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Functions and features

Updated at: 2024-09-20 07:06

Compute engines





XIHE engine

XIHE massively parallel processing (MPP) execution mode

The XIHE MPP execution mode uses data pipelines to implement stream computing, which meets low-latency interactive analysis requirements.


XIHE bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) execution mode

The XIHE BSP execution mode divides a job into tasks in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and uses a batch computing architecture to batch process the tasks in parallel. The XIHE BSP execution mode supports disk storage and is suitable for complex analysis scenarios that involve large amounts of data and require high throughput.

XIHE BSP SQL development

Spark engine

Spark development

AnalyticDB for MySQL Spark development is fully compatible with Apache Spark and provides better performance and lower resource costs.

Spark compute engine

Spark O&M

AnalyticDB for MySQL Spark O&M is fully compatible with Apache Spark and allows you to use Spark UIs to view the status of jobs. AnalyticDB for MySQL Spark O&M also provides the intelligent diagnostics feature based on Spark SQL and Spark application development to offer optimization suggestions and improve O&M efficiency.

Storage engines





AnalyticDB for MySQL warehouse storage

XUANWU analytical storage

The XUANWU analytical storage engine supports hybrid row-column storage and provides high-reliability, high-availability, high-performance, and low-cost, enterprise-class data storage capabilities. The XUANWU analytical storage engine provides underlying support for AnalyticDB for MySQL to implement high-throughput, real-time data writes and high-performance, real-time queries.

XUANWU analytical storage engine

AnalyticDB for MySQL data lake storage

Hudi storage

AnalyticDB for MySQL imports data from online transaction processing (OLTP) and log data sources to Object Storage Service (OSS), stores the data in the Hudi format, and then performs data analysis by using the XIHE or Spark engine.

Hudi storage

Data import and export





Data source of big data

MaxCompute data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to import data from MaxCompute to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition or Data Lakehouse Edition by using external tables or DataWorks. You can also use external tables to export data from AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition to MaxCompute.

Hive data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to use the data migration feature to migrate Hive metadata and data to OSS.

Import data from a Hive data source

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to import data from Apsara File Storage for HDFS to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition or Data Lakehouse Edition by using external tables or DataWorks. You can also use external tables to export data from AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition to Apsara File Storage for HDFS.

Tablestore data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to use external tables to import data from Tablestore to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition.

Import data from Tablestore

OLTP data source

ApsaraDB RDS data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to import data from ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL and ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition or Data Lakehouse Edition by using external tables, DataWorks, or Data Transmission Service (DTS). You can also use external tables to export data from AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition to ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL.

PolarDB data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to import data from PolarDB for MySQL and PolarDB-X to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition or Data Lakehouse Edition by using DTS, DataWorks, or federated analytics.

Self-managed MySQL data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to import data from a self-managed MySQL database to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition by using external tables. You can also use external tables to export data from AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition to a self-managed MySQL database.

Log data source

Simple Log Service data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to import data from Simple Log Service to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition or Data Lakehouse Edition by using the Logstash extension or the log shipping feature.

Kafka data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to import data from ApsaraMQ for Kafka to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition or Data Lakehouse Edition by using the Logstash extension, DataWorks, or the data synchronization feature.

OSS data source

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to import data from OSS to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition or Data Lakehouse Edition by using external tables, DataWorks, or the metadata discovery feature. You can also use external tables to export data from AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition to OSS.

Data development and analysis





Data development and analysis

SQL development

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to perform SQL development by using DDL, DML, DQL, or DCL statements.

Spark job development

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to perform Spark development by using Spark SQL, Spark JAR, notebook development, or Jupyter.

Scheduling development

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to schedule jobs by using Data Management (DMS), DataWorks, or Airflow.

Data visualization

Business intelligence (BI) visualization

AnalyticDB for MySQL supports BI tools such as Quick BI, DataV, FineBI, Power BI, Yonghong BI, and Tableau.

Tool compatibility

Management and O&M





Cluster connection

MySQL command-line tool, business system, client, and BI tool

You can connect to AnalyticDB for MySQL by using the MySQL command-line tool, a business system, a client, or a BI tool.

Cluster management

Cluster creation, deletion, and configuration change

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to create or delete a cluster and change the configurations of a cluster in the AnalyticDB for MySQL console or by calling API operations.

Tag management

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to use tags to classify and filter clusters.

Tag management

Account management

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to create privileged and standard accounts. You can use a privileged account to manage all standard accounts and databases. To use a standard account to perform database operations, you must manually create a standard account and grant permissions to the account.

Create a database account

Resource group management

AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition and Data Lakehouse Edition allow you to divide computing resources into different resource groups that physically separate the resources. You can associate AnalyticDB for MySQL database accounts with different resource groups. If SQL queries are performed by using a specific account, the queries are performed only on the resource group that is associated with the account. The isolation between resource groups associated with different accounts allows a cluster to support multiple tenants and hybrid loads.

Resource scaling

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to use resource scaling plans to implement scheduled scaling for computing and storage resources. After you create a resource scaling plan, AnalyticDB for MySQL automatically scales up resources during high workloads to ensure cluster stability.

Workload management

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to use workload management rules to manage workloads in a fine-grained manner and improve cluster performance.

Workload management

O&M event management

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to manage O&M events in the AnalyticDB for MySQL console or by calling API operations.

Monitoring and alerting

Metric display

AnalyticDB for MySQL provides various metrics. You can view the metrics of an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster over a specific period of time within the past month in the AnalyticDB for MySQL console or by calling API operations to obtain the performance and running status of the cluster.

Alert settings

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to configure alert rules. If the conditions that you specify in an alert rule are met, the system notifies all contacts in the specified contact groups to ensure that issues are resolved at the earliest opportunity.

Configure an alert rule

Backup and restoration

Periodic backup

After you create an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster, AnalyticDB for MySQL automatically enables the data backup feature for the cluster.

Manage backups

Cluster cloning

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to clone a new cluster from existing backups of a source cluster.

Clone a cluster

Intelligent diagnostics

Diagnostics and optimization

AnalyticDB for MySQL provides diagnostics and optimization capabilities, such as one-click diagnostics, data modeling diagnostics, SQL pattern, SQL diagnostics, and schema optimization.

Intelligent diagnostics

Security management





Permission management

Resource Access Management (RAM) permission management

After you use an Alibaba Cloud account to grant permissions to a RAM user, the RAM user can create and manage AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters based on the permissions. For example, you can log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console, create or delete a cluster, and configure a whitelist as the RAM user.

Manage RAM users and permissions

Database account permission management

AnalyticDB for MySQL supports the GLOBAL, DB, TABLE, and COLUMN permission levels and allows you to grant different levels of permissions to database accounts.

Database permissions

Connection management

Whitelist configuration

By default, AnalyticDB for MySQL denies access from all IP addresses to ensure security and stability. Before you use an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster, you must configure a whitelist to allow access from external devices to the cluster.

Configure a whitelist

Data security

Disk encryption

After you enable the disk encryption feature for an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster, the system encrypts data on each data disk of the cluster based on block storage. This way, the data cannot be decrypted even if data leaks occur.

Enable disk encryption

SQL audit

AnalyticDB for MySQL provides the SQL audit feature to log real-time DML and DDL operations that are executed in databases. You can view abnormal SQL queries, such as time-consuming queries, on the SQL Audit page to quickly identify and resolve issues.

Configure SQL audit

Network management

VPC and vSwitch change

If you want to connect to an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster from an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance that is not deployed in the same virtual private cloud (VPC) over an internal network, you can change the VPC of the AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster.

Change the VPC and vSwitch of a cluster






Data Lakehouse Edition

Basic resources

The basic resources of an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition (V3.0) cluster include reserved computing resources and reserved storage resources in AnalyticDB compute units (ACUs).

Pricing for Data Lakehouse Edition (V3.0)

Elastic resources

An AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition (V3.0) cluster automatically scales out elastic resources in scheduled and on-demand scaling scenarios. You are charged for elastic resources in ACUs.

Pricing for Data Lakehouse Edition (V3.0)


Storage includes hot data storage and cold data storage. You are charged for the actual storage that you use and do not need to specify a storage size.

Pricing for Data Lakehouse Edition (V3.0)

Data Warehouse Edition

Basic resources

The basic resources of an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) cluster refer to the computing resources and elastic I/O resources that are purchased when you create or scale up a cluster. You are charged for the basic resources by core.

Pricing for Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0)

Elastic resources

The elastic resources of an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) cluster refer to the computing resources and elastic I/O resources that are scaled up by using resource scaling plans. You are charged for the elastic resources by core.

Pricing for Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0)


Storage fees include the fees for storing hot data and cold data. You must specify a storage size for an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster in reserved mode. You are charged for the actual storage that you use for an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster in elastic mode.

Pricing for Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0)
  • On this page (1, T)
  • Compute engines
  • Storage engines
  • Data import and export
  • Data development and analysis
  • Management and O&M
  • Security management
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