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Container Service for Kubernetes:Manage clusters

Last Updated:Dec 20, 2023

You can manage ACK Lingjun clusters in the same way you manage ACK Pro clusters. You can log on to the Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) console to manage ACK Lingjun clusters.



Authorization management

You can manage the authorizations of ACK Lingjun clusters in the same way you manage ACK Pro clusters. For more information, see Authorization management.

Network management

Component management

Manage components

Application management

Security management




Task scheduling:

Use eGPU to share and schedule GPU resources

Topology-aware GPU scheduling:

Kubernetes is unaware of the topology of GPU resources on nodes. Therefore, Kubernetes schedules GPU resources in a random manner. As a result, GPU acceleration for training jobs considerably varies based on the scheduling results of GPU resources. To avoid this situation, ACK supports topology-aware GPU scheduling based on the scheduling framework of Kubernetes. You can use this feature to select multiple GPUs from GPU-accelerated nodes to achieve optimal GPU acceleration for training jobs.

For more information about how to use topology-aware GPU scheduling, see the following topics: