This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
Service information
API | Title | Description |
DescribeMetadata | DescribeMetadata | Queries basic information about a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
ASM instance
API | Title | Description |
CreateServiceMesh | CreateServiceMesh | Creates a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DeleteServiceMesh | DeleteServiceMesh | Deletes a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
ModifyServiceMeshName | ModifyServiceMeshName | Modifies the name of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
UpdateMeshFeature | UpdateMeshFeature | Updates the configuration of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
RevokeKubeconfig | RevokeKubeconfig | Revokes the kubeconfig file of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance and generates a new kubeconfig file. |
DescribeServiceMeshes | DescribeServiceMeshes | Queries a list of Service Mesh (ASM) instances. |
DescribeServiceMeshDetail | DescribeServiceMeshDetail | Queries the details of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeServiceMeshKubeconfig | DescribeServiceMeshKubeconfig | Queries the content of the kubeconfig file of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeServiceMeshAdditionalStatus | DescribeServiceMeshAdditionalStatus | Queries the check results of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeVersions | DescribeVersions | Queries available Service Mesh (ASM) versions when you create an ASM instance. |
Mesh management
API | Title | Description |
ReActivateAudit | ReActivateAudit | Recreates a project that is used to store audit logs. After mesh audit is enabled, if you delete the log project that stores audit logs by mistake, you can recreate a project for storing audit logs. |
DescribeNodesInstanceType | DescribeNodesInstanceType | Queries the instance types of nodes on the data plane and whether the instance types support Multi-Buffer acceleration. |
DescribeCCMVersion | DescribeCCMVersion | Queries the versions of the Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) component. |
GetCaCert | GetCaCert | Obtains a certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA). |
Permission management
API | Title | Description |
GrantUserPermissions | GrantUserPermissions | Grants permissions to a Resource Access Management (RAM) user. |
DescribeUserPermissions | DescribeUserPermissions | Obtains role-based access control (RBAC) permissions. |
DescribeUsersWithPermissions | DescribeUsersWithPermissions | Queries the IDs of all RAM users or RAM roles to which a Role-based Access Control (RBAC) role is assigned. |
Mesh resources
API | Title | Description |
UpdateMeshCRAggregation | UpdateMeshCRAggregation | Updates the settings of whether to enable the Kubernetes API on the data plane to access Istio resources. |
ModifyApiServerEipResource | ModifyApiServerEipResource | Disassociates an elastic IP address (EIP) from an API server or associates an EIP with an API server. |
DescribeVSwitches | DescribeVSwitches | Queries a list of vSwitches that are deployed in a specified virtual private cloud (VPC) in a region. |
DescribeVpcs | DescribeVpcs | Queries the virtual private clouds (VPCs) that are available in a specified region. |
DescribeCens | DescribeCens | Queries the network connectivity between clusters that are deployed across virtual private clouds (VPCs) in a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeCrTemplates | DescribeCrTemplates | Queries the common YAML templates of Istio resources used by Service Mesh (ASM) instances. |
DescribeEipResources | DescribeEipResources | Queries elastic IP addresses (EIPs). |
Dataplane component management
API | Title | Description |
UpdateNamespaceScopeSidecarConfig | UpdateNamespaceScopeSidecarConfig | Updates the configurations of sidecar proxies at the namespace level. |
UpdateIstioInjectionConfig | UpdateIstioInjectionConfig | Modifies the sidecar proxy injection settings of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeServiceMeshProxyStatus | DescribeServiceMeshProxyStatus | Queries the status of proxies on the data plane of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeNamespaceScopeSidecarConfig | DescribeNamespaceScopeSidecarConfig | Queries the configurations of sidecar proxies at the namespace level. |
API | Title | Description |
AddClusterIntoServiceMesh | AddClusterIntoServiceMesh | Adds a cluster to a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
RemoveClusterFromServiceMesh | RemoveClusterFromServiceMesh | Removes a cluster from a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
UpdateASMNamespaceFromGuestCluster | UpdateASMNamespaceFromGuestCluster | Synchronizes namespaces of a Kubernetes cluster that is added to a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeServiceMeshClusters | DescribeServiceMeshClusters | Queries the clusters that can be added to a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeClustersInServiceMesh | DescribeClustersInServiceMesh | Queries the information about clusters in a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeGuestClusterPods | DescribeGuestClusterPods | Queries a list of the pods in a specified namespace of a Kubernetes cluster that is added to a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeGuestClusterNamespaces | DescribeGuestClusterNamespaces | Queries a list of the namespaces of a Kubernetes cluster that is added to a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeReusableSlb | DescribeReusableSlb | Queries the Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances that can be reused. |
GetRegisteredServiceEndpoints | GetRegisteredServiceEndpoints | Queries the endpoints of a registered service in an Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
GetRegisteredServiceNamespaces | GetRegisteredServiceNamespaces | Queries the namespaces of a registered service in an Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
ASM gateway
API | Title | Description |
CreateASMGateway | CreateASMGateway | Creates a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
CreateIstioGatewayRoutes | CreateIstioGatewayRoutes | Creates a routing rule for a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
CreateGatewaySecret | CreateGatewaySecret | Creates a secret for a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
CreateIstioGatewayDomains | CreateIstioGatewayDomains | Adds domain names for a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
DeleteGatewayRoute | DeleteGatewayRoute | Deletes a routing rule for a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
DeleteGatewaySecret | DeleteGatewaySecret | Deletes a secret for a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
DeleteIstioGatewayDomains | DeleteIstioGatewayDomains | Deletes one or more domain names for a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
UpdateASMGateway | UpdateASMGateway | Updates a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
UpdateASMGatewayImportedServices | UpdateASMGatewayImportedServices | Updates imported services on a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway to import or delete upstream services associated with the gateway. |
UpdateIstioGatewayRoutes | UpdateIstioGatewayRoutes | Updates a routing rule for a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
UpdateIstioRouteAdditionalStatus | UpdateIstioRouteAdditionalStatus | Updates the information about a routing rule for a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
DescribeImportedServicesDetail | DescribeImportedServicesDetail | Queries the details of the imported services on a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
DescribeASMGatewayImportedServices | DescribeASMGatewayImportedServices | Queries the information about imported services on a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
DescribeIstioGatewayRouteDetail | DescribeIstioGatewayRouteDetail | Queries the detailed information about a routing rule of an Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
DescribeGatewaySecretDetails | DescribeGatewaySecretDetails | Queries the detailed information about a secret of a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
DescribeIstioGatewayDomains | DescribeIstioGatewayDomains | Queries a list of the domain names that are exposed by a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
DescribeIstioGatewayRoutes | DescribeIstioGatewayRoutes | Queries the routing rules for a Service Mesh (ASM) gateway. |
API | Title | Description |
DescribeClusterGrafana | DescribeClusterGrafana | Queries the information about Grafana dashboards of a cluster in a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeClusterPrometheus | DescribeClusterPrometheus | Queries the public endpoint of the Prometheus service that is used to monitor a cluster in a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeServiceMeshLogs | DescribeServiceMeshLogs | Queries the logs of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeGuestClusterAccessLogDashboards | DescribeGuestClusterAccessLogDashboards | Queries the access log dashboards of a cluster on the data plane. |
GetGrafanaDashboardUrl | GetGrafanaDashboardUrl | Queries the Grafana dashboard URL from Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS). |
API | Title | Description |
UpgradeMeshVersion | UpgradeMeshVersion | Updates the version of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
UpgradeMeshEditionPartially | UpgradeMeshEditionPartially | Upgrades a Service Mesh (ASM) instance to Professional Edition that is commercially released. |
DescribeUpgradeVersion | DescribeUpgradeVersion | Queries the update status of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
DescribeServiceMeshUpgradeStatus | DescribeServiceMeshUpgradeStatus | Queries the upgrade details of a Service Mesh (ASM) instance and its ingress gateways. |
Traffic swimlane
API | Title | Description |
CreateSwimLane | CreateSwimLane | Creates a lane. |
CreateSwimLaneGroup | CreateSwimLaneGroup | Creates a lane group. |
DeleteSwimLane | DeleteSwimLane | Deletes a lane. |
DeleteSwimLaneGroup | DeleteSwimLaneGroup | Deletes a lane group. If a lane group is deleted, the lanes in the group and the traffic routing rules attached to the lanes are deleted. |
UpdateSwimLane | UpdateSwimLane | Updates the information about a lane. |
UpdateSwimLaneGroup | UpdateSwimLaneGroup | Updates the information of a lane group. |
GetSwimLaneDetail | GetSwimLaneDetail | Queries detailed information about a lane. |
GetSwimLaneGroupList | GetSwimLaneGroupList | Queries a list of all lane groups in an Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
GetSwimLaneList | GetSwimLaneList | Queries a list of all the lanes in a lane group. |
API | Title | Description |
GetDeploymentBySelector | GetDeploymentBySelector | Queries a list of workloads specified by a label selector. |
UpdateControlPlaneLogConfig | UpdateControlPlaneLogConfig | Modifies the configuration for collecting control plane logs. |
UntagResources | UntagResources | Deletes user tags on a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
ListTagResources | ListTagResources | Queries user tags on a Service Mesh (ASM) instance. |
TagResources | TagResources | Adds or modifies user tags on a resource. |
UpdateWaypoint | UpdateWaypoint | |
CreateWaypoint | CreateWaypoint | |
DeleteWaypoint | DeleteWaypoint | |
ListWaypoints | ListWaypoints | Queries the configurations of all waypoint proxies in a namespace of a cluster on the data plane. |
ListServiceAccounts | ListServiceAccounts |