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ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ:Billing

Last Updated:May 24, 2024

ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ Enterprise Platinum Edition instances are billed based on the subscription billing method. Instances of this edition are suitable for scenarios in which the service level agreement (SLA) requirements are high or the number of messages is large. The subscription billing method allows you to reserve resources at discounted rates. Compared with Standard Edition instances, Enterprise Platinum Edition instances provide higher availability and support more enhanced features, such as attribute-based SQL filtering and pull consumers.

Billable Items

Fees for an Enterprise Platinum Edition instance are calculated by using the following formula:

  • Peak TPS: the total number of API calls that are initiated to send and deliver messages in a second.

    The number of API calls that are initiated to send and deliver messages is calculated based on the following rules:

    • Each time an ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ broker receives a normal message, one API call to receive messages is counted. Each time an ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ broker delivers a normal message, one API call to deliver messages is counted, regardless of whether the message is consumed.

    • One API call to receive or deliver an advance-featured message is counted as five API calls to receive or deliver a normal message. For example, if an ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ broker receives one transactional message and delivers the message to a consumer twice, the number of API calls that are initiated to receive and deliver the transactional message is 15. The number of API calls is calculated by using the following formula: 1 × 5 + 2 × 5 = 15.

    • The maximum size of a message body is 4 MB. The system calculates the number of API calls based on a message size of 4 KB. For example, if an ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ broker delivers a message that is 16 KB in size, the number of API calls that are initiated to deliver the message is 4. The number of API calls is calculated by using the following formula: 16/4 = 4.

    • When the HTTP protocol is used to consume messages, the consumer client actively calls the consumption method to obtain messages. Both short polling and long polling are supported. The frequency of calling the method is controlled by the consumer application.

      • Long polling mode: If there are no messages in the topic, the subscription request will remain suspended on the server until a message arrives or a response is returned after a waiting time (up to 30 seconds). When a message is returned from the server, the number of messages delivered is calculated based on the preceding rules. That is, the number of messages is multiplied by the corresponding advanced feature multiplier and message body size multiplier. If the server does not return a message, the number of times the message is delivered is calculated as one.

      • Short polling mode: If no message exists in the topic, the server immediately returns a response. After receiving the response, the client continuously initiates subscription requests again. In this case, one subscription request is also counted as the number of times a message is delivered once.

      If no messages are generated in the topic, a large number of invalid subscription requests may be generated in the short polling mode. These requests are still charged for API calls. We recommend that you use the long polling mode to increase the long polling wait time and reduce the number of invalid requests to reduce costs. For more information, see Subscribe to messages.


    ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ provides the following types of messages: normal messages, scheduled messages, delayed messages, transactional messages, and ordered messages. All these types of messages are advance-featured messages except for normal messages. For more information, see Message types.

  • Maximum topics: the maximum number of topics that can be created on the specified instance.

  • Message storage: the size of exclusive physical storage space for the specified Enterprise Platinum Edition instance.

Unit prices

The actual prices on the buy page of Enterprise Platinum Edition instances shall prevail.


  • For information about the differences between Enterprise Platinum Edition instances and Standard Edition instances, see Instance editions.

  • For information about how to manage Enterprise Platinum Edition instances, such as how to create, upgrade, downgrade, renew, and unsubscribe from an instance, see Lifecycle management.

  • ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ allows you to change the edition of an instance. For more information, see Change the edition of an instance.