Community Blog My Wish List for Alibaba Cloud VMware Solution (ACVS)'s International Offering

My Wish List for Alibaba Cloud VMware Solution (ACVS)'s International Offering

This article evocates the expectation of the Alibaba Cloud VMware Solution and its future international offering from an end-user point of view.

By Vincent Siu, Alibaba Cloud Certified Expert - Cloud Computing

If you are not familiar with Alibaba Cloud VMware Solution (ACVS), take a look at this blog written by a VMware vExpert PRO.

VMware has been on the market for a long time, and it is the de facto standard when we talk about virtualization. I have an impression VMware is a kind of on-premises infrastructure managed by customers. ACVS comes to recuse IT professionals to bridge local IDC and public cloud, making the hybrid cloud solution practical and realistic.

Figure: ACVS allows the hybrid cloud solution to be practical and realistic.

It has been two years since ACVS launched. Currently, it is ONLY available in Mainland China and the Hong Kong region. It covers my region (HK), but Alibaba has not made it globally available yet. It has been two years, and I am still waiting for it. As far as I know, there is no concrete answer to the release date of the availability to ALL regions.

I will take this time to show my wish list.

Technical Side

  • As of now, it is impossible to migrate ECS cross-region. I want to make use of ACVS as middleware and move my ECS from the HK region to the Singapore region. (I call it Alibaba vMotion.)
  • I want to convert Alibaba ECS and VMware machine and vice-versa.
  • I want to save a virtual disk file (.vmdk) of a LIVE VM on Alibaba Cloud OSS on schedule.
  • I want to upload a virtual disk file (.vmdk) and Open Virtual Appliance file (.OVA)to Alibaba Cloud.
  • I want to be covered by Resource Orchestration Service (ROS).
  • I want to be covered by CloudMonitor.

Billing Side

  • I want it to be flexible. Right now, Alibaba only offers an annual plan, and it requires a long application process.
  • I want a Starter Kit or Trial Package, so people can get a taste of ACVS without spending a lot of money.

Qualification Side

  • VMware and Alibaba have examination levels and pyramids. Why not take a step forward to have a partnership academically?
  • I want Alibaba Cloud Academy to provide the ACA/ACP/ACE of VMware.

Credits and References

  1. Introduction to Alibaba Cloud VMware Solution (ACVS)
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