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Updated at: 2024-04-17 07:34

This topic describes some basic terms and concepts in the DataV documentation to help you better use the product.

a project
Data Sources
Blueprint template
SQL script template
Data display format description

A dashboard created by using DataV based on data is a visualization application. DataV is a tool that converts data into various dynamic charts and maps to present data to users in real time. For more information about how to create a visualization application, see Use a template to create a visualization application on a PC.

When you use DataV to create a visualization application, you must first specify the data source where the raw data resides. DataV supports multiple types of data sources: databases, files, and APIs. For more information about how to add a data source, see Add a data source.

The canvas editor is the main visual function area of DataV. You can use a canvas to determine the layout and colors for a project, adjust the sizes and locations of charts, and preview the configuration of the project. For more information about how to use a canvas, see Canvas operations.

Blueprint Editor is the main logical function area of DataV. You can use blueprints to configure logical connections and interactions between nodes and manage logs on the debugging preview page. For more information about how to use blueprints, see Configure Blueprint Editor.

The toolbar is located right above the canvas. It is mainly used to return to the console, control the display of the layer bar, control the display of the component bar, control the display of the right panel, set project filters, view component updates, configure the beautification toolbox, Configure Blueprint Editor, publish, preview, help, and report errors.

You can click the Widgets icon in the toolbar to select widgets from the Widgets drop-down list and add them to a canvas.

DataV supports the following types of widgets:

  • Regular

  • chart-components

  • map

  • media-controls

  • Text

  • relationship-network

  • material

  • Interaction

  • Others

  • Add widgets to the favorite list

The following table provides examples of some data format. For more data display formats, see https://github.com/d3/d3-format/blob/v3.1.0/README.md#format.



Sample value


Floating point number (keep one decimal place)

11.111 => 11.1


Floating point number (keep two decimal places)

11.111 => 11.11


The percentage.

0.11 => 11%


Percentage (accurate to the last digit of the percentage)

0.111 => 11.1%


Percentage (accurate to the last two digits of the percentage)

0.1111 => 11.11%


Thousands separator

1111.1 => 1,111


thousands separator (keep one decimal place)

1111.1 => 1,111.1


Group thousands with two significant digits

1111 => 1,100


index symbol

11 => 1.100000e+1


Binary notation, rounded to an integer

1111 => 10001010111


Octal notation, rounded to an integer

1111 => 2127


decimal notation, rounded to an integer

11.111 => 11


decimal notation, rounding to significant digits

11.111 => 11.1110


decimal notation with SI prefix, rounded to significant digits

1100 => 1.10000k


The ~ option trims insignificant trailing zeros in all format types



1100 => 1.1k


11.111 => 11.111


Hexadecimal notation, using lowercase letters, rounded to an integer

48879 => beef


Hexadecimal notation, using uppercase letters, rounded to an integer

48879 => BEEF

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