Community Blog Introduction to Elasticsearch 8.X Terms Set Queries

Introduction to Elasticsearch 8.X Terms Set Queries

This article dives into its use cases, background, and practical applications with code examples, illustrating its power in handling complex data across various domains.

Elasticsearch has evolved significantly over the years, continually introducing features that empower developers and organizations to harness their data like never before. With the advent of Elasticsearch 8.X, a noteworthy feature that stands out for its ability to tackle complex data retrieval scenarios is the Terms Set Query. This query type is a game-changer for those dealing with documents containing multi-value fields, enabling fine-grained control over the search logic to match documents based on specified criteria.

Introduction to Terms Set Queries

Terms Set Query in Elasticsearch is designed for scenarios where documents contain fields with multiple values. Its essence lies in fetching documents that match a certain number of given terms. This can either be a fixed number or dynamically determined based on another field’s value. Such a mechanism finds immense usefulness when dealing with data characterized by multifaceted attributes, categories, or labels.

The Inception of Terms Set Queries

Introduced in Elasticsearch 6.1, Terms Set Query was a response to the complexity and limitations faced in handling multi-value fields with pre-existing query types. Prior to its introduction, complex queries or scripts were often necessary to achieve specific matching requirements. Terms Set Query simplified this by enabling users to easily retrieve documents matching a predefined count of given terms, with support for dynamic calculation based on other fields or scripts.

Terms Set Query in Action

Let's explore how Terms Set Query can be instrumental across various domains:

  • Tag Systems: In scenarios where content like articles or products are tagged, identifying items with a certain number of tagged attributes becomes straightforward.
  • Search Engines: Enhancing search functionality by retrieving documents that match or exceed a threshold of user-defined keywords.
  • E-commerce: For products characterized by multiple attributes (color, size, brand), this query can filter products meeting numerous specified criteria.
  • Document Management: Facilitating document retrieval based on matching a set number of categories or tags.

The Mechanics Behind Terms Set Query

Here’s a sneak peek into the basic syntax and operation:

  "query": {
    "terms_set": {
      "<field_name>": {
        "terms": ["<term1>", "<term2>", ...],
        "minimum_should_match_field": "<field_for_match_count>",
        "minimum_should_match_script": {
          "source": "<script>"

This structure outlines the process of specifying the field to query against, providing the terms to match, and setting the conditions for the count of matches. Elasticsearch processes this query to retrieve documents satisfying the given conditions.

Practical Example: Movies Database

Imagine we’re working with a movies database indexed in Elasticsearch. Each movie document contains multiple tags. To find movies that match at least two out of the three tags: "Comedy", "Action", and "Sci-Fi", we can execute a Terms Set Query as follows:

Data Preparation

PUT movies
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "title": { "type": "text" },
      "tags": { "type": "keyword" },
      "tags_count": { "type": "integer" }

Query Execution

Using minimum_should_match_field:

GET /movies/_search
  "query": {
    "terms_set": {
      "tags": {
        "terms": ["Comedy", "Action", "Sci-Fi"],
        "minimum_should_match_field": "tags_count"

This query helps us fetch movies matching our dynamic criteria based on the tags_count field.


Terms Set Query exemplifies the power and flexibility of Elasticsearch in managing and retrieving complex datasets. It stands out for its ability to handle documents with multi-value fields, offering precision in data retrieval across a myriad of use cases.

However, as with any powerful tool, it's imperative to consider performance implications, especially with large datasets. Pre-processing data or using clustering algorithms for tag grouping can mitigate potential performance issues, ensuring efficient and fast query responses.

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