | |
CreateDeployment | CreateDeployment | Creates a process for deploying or undeploying an entity in DataStudio. |
AbolishDeployment | AbolishDeployment | Terminates the process for deploying or undeploying an entity. The process is not deleted and can still be queried by calling query operations. |
ExecDeploymentStage | ExecDeploymentStage | Executes a stage in a process. |
GetDeployment | GetDeployment | Queries the information about a process for deploying or undeploying an entity. |
ListDeployments | ListDeployments | Queries a list of processes that are used to deploy or undeploy entities in DataStudio. You can also specify filter conditions to query specific processes. |
Data Integration
API | Title | Description |
Synchronization Task | Synchronization Task | |
CreateDIJob | CreateDIJob | Creates a new-version synchronization task. |
UpdateDIJob | UpdateDIJob | Updates a synchronization task. |
StopDIJob | StopDIJob | Stops a synchronization task. |
GetDIJob | GetDIJob | Queries the information about a synchronization task. |
GetDIJobLog | GetDIJobLog | Obtains logs generated for a synchronization task. |
ListDIJobs | ListDIJobs | Queries a list of synchronization tasks. |
ListDIJobRunDetails | ListDIJobRunDetails | Queries the running information about a synchronization task. |
ListDIJobMetrics | ListDIJobMetrics | Queries metrics for a synchronization task. |
ListDIJobEvents | ListDIJobEvents | Queries events for a synchronization task. |
Task Alert | Task Alert | |
CreateDIAlarmRule | CreateDIAlarmRule | Creates an alert rule for a synchronization task. |
UpdateDIAlarmRule | UpdateDIAlarmRule | Updates an alert rule configured for a synchronization task. |
DeleteDIAlarmRule | DeleteDIAlarmRule | Deletes an alert rule configured for a synchronization task. |
ListDIAlarmRules | ListDIAlarmRules | Views alert rules configured for a synchronization task. |
Operation Center
API | Title | Description |
Monitoring Alarm | Monitoring Alarm | |
ListAlertRules | ListAlertRules | Queries a list of custom monitoring alert rule by page. |
GetAlertRule | GetAlertRule | Queries a list of custom alert monitoring rules. |
UpdateAlertRule | UpdateAlertRule | Updates a custom alert monitoring rule. |
DeleteAlertRule | DeleteAlertRule | Deletes a custom alert monitoring rule. |
CreateAlertRule | CreateAlertRule | Creates a custom monitoring alert rule. |
Task | Task | |
DeleteTask | DeleteTask | Deletes a task. |
GetTask | GetTask | Queries the information about a task. |
ListTasks | ListTasks | Queries a list of tasks by page. You can also specify filter conditions to query tasks. |
ListUpstreamTasks | ListUpstreamTasks | Queries a list of ancestor tasks of a task by page. |
ListDownstreamTasks | ListDownstreamTasks | Queries a list of descendant tasks of a task by page. |
ListTaskOperationLogs | ListTaskOperationLogs | Queries a list of operation logs of a task by page. |
Task Instances | Task Instances | |
UpdateTaskInstances | UpdateTaskInstances | Modifies properties configured for multiple instances at a time. The properties include the priority, resource group for scheduling, and data source. |
GetTaskInstance | GetTaskInstance | Queries the information about an instance. |
GetTaskInstanceLog | GetTaskInstanceLog | Queries the run log generated during a specific run of an instance. |
ListTaskInstances | ListTaskInstances | Queries a list of instances. You can also specify filter conditions to query specific instances. |
ListUpstreamTaskInstances | ListUpstreamTaskInstances | Queries a list of ancestor instances of an instance by page. |
ListTaskInstanceOperationLogs | ListTaskInstanceOperationLogs | Queries a list of operation logs of an instance by page. |
ListDownstreamTaskInstances | ListDownstreamTaskInstances | Queries a list of descendant instances of an instance by page. |
SuspendTaskInstances | SuspendTaskInstances | Suspends multiple instances at a time. |
ResumeTaskInstances | ResumeTaskInstances | Resumes multiple suspended instances at a time. |
StopTaskInstances | StopTaskInstances | Stops multiple instances at a time. |
SetSuccessTaskInstances | SetSuccessTaskInstances | Sets the statuses of multiple instances to successful at a time. |
RerunTaskInstances | RerunTaskInstances | Reruns multiple instances at a time. |
RemoveTaskInstanceDependencies | RemoveTaskInstanceDependencies | Removes multiple upstream dependencies of an instance at a time. |
TriggerSchedulerTaskInstance | TriggerSchedulerTaskInstance | Triggers a task to run by using an HTTP Trigger node at a specified time. |
Data Quality
API | Title | Description |
Quality Evaluation Tasks | Quality Evaluation Tasks | |
ListDataQualityEvaluationTasks | ListDataQualityEvaluationTasks | Queries a list of data quality monitoring tasks by page. |
Quality Rules | Quality Rules | |
CreateDataQualityRule | CreateDataQualityRule | Creates a data quality monitoring rule. |
GetDataQualityRule | GetDataQualityRule | Queries the information about a data quality monitoring rule. |
UpdateDataQualityRule | UpdateDataQualityRule | Updates a data quality monitoring rule. |
DeleteDataQualityRule | DeleteDataQualityRule | Deletes a data quality monitoring rule. |
ListDataQualityRules | ListDataQualityRules | Queries a list of data quality monitoring rules by page. |
Quality Evaluation Task Instances | Quality Evaluation Task Instances | |
ListDataQualityEvaluationTaskInstances | ListDataQualityEvaluationTaskInstances | Queries a list of instances generated by a data quality monitoring task by page. |
Quality Rule Instances | Quality Rule Instances | |
ListDataQualityResults | ListDataQualityResults | |
Quality Rule Template | Quality Rule Template | |
CreateDataQualityRuleTemplate | CreateDataQualityRuleTemplate | Creates a data quality monitoring rule template. |
UpdateDataQualityRuleTemplate | UpdateDataQualityRuleTemplate | Updates a data quality monitoring rule template. |
DeleteDataQualityRuleTemplate | DeleteDataQualityRuleTemplate | Deletes a data quality monitoring rule template. |
Open Platform
API | Title | Description |
GetJobStatus | GetJobStatus | Queries the status information of an asynchronous task. After you call an asynchronous operation, an asynchronous task is generated. You can call the GetJobStatus operation to query the status of the asynchronous task. |