Community Blog Understanding Batch Processing vs Stream Processing: Key Differences and Applications

Understanding Batch Processing vs Stream Processing: Key Differences and Applications

Explore the differences between Batch Processing vs Stream Processing and their applications in data management for better decision-making.

Dive into the world of data processing as we compare batch processing and stream processing, uncovering their unique benefits and ideal use cases.

In the world of data management and processing, two predominant methodologies prevail: batch processing and stream processing. Both approaches offer distinct advantages and are suitable for different types of data scenarios. In this article, we'll explore the fundamental differences between batch and stream processing, their advantages, challenges, and typical use cases.

What is Batch Processing?

Batch processing is a method of data processing where data is collected over a period and processed in large, grouped batches. This method is ideal for situations where the immediacy of data processing is not a priority but efficiency in handling large volumes of data is necessary.

Batch processing starts when someone decides to run it—either on a schedule or on demand. This means there's usually a wait time from when the data is gathered to when you see the results. Traditional computing tasks, like analyzing large data sets or managing database updates, often use batch processing.image.pngThe traditional batch processing procedure consists of the following steps:

Load Data: Before starting, the system needs to gather and load all the required data. This might involve using data handling systems like ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) or OLTP (Online Transaction Processing). Once the data is loaded, the system analyzes it and performs necessary calculations based on how the data is stored and the processing methods used.

Submit a Request: Once the data is ready, the next step is to start the actual processing work. This is done by sending a request to the system, which could be for a specific task like running a SQL operation in MaxCompute or Hive. After receiving the request, the system assigns different parts of the job to various computing resources. This part of the process can be slow, taking anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, which makes it unsuitable for urgent tasks where you need quick results.

Return the Results: After processing is complete, the results are gathered and sent back as a large set of data. This data must then be saved to a storage system or sent to other services that need it. Like the previous steps, this can also take a significant amount of time.

What is Stream Processing?

Stream processing is a way to handle and analyze data in real time, right as it happens. Unlike batch processing that waits to collect all data before starting, stream processing tackles data continuously as it flows in. This immediate processing helps in making quick decisions and responses, essential in scenarios where time matters, like monitoring for fraud or tracking live data feeds.

Key characteristics of stream processing include:

  • Processing data as soon as it is generated, without storing it first.
  • Applying transformations, aggregations, and analytics to the data streams.
  • Enabling real-time decision making and reaction to events.
  • Handling high-velocity, continuous data streams.
  • Providing low-latency results compared to traditional batch processing.

How Does Stream Processing Work?


Continuous Data Ingestion: As data is generated, it is sent continuously to the system using tools designed for fast data transfer, such as Message Queue and DataHub. The data comes in small groups called micro-batches, which helps in maintaining the flow and speed of processing without any delays.

Immediate Data Processing: Once the data enters the system, it doesn't sit idle; processing starts right away. Systems like Alibaba Cloud's Realtime Compute for Apache Flink are designed to handle these data streams efficiently. They break down any large volumes of incoming data into manageable pieces and process them quickly. The process setup, or the 'streaming draft,' needs to be ready before data starts flowing so that the system knows exactly what to do with the data as it arrives.

Instant Result Output: The outcome of stream processing is immediate. As soon as data is processed, the results are pushed out to their destinations, be it databases, applications, or other systems. This ensures that the data being monitored or analyzed is always up-to-date, providing real-time insights and allowing for prompt actions.

Key Differences Between Batch and Stream Processing

Data Processing Timing: Batch processing handles data in large chunks at set times, while stream processing works with data continuously and instantly.

Data Latency: There's a delay in batch processing, as it waits to collect data before starting. Stream processing has almost no delay, offering real-time results.

Complexity and Volume: Batch processing is simpler and great for large volumes of data. Stream processing is more complex and can handle ongoing, high-speed data flows.

Use Cases

  • Batch Processing : Ideal for analytical reports, managing large databases, and situations where you're not in a rush.
  • Stream Processing : Best for emergency alerts, live financial tracking, and other scenarios where every second counts.

In summary, batch processing is better suited for processing large volumes of historical data in batches, while stream processing is better suited for real-time processing of high-velocity data streams.

The following table describes the differences between batch processing and Stream Processing:

Item Batch processing Stream Processing
Data integration The data processing system must load data in advance. Loads data in real time.
Computational logic The computational logic can be changed, and data can be reprocessed. If the computational logic is changed, data cannot be reprocessed because streaming data is processed in real time.
Data scope You can query and process all or most data in a dataset. You can query and process the latest data record or the data within a rolling window.
Data amount A large amount of data is processed. Individual records or micro batches of data that consist of a few records are processed.
Performance Data processing takes several minutes or hours. Data processing takes several milliseconds or seconds.
Analysis The analysis is complex. The analysis is based on simple response functions, aggregates, and rolling metrics.

Stream Processing Examples on Alibaba Cloud

Stream processing, as implemented by Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, supports diverse real-time big data computing use cases across various enterprise departments and technologies. It is crucial for real-time fraud detection, recommendation systems, and data indexing in business contexts. Additionally, it enables real-time data warehousing, reporting, and dashboard creation for data departments, and supports operational monitoring and alerting. Technical applications include real-time ETL processes, data stream management, real-time analytics, event-driven applications, and risk management, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency.

Stream Processing with Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud Realtime Compute for Apache Flink is a comprehensive, serverless cloud service based on Apache Flink. It offers end-to-end sub-second real-time data analysis capabilities and simplifies business development with standard SQL. This platform is designed to facilitate the transition of enterprises to real-time and intelligent big data computing.


As we've explored, both batch and stream processing have their unique strengths and applications within the realm of data management. While batch processing offers robustness for large-scale data handling, stream processing shines with its ability to deliver instantaneous insights and responses critical in today' s fast-paced business environments.

If you' re looking to harness the full potential of real-time data processing, Alibaba Cloud's Realtime Compute for Apache Flink offers a powerful and flexible solution. This platform not only facilitates efficient data stream management but also ensures that your decision-making processes are as dynamic as your data.

We invite you to experience the capabilities of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink firsthand. Discover how its comprehensive, serverless, and real-time data analysis can transform your business operations and drive innovation. Start your journey towards smarter, faster, and more effective data processing by exploring our resources or signing up for a free trial today.

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