Community Blog Streaming Statistics in PostgreSQL with INSERT ON CONFLICT

Streaming Statistics in PostgreSQL with INSERT ON CONFLICT

In this blog, we'll show you how you can use the PostgreSQL INSERT ON CONFLICT syntax and the RULE and TRIGGER functions to implement real-time data statistics.

By Digoal

In streaming statistics scenarios, the constant appending of data-in real time-allows for the continuous reanalysis of existing data sets, which in turn also allows you to gain further insights about your entire body of data as it changes over time. At the core of streaming statistics and this type of data analytics, of course, are aggregate functions, which include count, avg, min, max, and sum. Although simple, these functions are powerful. They can quickly provide interesting insights about your data and can be used to render statistical charts on real-time dashboards.

Another primary part of streaming statistics is the convention of the FEED logs, which contain FEED files and output reports, which can be used to keep track of the flow of data and how this data is behaving in any one particular system, allowing you to have a stronger grasp on your data. FEED logs are an important part of the streaming statistics conventions used at Alibaba, and are used for systems such as Alibaba's logistics giant Cainiao, mass e-commerce platform Taobao, and the more recent Alibaba Games, as well as those of other business systems. The statistical results of these FEED logs are output based on various parameters and dimensions, which include, for example, the real-time FEED statistics and real-time online users in all dimensions.

Interested in using streaming statistics to see how data is being used in your systems? Well, you can use the PostgreSQL's INSERT ON CONFLICT syntax and the RULE and TRIGGER functions to implement real-time data statistics. The performance indicators of a 56-core Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance are as follows:

The single-instance, single-table, or single-row stream processing performance can reach up to 0.39 million rows per second, and batch write stream processing performance can reach up to 3.36 million rows per second.


The above diagram shows how you can use the statistical data from FEED log outputs combined with the aggregate functions as well as the other capabilities of PostgreSQL in a streaming statistics scenarios. That is, you can use a combination of these to be able to build a real-time statistics system relatively easily.

In this article, we will look how you can build a solution using these in a streaming statistics solution combined with the statistics gathered from your ECS instances-specifically the type discussed above.

Collecting Statistics with PostgreSQL

In this example, you will collect statistics using the aggregate function of min, max, sum, and record count of the values of each SID in real time. To do this, follow these steps below:

1.  Create a test table that contains statistical fields that are automatically generated by PostgreSQL.

create table tbl (    
  sid int primary key,     
  v1 int,     
  crt_time timestamp,     
  cnt int8 default 1,                       -- Statistical value. The default value is 1, indicating the first record.    
  sum_v float8 default 0,                   -- Statistical value. The default value is 0.      
  min_v float8 default float8 'Infinity',   -- Statistical value. It is set to the maximum value of this type by default.      
  max_v float8 default float8 '-Infinity'   -- Statistical value. It is set to the minimum value of this type by default.      

2.  Create a detail table to check whether the PostgreSQL stream computing results are correct.

create table tbl_log (    
  sid int,     
  v1 int,     
  crt_time timestamp    

3.  The stream computing algorithm is completed by the following the INSERT ON CONFLICT SQL statement:

insert into tbl (sid, v1, crt_time) values (:sid, :v1, now())     
on conflict (sid) do update set     
  sum_v=case tbl.cnt when 1 then tbl.v1+excluded.v1 else tbl.sum_v+excluded.v1 end,     
  min_v=least(tbl.min_v, excluded.v1),     
  max_v=greatest(tbl.max_v, excluded.v1)      

4.  Write massive data volumes for testing.

vi test.sql    
\set sid random(1,1000000)    
\set v1 random(1,100000000)    
insert into tbl (sid, v1, crt_time) values (:sid, :v1, now()) on conflict (sid) do update set v1=excluded.v1, crt_time=excluded.crt_time, cnt=tbl.cnt+1, sum_v=case tbl.cnt when 1 then tbl.v1+excluded.v1 else tbl.sum_v+excluded.v1 end, min_v=least(tbl.min_v, excluded.v1), max_v=greatest(tbl.max_v, excluded.v1);     
insert into tbl_log values (:sid, :v1, now());    
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 120    

5.  Verify that the algorithm is correct.

postgres=# \timing    
Timing is on.    
postgres=# select sid, count(*), sum(v1), min(v1), max(v1) from tbl_log group by sid order by sid limit 10;    
 sid | count |    sum    |   min    |   max        
   1 |    14 | 740544728 | 11165285 | 90619042    
   2 |    10 | 414224202 |  2813223 | 83077953    
   3 |    11 | 501992396 | 13861878 | 79000001    
   4 |    17 | 902219309 |    23429 | 99312338    
   5 |     6 | 374351692 | 25582424 | 96340616    
   6 |    15 | 649447876 | 12987896 | 80478126    
   7 |     8 | 386687697 | 19697861 | 95097076    
   8 |    12 | 657650588 | 11339236 | 97211546    
   9 |    10 | 594843053 |  9192864 | 97362345    
  10 |     9 | 383123573 |  3877866 | 76604940    
(10 rows)    
Time: 1817.395 ms (00:01.817)    
postgres=# select * from tbl order by sid limit 10;    
 sid |    v1    |          crt_time          | cnt |   sum_v   |  min_v   |  max_v       
   1 | 26479786 | 2017-11-23 20:27:43.134594 |  14 | 740544728 | 11165285 | 90619042    
   2 | 25755108 | 2017-11-23 20:27:43.442651 |  10 | 414224202 |  2813223 | 83077953    
   3 | 51068648 | 2017-11-23 20:27:48.118906 |  11 | 501992396 | 13861878 | 79000001    
   4 | 81160224 | 2017-11-23 20:27:37.183186 |  17 | 902219309 |    23429 | 99312338    
   5 | 70208701 | 2017-11-23 20:27:35.399063 |   6 | 374351692 | 40289886 | 96340616    
   6 | 77536576 | 2017-11-23 20:27:46.04372  |  15 | 649447876 | 12987896 | 80478126    
   7 | 31153753 | 2017-11-23 20:27:46.54858  |   8 | 386687697 | 19697861 | 95097076    
   8 | 11339236 | 2017-11-23 20:27:40.947561 |  12 | 657650588 | 11339236 | 97211546    
   9 | 46103803 | 2017-11-23 20:27:38.450889 |  10 | 594843053 |  9192864 | 92049544    
  10 | 55630877 | 2017-11-23 20:27:28.944168 |   9 | 383123573 |  3877866 | 76604940    
(10 rows)    
Time: 0.512 ms    

After real-time statistics, the query response time drops from 1817 ms to 0.5 ms, and the performance is improved by a factor of nearly 40,000.

With this said, let's look at what happens as we stress test the system:

Single-Table Stress Testing

vi test.sql    
\set sid random(1,1000000)    
\set v1 random(1,100000000)    
insert into tbl (sid, v1, crt_time) values (:sid, :v1, now()) on conflict (sid) do update set v1=excluded.v1, crt_time=excluded.crt_time, cnt=tbl.cnt+1, sum_v=case tbl.cnt when 1 then tbl.v1+excluded.v1 else tbl.sum_v+excluded.v1 end, min_v=least(tbl.min_v, excluded.v1), max_v=greatest(tbl.max_v, excluded.v1);     
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 300    
transaction type: ./test.sql    
scaling factor: 1    
query mode: prepared    
number of clients: 32    
number of threads: 32    
duration: 300 s    
number of transactions actually processed: 57838943    
latency average = 0.166 ms    
latency stddev = 0.057 ms    
tps = 192791.786864 (including connections establishing)    
tps = 192805.650917 (excluding connections establishing)    
script statistics:    
 - statement latencies in milliseconds:    
         0.001  \set sid random(1,1000000)    
         0.000  \set v1 random(1,100000000)    
         0.164  insert into tbl (sid, v1, crt_time) values (:sid, :v1, now()) on conflict (sid) do update set v1=excluded.v1, crt_time=excluded.crt_time, cnt=tbl.cnt+1, sum_v=case tbl.cnt when 1 then tbl.v1+excluded.v1 else tbl.sum_v+excluded.v1 end, min_v=least(tbl.min_v, excluded.v1), max_v=greatest(tbl.max_v, excluded.v1);    
top - 20:57:35 up 16 days,  3:44,  2 users,  load average: 8.67, 2.08, 1.68    
Tasks: 497 total,  28 running, 469 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie    
%Cpu(s): 34.8 us, 13.7 sy,  0.0 ni, 51.3 id,  0.1 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st    
KiB Mem : 23094336+total, 79333744 free,  1588292 used, 15002134+buff/cache    
KiB Swap:        0 total,        0 free,        0 used. 22219502+avail Mem     

Single-Instance Streaming Statistics Performance

This test case involves a single dimension and multiple tables. Based on the remaining CPU space, the performance should be:

0.385 million rows/s

Single-Table and Batch Writing Performance Stress Testing

vi test.sql    
\set sid random(1,1000000)    
\set v1 random(1,100000000)    
insert into tbl (sid, v1, crt_time) select :sid+id, :v1+id, now() from generate_series(1,100) t(id) on conflict (sid) do update set v1=excluded.v1, crt_time=excluded.crt_time, cnt=tbl.cnt+1, sum_v=case tbl.cnt when 1 then tbl.v1+excluded.v1 else tbl.sum_v+excluded.v1 end, min_v=least(tbl.min_v, excluded.v1), max_v=greatest(tbl.max_v, excluded.v1);     
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 28 -j 28 -T 300    
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 28  
number of threads: 28  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 1411743  
latency average = 2.380 ms  
latency stddev = 0.815 ms  
tps = 11764.276597 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 11765.715797 (excluding connections establishing)  
script statistics:  
 - statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.001  \set sid random(1,1000000)    
         0.000  \set v1 random(1,100000000)    
         2.378  insert into tbl (sid, v1, crt_time) select :sid+id, :v1+id, now() from generate_series(1,100) t(id) on conflict (sid) do update set v1=excluded.v1, crt_time=excluded.crt_time, cnt=tbl.cnt+1, sum_v=case tbl.cnt when 1 then tbl.v1+excluded.v1 else tbl.sum_v+excluded.v1 end, min_v=least(tbl.min_v, excluded.v1), max_v=greatest(tbl.max_v, excluded.v1);  
34 processes: 22 running, 11 sleeping, 1 uninterruptable  
CPU states: 28.5% user,  0.0% nice,  6.3% system, 65.0% idle,  0.1% iowait  
Memory: 173G used, 47G free, 247M buffers, 168G cached  
DB activity: 9613 tps,  0 rollbs/s,   0 buffer r/s, 100 hit%, 961050 row r/s, 960824 row w/s  
DB I/O:     0 reads/s,     0 KB/s,     0 writes/s,     0 KB/s    
DB disk: 1455.4 GB total, 441.9 GB free (69% used)  

The performance should be: 1.1765 million rows/s.

This test case involves a single dimension, single table, and batch writing. Based on the remaining CPU space (a single ECS instance uses multiple instances or the UNLOGGED TABLE), the estimated performance should be: 3.36 million rows/s.

Streaming Statistics Solution

Now as a solution the above stress testing, you can collect statistics based on more than one dimension, for example, based on multiple fields in the detail table.

Consider the following example:

create table tbl(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int, c5 int);    
select c1, count(*) from tbl group by c1;    
select c2,c3, sum(c5) , count(*) from tbl group by c2,c3;    
... More dimensions    

In this case, how can you implement streaming statistics?

Besides PipelineDB, you can also use INSERT ON CONFLICT and RULE (or TRIGGER) of PostgreSQL to implement the same functions.

Process Design

  1. Define a detail table.
  2. Define a target statistical table for each dimension.
  3. Define the INSERT ON CONFLICT SQL statement for each dimension table.
  4. Define the TRIGGER or RULE for the detail table and call INSERT ON CONFLICT sequentially to write data to multiple dimension tables.


1.  Define a detail table.

create table tbl(c1 int not null, c2 int not null, c3 int not null, c4 int not null, c5 int not null);    

2.  Define a target statistical table for each dimension.

create table cv1_tbl (c1 int primary key, cnt int8 default 1);    
create table cv2_tbl (c2 int, c3 int, c5 int, sum_v float8 default 0, cnt int8 default 1, primary key (c2,c3)) ;     
... Other dimensions    

3.  Define the INSERT ON CONFLICT SQL statement for each dimension table.

insert into cv1_tbl (c1) values (NEW.c1) on conflict (c1) do update set cnt=cv1_tbl.cnt+1;    
insert into cv2_tbl (c2,c3,c5) values (NEW.c2, NEW.c3, NEW.c5) on conflict (c2,c3) do update set cnt=cv2_tbl.cnt+1, sum_v=case cv2_tbl.cnt when 1 then cv2_tbl.c5+excluded.c5 else cv2_tbl.sum_v+excluded.c5 end;    

4.  Define the TRIGGER or RULE for the detail table and call INSERT ON CONFLICT sequentially to write data to multiple dimension tables.

create rule r1 as on insert to tbl do instead insert into cv1_tbl (c1) values (NEW.c1) on conflict (c1) do update set cnt=cv1_tbl.cnt+1;    
create rule r2 as on insert to tbl do instead insert into cv2_tbl (c2,c3,c5) values (NEW.c2, NEW.c3, NEW.c5) on conflict (c2,c3) do update set cnt=cv2_tbl.cnt+1, sum_v=case cv2_tbl.cnt when 1 then cv2_tbl.c5+excluded.c5 else cv2_tbl.sum_v+excluded.c5 end;    

5.  Conduct a test.

vi test.sql    
\set c1 random(1,1000000)    
\set c2 random(1,1000000)    
\set c3 random(1,1000000)    
\set c4 random(1,1000000)    
\set c5 random(1,1000000)    
insert into tbl values (:c1, :c2, :c3, :c4, :c5);    
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 120    

6.  Check the test results.

transaction type: ./test.sql    
scaling factor: 1    
query mode: prepared    
number of clients: 32    
number of threads: 32    
duration: 120 s    
number of transactions actually processed: 18618957    
latency average = 0.206 ms    
latency stddev = 0.212 ms    
tps = 155154.880841 (including connections establishing)    
tps = 155174.283641 (excluding connections establishing)    
script statistics:    
 - statement latencies in milliseconds:    
         0.001  \set c1 random(1,1000000)    
         0.000  \set c2 random(1,1000000)    
         0.000  \set c3 random(1,1000000)    
         0.000  \set c4 random(1,1000000)    
         0.001  \set c5 random(1,1000000)    
         0.203  insert into tbl values (:c1, :c2, :c3, :c4, :c5);    

7.  Verify the test results.

postgres=# select * from cv2_tbl order by cnt desc limit 10;    
   c2   |   c3   |   c5   |  sum_v  | cnt     
 500568 | 119352 | 173877 |  436710 |   2    
 873168 |  20848 | 730385 | 1688835 |   2    
  90752 | 526912 | 622354 |  734505 |   2    
 273533 | 886999 | 766661 | 1085038 |   2    
 895573 | 466493 | 648095 | 1191965 |   2    
 338402 | 436092 | 940920 | 1372244 |   2    
 915723 | 866856 | 255638 |  947606 |   2    
 586692 | 543596 |  32905 |  996466 |   2    
 839232 | 928197 | 402745 | 1249665 |   2    
 401808 | 997216 | 493644 | 1423618 |   2    
(10 rows)    
postgres=# select * from cv1_tbl order by cnt desc limit 10;    
   c1   | cnt     
 952009 |  44    
 373778 |  43    
 483788 |  42    
  25749 |  42    
  93605 |  41    
 386201 |  41    
 596955 |  40    
 526220 |  40    
  91289 |  40    
 429061 |  40    
(10 rows)    

Data is not written to the local table. If you change RULE to DO ALSO, data will be written to the local table. This result is satisfactory.

postgres=# select * from tbl;    
 c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | c5     
(0 rows)    

Parallel Design within an Instance

Define a detail partition table.


  1. Define a detail partition table.
  2. Define a target statistical table for each dimension.
  3. Define the INSERT ON CONFLICT SQL statement for each dimension table.
  4. Define the TRIGGER or RULE for the partition table and call INSERT ON CONFLICT sequentially to write data to multiple dimension tables.

Parallel Design Outside an Instance

Define the upper-layer hash distribution write.


Upper-layer applications or middleware implement multiple PostgreSQL instances to write data in a distributed manner.

Use INSERT ON CONFLICT Together with Hyperloglog to Implement Real-Time UV Estimation

You can use INSERT ON CONFLICT together with Hyperloglog (HLL) to collect real-time UV statistics.

create extension hll;  
create table tbl (grpid int, userid int, dt date, cnt int8 default 1, hll_userid hll default hll_empty(), primary key (grpid, dt));  
insert into tbl (grpid, userid, dt) values () on conflict (grpid, dt) do update set   
  case tbl.cnt   
  when 1 then hll_add(hll_add(tbl.hll_userid, hll_hash_integer(tbl.userid)), hll_hash_integer(excluded.userid))   
  else hll_add(tbl.hll_userid, hll_hash_integer(excluded.userid))  
  end ;  

Stress testing result: 180,000 TPS

vi test.sql  
\set grpid random(1,1000000)  
\set userid random(1,1000000000)  
insert into tbl (grpid, userid, dt) values (:grpid,:userid,'2017-11-24') on conflict (grpid, dt) do update set cnt=tbl.cnt+1, hll_userid=case tbl.cnt when 1 then hll_add(hll_add(tbl.hll_userid, hll_hash_integer(tbl.userid)), hll_hash_integer(excluded.userid))   else hll_add(tbl.hll_userid, hll_hash_integer(excluded.userid))  end ;  
transaction type: ./test.sql  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 28  
number of threads: 28  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 21713334  
latency average = 0.155 ms  
latency stddev = 0.071 ms  
tps = 180938.313421 (including connections establishing)  
tps = 180959.906404 (excluding connections establishing)  
script statistics:  
 - statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.001  \set grpid random(1,1000000)  
         0.000  \set userid random(1,1000000000)  
         0.153  insert into tbl (grpid, userid, dt) values (:grpid,:userid,'2017-11-24') on conflict (grpid, dt) do update set cnt=tbl.cnt+1, hll_userid=  case tbl.cnt   when 1 then hll_add(hll_add(tbl.hll_userid, hll_hash_integer(tbl.userid)), hll_hash_integer(excluded.userid))   else hll_add(tbl.hll_userid, hll_hash_integer(excluded.userid))  end ;  

Query the estimated UV value as follows based on the HLL type. The query result is reliable.

postgres=# select * from tbl limit 10;  
 grpid  |  userid   |     dt     | cnt |                                                                                hll_userid                                                                                  
  71741 | 197976232 | 2017-11-24 |   5 | \x128b7fd534b8dfe5a72bbedd5b6c577ce9fb9fef7835561513628850f173084507f0bd7ed996166036a970  
 801374 | 373207765 | 2017-11-24 |   3 | \x128b7f1dd66eba7e70d9c550284e6d9870994f5f5b52f71f224d6e  
 565216 | 502576520 | 2017-11-24 |   7 | \x128b7f9c4eb2a37de228d8b959a3eb6875033eb9e5dae4c7a7a873037cc095c3f7b01506556992f5aeee9c2a29d4eeb4db71f92ce501619432a864  
  35036 | 868953081 | 2017-11-24 |  10 | \x128b7fa2249c2c7ca51016c477335c6c4e539dd369dd2ea9ab587ce6e3c3c88019dfc33361f5e97ab2db9e3475e0afefc5dc84547c9cc650d2c3ae61b7772ff8a3b36b63bfef7de0eff9f779d598d341edae11  
 950403 | 122708335 | 2017-11-24 |   9 | \x128b7fbb52bc26a18960fec0e5ef0b5d38015dc59f0bad2126d34ce0f19952682a1359257a39cb05a02cf0437f98ce664da1094e8173f33cc1df79547c86939e25bc096179d0a0cfe98b5c  
 173872 | 321068334 | 2017-11-24 |   7 | \x128b7fab5e34d66f513600c19356d876f80d37f13d28f4efc2d6ae0974487c0aa3f5e509affd49827908d35b7c4b009f57ff6376be2b1ea27b1204  
 786334 | 501502479 | 2017-11-24 |   5 | \x128b7f8b5e2d419433c147df779ac0ab34b25a060ecbdd5a896ee229a5ad32a00a060d516c141199609d3f  
 960665 | 855235921 | 2017-11-24 |   7 | \x128b7f95b32567416b5750ecb0c44a76480566f1d98aa6632a3ceeffe5dd8b8de96ffc2447dd5d74e20e993b38a6b242f2c78c678b60d542d68949  
  61741 | 945239318 | 2017-11-24 |   6 | \x128b7f885766f21f40b6b5b3783e764d90fd28c10af4a996cb5dcec8ea749905d0c5cb1de8b191b4f9e6775d597c247710ab71  
postgres=# select grpid,userid,cnt,hll_cardinality(hll_userid) from tbl limit 10;  
 grpid  |  userid   | cnt | hll_cardinality   
 775333 | 642518584 |  13 |              13  
  17670 | 542792727 |  11 |              11  
  30079 | 311255630 |  14 |              14  
  61741 | 945239318 |  10 |              10  
 808051 | 422418318 |  14 |              14  
 620850 | 461130760 |  12 |              12  
 256591 | 415325936 |  15 |              15  
 801374 | 373207765 |   9 |               9  
 314023 | 553568037 |  12 |              12  

For more information about the HLL plug-in, see the following references:


https://github.com/citusdata/postgresql-hll (compatible with the PostgreSQL 10 header file)

Use INSERT ON CONFLICT Together with UDFs to Simplify the SQL Complexity of Stream Computing

You can use INSERT ON CONFLICT together with UDFs to greatly simplify the SQL complexity.


create or replace function func1(int, int, date) returns void as 
  insert into tbl (grpid, userid, dt) values ($1,$2,$3) on conflict (grpid, dt)   
  do update set   
    case tbl.cnt     
    when 1   
      then hll_add(hll_add(tbl.hll_userid, hll_hash_integer(tbl.userid)), hll_hash_integer(excluded.userid))     
      hll_add(tbl.hll_userid, hll_hash_integer(excluded.userid))    
    end ;  

 language plpgsql strict;  

You can use function interfaces to write data without having to type out long SQL statements.

Design of Logs Plus Real-Time Computing

If detail data must be recorded, you must implement real-time statistics concurrently. You can use the RULE function for this design.

create or replace rule R1 AS on INSERT TO log_table do also XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;

For incremental writing, you can use WHERE to filter out unnecessary writing (points).

create or replace rule R1 AS on INSERT TO log_table WHERE (位点条件,如 id>10000000) do also XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;

When this method is used, the data is written to log_table and streaming statistics XXXXX COMMAND is collected at the same time.

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