Community Blog How Do I Setup a Minecraft Server on Ubuntu or Debian?

How Do I Setup a Minecraft Server on Ubuntu or Debian?

This tutorial will help you to setup your own Minecraft server, ARK and Cuberite on Debian or Ubuntu.

Minecraft is one of the most played games in the world. This tutorial will help you to setup your own Minecraft server on Debian or Ubuntu, and is compatible with The World of Color release.

Minecraft is one of the most played games worldwide, with more than 100 million users from all over the world. In a 3D generated place, players explore & build anything that they want. You can play as single player or you can invite your friends to join your server in multiplayer mode.

To setup your own Minecraft server on Debian or Ubuntu, follow the tutorial below. This tutorial is compatible with The World of Color release 1.12.

Note: This guide is tested for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS & Debian 8.


1.You must have Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS). To get free $300 credits in your Alibaba Cloud account "Click Here".
2.You must have a version of game client from https://www.minecraft.net to use your Minecraft server.
3.You should setup your server's hostname.
4.Follow the general instructions to secure your server e.g. activating firewalls.

Minimum Requirements for these settings:

1.Ubuntu 16.04 installed or Debian 8 installed on server
2.2GB RAM required (4GB Recommended)
3.Fast Internet (Provided with every ECS on Alibaba Cloud)

Before you begin:

Before you begin installation of Minecraft on your server, you will have to follow steps below:

1.Login as root user with your root username & password via SSH client (e.g. Putty) or VNC console available in your AliBaba Cloud account dashboard.

2.You will have to update & upgrade your Debian or Ubuntu to latest packages using the following commands:

# sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

upgrade your Debian or Ubuntu

Select "install the package maintainer's version" option and then select OK.

How Do I Setup a Minecraft Server on Ubuntu or Debian

3.Now you have to setup Java JDK environment & GNU Screen. For this, install OpenJDK & GNU Screen Package. OpenJDK is an open source available implementation of Java.

To install GNU Screen Packages in Debian or Ubuntu, you can refer to this tutorial to get the forword steps.

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How to Set Up an ARK: Survival Evolved Server on Ubuntu OS

As a gamer and developer, dedicated gaming servers are more flexible. In this tutorial, we will be hosting an ARK: Survival Evolved dedicated gaming.

ARK: Survival Evolved is an adventure-action genre video game. It is my personal favorite and one of the most played games worldwide. You can play as a single player or play with your friends on a server in multiplayer mode. There are a few ways to host a multiplayer server: buying a dedicated gaming server, using a third-party service, or creating your own on Alibaba Cloud!

As a gamer and developer, I prefer to have more flexibility when it comes to creating dedicated gaming servers. One major benefit of using a cloud provider, such as Alibaba Cloud, is that I do not have to worry about maintaining or upgrading the hardware in my server. It is also elastic, which means that I can easily scale my resources based on demands.

In this tutorial, I will be using an Ubuntu 16.04 server on Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS). You could also use other operating systems (OS); however, the steps may differ slightly from this tutorial. To setup your own ARK: Survival Evolved server, follow the tutorial below.


1.You must have an Alibaba Cloud ECS instance activated. If you are a new user, you can get free $300 credit in your Alibaba Cloud account. If you don't know how to setup your instance, you can refer to this tutorial or the quick-start guide.
2.You must have a copy of game client from https://www.playark.com to use your ARK: Survival Evolved server.
3.You should setup your server’s hostname.

Minimum Requirements for ARK: Survival Evolved Server
1.Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit) installed on your Alibaba Cloud ECS
2.6 GB RAM required (8 GB Recommended)
3.Fast Internet (you can purchase bandwidth on ECS for internet access)

Setting Up Ubuntu for SteamCMD

After completing the prerequisites, you will need to set up Ubuntu correctly on your ECS instance.

1.Login as root user with your root username & password via SSH client (e.g. Putty – You can get Putty from https://www.putty.org ). You can also connect directly using the Alibaba Cloud console.

2.You will have to update & upgrade your Ubuntu to latest packages using the following commands:

# sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

How to Install Cuberite on a CentOS 7

In this guide, you will learn how to install Cuberite on your Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) CentOS 7 server.

Cuberite is a free Minecraft-compatible game server written in C++. It has easy to use plugins that allow for the user to write their own plugins with Lua. Cuberite supports multi-platforms and works with most of Linux and Windows operating systems. Cuberite was created in late 2010 with its original name MCServer, as a replacement for the Vanilla Minecraft server.

In this guide, you will learn how to install Cuberite on your Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) CentOS 7 server.


1.You must have Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) activated and verified your valid payment method. If you are a new user, you can get a free account in your Alibaba Cloud account. If you don’t know about how to set up your ECS instance, you can refer to this tutorial or quick-start guide. Your ECS instance must have at least 1GB RAM and 1 Core processor.
2.Root user

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Related Documentation

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This document is applicable only to high-availability instances of RDS for SQL Server 2012 and later versions.

Currently, linked server creation has the following constraints:

  1. You cannot create a linked server on the RDS console.
  2. Creating a linked server with a series of storage procedures is complex.
  3. You cannot create a linked server using DNS and the corresponding IP address.
  4. Despite the constraints, this document provides a simple method of creating a linked server.

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