Community Blog Running ODPS PySpark using CLI

Running ODPS PySpark using CLI

In this article we will discuss about Spark in general, its uses in the Big Data workflow and how to configure and run Spark in the CLI mode for CI/CD purposes.

by Aaron Handoko, Solution Architect Alibaba Cloud Indonesia

In this article we will discuss about Spark in general, its uses in the Big Data workflow and how to configure and run Spark in the CLI mode for CI/CD purposes.

A. What is Apache Spark?

Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing system that provides a fast and general-purpose cluster-computing framework for big data processing and analytics. It was developed to address the limitations and inefficiencies of the MapReduce model, which was widely used in earlier big data processing frameworks.

The main advantages of using spark includes:
• Speed - Spark is designed for in-memory data processing, which significantly improves processing speed compared to the disk-based processing used in MapReduce.

• Scalability - Spark is designed to scale horizontally, meaning it can efficiently handle large amounts of data by distributing it across a cluster of machines. This scalability is crucial for processing big data sets.

• Unified Platform - Spark provides a unified platform for batch processing, interactive queries, streaming analytics, and machine learning.

B. Spark on ODPS

Spark on MaxCompute (ODPS) is a computing service that is provided by MaxCompute and compatible with open-source Spark. This service provides a Spark computing framework based on unified computing resource and dataset permission systems. The service allows you to use your preferred development method to submit and run Spark jobs. Spark on MaxCompute can fulfill diverse data processing and analysis requirements.

ODPS Spark runs on the Cupid platform developed by Alibaba Cloud. The Cupid platform is fully compatible with the computing framework supported by open-source YARN.


Figure 1. Architecture of Spark on native Spark (left) and ODPS Spark (right)

C. Prerequisites

1). An active Alibaba Cloud account
2). Maxcompute Project Created
3). Familiarity with Spark

D. Step by Step

1). Install the required libraries needed to run spark
a. Git
sudo wget https://github.com/git/git/archive/v2.17.0.tar.gz

sudo tar -zxvf v2.17.0.tar.gz

sudo yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker

cd git-2.17.0

sudo make prefix=/usr/local/git all

sudo make prefix=/usr/local/git install

b. Maven
sudo wget https://dlcdn.apache.org/maven/maven-3/3.9.6/binaries/apache-maven-3.9.6-bin.tar.gz

sudo tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.9.6-bin.tar.gz

c. Java (JDK)
sudo yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64

d. Download SPARK
sudo wget https://odps-repo.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/spark/3.1.1-odps0.34.1/spark-3.1.1-odps0.34.1.tar.gz

sudo tar -xzvf spark-3.1.1-odps0.34.1.tar.gz

2). Configure environment variable by accessing / etc / profile file
vim /etc/profile

Below is the example of the environment variable configuration

# Set JAVA_HOME to the actual Java installation path.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
# export SPARK_HOME=/root/spark-3.1.1-odps0.34.1
export SPARK_HOME=/root/spark-2.4.5-odps0.33.2
export MAVEN_HOME=/root/apache-maven-3.9.6
export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin/:$PATH

For the variable to take into effect run this command

source /etc/profile

3). Building spark code (sample code can be found here)

cd MaxComputeSpark/spark2.x
mvn clean package

4). Edit Configuration file

spark.hadoop.odps.project.name =<YOUR MAXCOMPUTE PROJECT>  
spark.hadoop.odps.access.id =LTAI5*************     
spark.hadoop.odps.access.key =njl8xL*****************
spark.hadoop.odps.end.point = <YOUR MAXCOMPUTE ENDPOINT>
# For Spark 2.3.0, set spark.sql.catalogImplementation to odps. For Spark 2.4.5, set spark.sql.catalogImplementation to hive. 
# Retain the following configurations:
spark.hadoop.odps.task.major.version = cupid_v2
spark.hadoop.odps.cupid.container.image.enable = true
spark.hadoop.odps.cupid.container.vm.engine.type = hyper
spark.hadoop.odps.cupid.webproxy.endpoint = http://service.cn.maxcompute.aliyun-inc.com/api
spark.hadoop.odps.moye.trackurl.host = http://jobview.odps.aliyun.com


# Accessing OSS
spark.hadoop.fs.oss.accessKeyId = <YOUR ACCESSKEY ID>
spark.hadoop.fs.oss.accessKeySecret = <YOUR ACCESSKEY SECRET>
spark.hadoop.fs.oss.endpoint = <OSS ENDPOINT>

5). Download the sample python code below and move it into the spark folder

Sample Python Code:
a. Creating and Inserting into Hive Table: https://github.com/aliyun/MaxCompute-Spark/blob/master/spark-3.x/src/main/python/spark_sql.py

b. Write + Read to OSS: https://github.com/aliyun/MaxCompute-Spark/blob/master/spark-3.x/src/main/python/spark_oss.py

6). Create odps.conf in the conf folder in spark

Here is the example of the configuration required inside the odps.conf

odps.project.name = <MAXCOMPUTE PROJECT NAME>
odps.access.id = <ACCESSKEY ID>
odps.access.key = <ACCESSKEY SECRET>
odps.end.point = <MAXCOMPUTE ENDPOINT>

7). There are two types of running mode you can use; Local mode and Cluster Mode.


Running on Local Mode (on-premise engine)

1). Run the following command:

./bin/spark-submit --master local[4] /root/MaxCompute-Spark/spark-2.x/src/main/python/spark_sql.py


Spark can be successfully run using local mode in spark 2.4 (Picture above is the result query using MaxCompute Client)

Running on Cluster Mode (ODPS engine)

  1. Run the following commands to add environment variable
  1. Run the following command to run the spark in cluster mode
bin/spark-submit --master yarn-cluster --class com.aliyun.odps.spark.examples.SparkPi /root/MaxCompute-Spark/spark-2.x/src/main/python/spark_sql.py



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