Updates the configurations of sidecar proxies at the namespace level.
Authorization information
The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action
policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:
- Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
- Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
- Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
- The required resource types are displayed in bold characters.
- If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level,
All Resources
is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
- Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
- Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
Operation | Access level | Resource type | Condition key | Associated operation |
servicemesh:UpdateNamespaceScopeSidecarConfig | update |
| none |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
ServiceMeshId | string | Yes | The ID of the ASM instance. | ca04bc38979214bf2882be79d39b4**** |
Namespace | string | No | The namespace for which you want to update the sidecar proxy configurations. | default |
IncludeIPRanges | string | No | The range of IP addresses that are denied to access external services. ( | * |
ExcludeIPRanges | string | No | The range of IP addresses that are allowed to access external services. ( | |
IncludeInboundPorts | string | No | The port that the inbound traffic of the sidecar proxy passes through. | 83 |
ExcludeOutboundPorts | string | No | The port that the outbound traffic of the sidecar proxy does not pass through. | 81 |
ExcludeInboundPorts | string | No | The port that the inbound traffic of the sidecar proxy does not pass through. | 82 |
IncludeOutboundPorts | string | No | The port that the outbound traffic of the sidecar proxy passes through. | 84 |
TerminationDrainDuration | string | No | The maximum period of time that the sidecar proxy waits for a request to end. | 6s |
ProxyInitCPUResourceLimit | string | No | The maximum number of CPU cores that are available to the sidecar proxy init container. | 2000 m |
ProxyInitMemoryResourceLimit | string | No | The maximum size of memory that is available to the sidecar proxy init container. | 50 Mi |
ProxyInitCPUResourceRequest | string | No | The minimum number of CPU cores that are requested by the sidecar proxy init container. | 60 m |
ProxyInitMemoryResourceRequest | string | No | The minimum size of memory that is requested by the sidecar proxy init container. | 30 Mi |
SidecarProxyCPUResourceLimit | string | No | The maximum number of CPU cores that are available to the sidecar proxy container. | 2000 m |
SidecarProxyMemoryResourceLimit | string | No | The maximum size of memory that is available to the sidecar proxy container. | 50 Mi |
SidecarProxyCPUResourceRequest | string | No | The minimum number of CPU cores that are requested by the sidecar proxy container. | 60 m |
SidecarProxyMemoryResourceRequest | string | No | The minimum size of memory that is requested by the sidecar proxy container. | 30 Mi |
Lifecycle | string | No | The lifecycle of the sidecar proxy. | {"postStart":{"exec":{"command":["pilot-agent","wait"]}},"preStop":{"exec":{"command":["/bin/sh","-c","sleep 15"]}}} |
IstioDNSProxyEnabled | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable the Domain Name System (DNS) proxy feature. Valid values:
| true |
PostStart | string | No | The post-start parameters of Istio Proxy. | {"exec":{"command":["pilot-agent","wait"]}} |
PreStop | string | No | The pre-close parameters of Istio Proxy. | {"exec":{"command":["/bin/sh","-c","sleep 15"]}} |
Concurrency | integer | No | The number of worker threads to run in Istio Proxy. | 2 |
ProxyStatsMatcher | string | No | The monitoring metrics for data collected by Envoy proxies. The value is in the JSON format. | { "inclusionPrefixes": [ "cluster.outbound", "cluster_manager", "listener_manager", "server", "cluster.xds-grpc" ], "inclusionRegexps": [ "listener.*.downstream_cx_total", "listener.*.downstream_cx_active" ] } |
HoldApplicationUntilProxyStarts | boolean | No | Specifies whether applications can be started only after Istio Proxy starts. Valid values:
| true |
LogLevel | string | No | The log level. Valid values: | info |
Tracing | string | No | The custom configurations of Tracing Analysis. The configurations must be serialized into JSON strings. The configurations contain the following parameters:
| {"sampling":99.8,"custom_tags":{"test":{"literal":{"value":"testnamespace"}}}} |
InterceptionMode | string | No | The mode in which the sidecar proxy intercepts inbound traffic. Valid values:
ProxyMetadata | string | No | The environment variables that are added to a sidecar proxy. The environment variables are represented as JSON objects. The keys and values in the JSON objects represent the keys and values added to the environment variables of the sidecar proxy. | {"EXIT_ON_ZERO_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS":"true"} |
ProxyInitAckSloCPUResourceLimit | string | No | The maximum number of reclaimed CPU cores provided by Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) that are available to the istio-init container. Reclaimed resources, including CPU cores and memory, are resources that can be dynamically overcommitted. This configuration item is used to set the maximum number of CPU cores that are available to the istio-init container in a pod labeled with | 2000 |
ProxyInitAckSloMemoryResourceLimit | string | No | The maximum size of reclaimed memory resources provided by ACK that are available to the istio-init container. This configuration item is used to set the maximum size of memory that is available to the istio-init container in a pod labeled with | 2048Mi |
ProxyInitAckSloCPUResourceRequest | string | No | The minimum number of reclaimed CPU cores provided by ACK that the istio-init container requires at runtime. This configuration item is used to set the minimum number of reclaimed CPU cores for the istio-init container in a pod labeled with | 100 |
ProxyInitAckSloMemoryResourceRequest | string | No | The minimum size of reclaimed memory provided by ACK that the istio-init container requires at runtime. This configuration item is used to set the minimum size of reclaimed memory for the istio-init container in a pod labeled with | 128Mi |
SidecarProxyAckSloCPUResourceLimit | string | No | The maximum number of reclaimed CPU cores provided by ACK that are available to the sidecar proxy container. This configuration item is used to set the maximum number of CPU cores that are available to the sidecar proxy container in a pod labeled with | 2000 |
SidecarProxyAckSloMemoryResourceLimit | string | No | The maximum size of reclaimed memory resources provided by ACK that are available to the sidecar proxy container. This configuration item is used to set the maximum size of memory that is available to the sidecar proxy container in a pod labeled with | 2048Mi |
SidecarProxyAckSloCPUResourceRequest | string | No | The minimum number of reclaimed CPU cores provided by ACK that the sidecar proxy container requires at runtime. This configuration item is used to set the minimum number of reclaimed CPU cores for the sidecar proxy container in a pod labeled with | 100 |
SidecarProxyAckSloMemoryResourceRequest | string | No | The minimum size of reclaimed memory provided by ACK that the sidecar proxy container requires at runtime. This configuration item is used to set the minimum size of reclaimed memory for the sidecar proxy container in a pod labeled with | 128Mi |
Privileged | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable the privileged mode in the security context of the sidecar proxy containers. Valid values:
| false |
EnableCoreDump | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable the core dump feature for the sidecar proxy containers. Valid values:
| false |
ReadinessInitialDelaySeconds | integer | No | The amount of time to wait before the first readiness check of a sidecar proxy container is performed. Unit: seconds. | 1 |
ReadinessPeriodSeconds | integer | No | The interval between two readiness checks of a sidecar proxy container. Unit: seconds. | 2 |
ReadinessFailureThreshold | integer | No | The number of readiness check failures required before marking a sidecar proxy container as not ready. | 5 |
SMCEnabled | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable Shared Memory Communications over Remote Direct Memory Access (SMC-R) optimization. The SMC-R optimization feature uses Alibaba Cloud Linux 3 and elastic remote direct memory access (eRDMA) network devices, which optimizes cross-node communication. | false |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"RequestId": "31d3a0f0-07ed-4f6e-9004-1804498c****"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
2024-07-26 | The request parameters of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2024-05-21 | The request parameters of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2023-08-31 | The request parameters of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2023-03-27 | The request parameters of the API has changed | View Change Details |