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ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ:Release notes for ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ 5.x

Last Updated:Dec 18, 2024

This topic describes the release notes for ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ 5.x.

How to view the version of an instance

To view the version of an ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance, go to the Basic Information or Version Management tab of the Instance Details page in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console.

For information about version updates, see Manage versions.


Change type


Enhanced feature

The following issue is fixed: The consumption delay time in specific monitoring metrics is longer than the actual consumption delay time.

Fixed feature

The following bug is fixed: N/A is displayed in the Subscription Consistency column in the Subscriptions section after you continuously refresh the Group Details page.


Change type


Added feature

The encryption at rest feature can be enabled for ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ Enterprise Platinum Edition instances.


Change type


Fixed feature

  • The gRPC pushconsumer renew bug is fixed.

  • The dequeueing mechanism of scheduled messages is optimized. This prevents you from consuming messages whose scheduled time is much earlier than the current time.


Change type


Optimized feature

The filtering performance of SQL-92 statements is optimized. This improves the real-time consumption performance in filtering scenarios.


Change type


Optimized feature

The performance of authentication that is performed when a client accesses a broker is optimized.


Change type


Optimized feature

  • Access control list (ACL) 2.0 is supported and issues related to the permission check of retried messages are fixed.

  • Subscriptions can be deleted in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console.

  • Long polling performance in scenarios in which messages are consumed by multiple subscription groups in POP mode and tags are used to filter messages is optimized.

  • Specific issues related to the query range of messages are fixed and the tag-based filtering performance of cold data is optimized.

  • Data can be isolated during storage and the issue of potential message loss after a crash when the synchronous disk flushing mode is specified on the broker is optimized.

  • The following issue is fixed: A concurrency issue occurs when the scheduled time for scheduled messages is set to 2 hours.


Change type


Enhanced feature

ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ 5.0 is compatible with Apache RocketMQ 5.0.x, which is the latest version of Apache RocketMQ. For more information, see Apache RocketMQ.

  • Enhanced serverless elasticity: The elastic transaction per second (TPS) feature is supported. Storage fees are charged based on the pay-as-you-go billing method. For more information, see Elastic TPS fees and Storage fees.

  • Enhanced observability: The dashboard and message trace features are supported. For more information, see Dashboard and Message traces.

  • Apache RocketMQ clusters can be smoothly migrated to ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instances.

  • Multi-level storage is supported. This allows you to specify custom storage duration at low costs.

  • A custom topic that is used to store dead-letter messages can be specified. For more information, see Dead-letter messages.