| object | | |
RequestId | string | | 8abcb91f-d266-4073-b907-2ed670378ed1 |
AlertRule | object | The information about the rule. | |
Id | long | | 16035 |
Name | string | | error_rule |
Owner | string | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account used by the owner of the rule. | 279961421580845157 |
Enabled | boolean | Indicates whether the rule is enabled. | true |
Notification | object | The configuration for the alert notification. | |
SilenceStartTime | string | The start time for silence. The time is in the HH:mm:ss format. | 00:00:00 |
SilenceEndTime | string | The end time for silence. The time is in the HH:mm:ss format. | 00:00:00 |
IntervalInMinutes | integer | The interval at which an alert notification is sent. Unit: minutes. Valid values: [5,10000]. | 30 |
Maximum | integer | The maximum number of times an alert notification can be sent within a calendar day. Valid values: [1, 10000]. | 3 |
Channels | array | The alert notification channels. | |
Channels | string | The alert notification channel. Valid values:
- Mail
- Phone
- Sms: text message
- Dingding: DingTalk
- Feishu: Lark
- Weixin: WeCom
- Webhook: custom webhook
| Sms |
Receivers | array<object> | | |
Receivers | object | | |
ReceiverType | string | The type of the alert recipient. Valid valves:
- AliUid: Alibaba Cloud account ID.
- Shift Schedules: the personnel in a shift schedule.
- TaskOwner: the task owner. The task owner can receive custom alerts and event alerts.
- Owner: the baseline owner. The baseline owner can receive baseline alerts.
- WebhookUrl: URL of a custom webhook.
- DingdingUrl: DingTalk webhook URL.
- FeishuUrl: Lark webhook URL.
- WeixinUrl: WeCom webhook URL.
| WebhookUrl |
ReceiverValues | array | | |
ReceiverValues | string | The ID of the alert recipient. If the ReceiverType parameter is set to AliUid, set this parameter to an Alibaba Cloud account ID. If the ReceiverType parameter is set to ShiftSchedule, set this parameter to a shift schedule ID. If the ReceiverType parameter is set to WebhookUrl, DingdingUrl, FeishuUrl, or WeixinUrl, set this parameter to a corresponding URL. | 123123123 |
Extension | string | The additional configuration of the alert recipient. If the ReceiverType parameter is set to DingdingUrl, you can set this parameter to {"atAll":true} to remind all members in a DingTalk group. | {"atAll":true} |
TriggerCondition | object | The alert triggering condition. | |
Type | string | The alert type. Valid values:
- Finished: An instance is successfully run.
- UnFinished: An instance does not finish running before a specified point in time.
- Error: An error occurs on an instance.
- CycleUnfinished: An instance does not finish running as expected within a specific cycle.
- Timeout: An instance times out.
- InstanceTransferComplete: An instance is generated by the auto triggered node.
- InstanceTransferFluctuate: The number of generated instances fluctuates.
- ExhaustedError: An error persists after an instance is automatically rerun.
- InstanceKeyword: An instance with errors contains specified keywords.
- InstanceErrorCount: The number of instances on which an error occurs reaches a specified threshold.
- InstanceErrorPercentage: The proportion of instances on which an error occurs in the workspace to the total number of instances reaches a specified threshold.
- ResourceGroupPercentage: The usage rate of the resource group reaches a specified threshold.
- ResourceGroupWaitCount: The number of instances that are waiting for resources in the resource group reaches a specified threshold.
| Error |
Extension | object | The extended information about the rule. This parameter is required for specific types of alerts. | |
Error | object | The configuration for an alert of the Error type. | |
StreamTaskIds | array | The IDs of the real-time computing tasks. This parameter is required when you monitor real-time computing tasks. | |
StreamTaskIds | long | The ID of the real-time computing task. | 123123 |
AutoRerunAlert | boolean | Indicates whether an alert is triggered if a batch synchronization task is automatically rerun upon a failure. | false |
Timeout | object | The configuration for an alert of the Timeout type. | |
TimeoutInMinutes | integer | The timeout period. Unit: minutes. Valid values: [1, 21600]. | 10 |
UnFinished | object | The configuration for an alert of the UnFinished type. | |
UnFinishedTime | string | The latest completion time of the instance. The period is in the hh:mm format. Valid values of hh: [0,47]. Valid values of mm: [0,59]. | 12:00 |
CycleUnfinished | object | The configuration for an alert of the CycleUnfinished type. | |
CycleAndTime | array<object> | The configurations of the scheduling cycle and timeout period of the instance. | |
CycleAndTime | object | | |
CycleId | integer | The ID of the scheduling cycle of the instance. Valid values: [1,288]. | 1 |
Time | string | The latest completion time of the instance within the scheduling cycle. The time is in the hh:mm format. Valid values of hh: [0,47]. Valid values of mm: [0,59]. | 12:00 |
InstanceErrorCount | object | The configuration for an alert of the InstanceErrorCount type. | |
Count | integer | The maximum number of instances on which an error occurs. Valid values: [1,10000]. | 10 |
InstanceErrorPercentage | object | The configuration for an alert of the InstanceErrorPercentage type. | |
Percentage | integer | The maximum percentage of instances on which an error occurs in the workspace to the total number of instances. Valid values: [1-100]. | 10 |
InstanceTransferFluctuate | object | The configuration for an alert of the InstanceTransferFluctuate type. | |
Trend | string | The way in which the number of auto triggered node instances that are generated in your workspace fluctuates. Valid values:
- abs: the absolute value. The number of instances increases or decreases.
- increase: The number of instances increases.
- decrease: The number of instances decreases.
| 10 |
Percentage | integer | The maximum percentage of fluctuation in the number of auto triggered node instances that are generated in your workspace. Valid values: [1-100]. | 10 |
Target | object | | |
Type | string | The type of the monitored objects. Valid values:
- Task: node
- Baseline: baseline
- Project: workspace
- BizProcess: workflow
| Task |
Ids | array | The IDs of monitored objects. | |
Ids | long | The ID of the monitored object. | 32570 |
AllowTasks | array | The nodes that are not to be monitored. | |
AllowTasks | long | The ID of the node that is not to be monitored. | 123123 |