Community Blog Future-Oriented EDAS 3.0 Was Unveiled at the Apsara Conference 2020

Future-Oriented EDAS 3.0 Was Unveiled at the Apsara Conference 2020

This article talks about the release of EDAS 3.0 and how it helps users build an efficient and stable cloud-native system.

Catch the replay of the Apsara Conference 2020 at this link!

By Aliware

"We are using the microservice technology and distributed databases. These technologies help enterprises improve the performance of the system, increase scalability, but also increase complexity and technical threshold. Are we concerned about how Alibaba Cloud can help us build these Internet applications more efficiently and at a lower cost?" - Zhou Lei, IT Director of Hotwind

This is a common question for many enterprises. If I use Alibaba Cloud technologies, does my business model become simpler or more complicated? The appeal behind this requirement is whether the technology used is controllable.

EDAS 3.0 Was Unveiled at Apsara Conference 2020

At the main forum of the Apsara Conference, Jiang Jiangwei, Alibaba Partner and General Manager of Infrastructure Products BU, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, said, "At the PaaS level, we always embrace open-source technologies and keep the products compatible with the community edition in terms of timeliness. For enterprise features, such as service governance and application monitoring, we provide a stable and mature product to lower the threshold for enterprises to build Internet-based applications. For example, Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) 3.0 is a typical product of this."

When enterprises build Internet applications on the cloud, they usually encounter the following problems:

  • How can we determine the capacity of a distributed system?
  • How can we achieve more intelligent auto scaling to maximize capacity at the lowest cost?
  • When a problem occurs in the system, how can it be quickly located and diagnosed?

With these three issues in mind, we can take a look at how the cloud-native architecture of EDAS 3.0 solves the problems of the throttling and the decline in transaction success rate caused by a single point of failure in real scenarios.

We have helped enterprises realize the four core values and capabilities. First, the cloud-native architecture of EDAS 3.0 implements visual resource planning. The Performance Testing Service (PTS) is used to visualize business capacity. Second, it implements the second-level container elastic resources. Through the ASK service, it provides fast elasticity of underlying containers, and it enables the ability to scale up thousands of pods in seconds to cope with sudden traffic peaks. Third, it implements automated system protection and traffic control to resist unexpected traffic access. Fourth, it has implemented an integrated fault stress testing drill. It uses EDAS 3.0, a cloud-native application platform, for integrated application management, to provide application elasticity, service governance, monitoring, diagnosis, high availability, and other capabilities.

From HSF to Perfect Support for Dubbo and Spring Cloud

Internet problems should be solved with Internet-based architecture.

In January 2016, Alibaba Cloud officially launched EDAS, which was the first large-scale, enterprise-level distributed application service to be commercially available in China. EDAS is the result of Alibaba's large-scale Internet e-commerce system. EDAS accumulates ten years of operation maintenance experience and a large number of operation maintenance tools, from application creation to application deployment and expansion. It allows you to comprehensively manage the publishing and running of large-scale Internet applications and supports auto scaling based on the server load and application service metrics. It also helped Sinopec's e-commerce business, "EPEC," launch in 90 days. After ten months of trial operation, the total turnover of EPEC exceeded 7 billion CNY. The distributed service framework of EPEC is developed by Horizontal Scale Friendly (HSF), the most widely used middleware product in Alibaba.

In November 2018, EDAS was significantly upgraded. The new version enhances native support for mainstream microservice frameworks, enabling Spring Cloud and Dubbo user code to be migrated to EDAS without intrusion. It lowers the access threshold for developers, improves the experience, and builds an efficient R & D and O & M system. You can enjoy enterprise-level capabilities, such as microservice application hosting, microservice governance, and monitoring and alerting. You can also enjoy application diagnosis by adding dependencies and modifying the configuration to achieve zero code intrusion. For example, Dubbo and Spring Cloud are mainstream microservice frameworks. Before you migrate these frameworks to EDAS, you have to build and maintain components, such as ZooKeeper, Eureka, and Consul. This lacks tracing analysis, rate limiting, and degradation to ensure the stable running of applications and requires resources to be invested in deep development. After you migrate these frameworks to EDAS, you can use the tracking and throttling features at no cost and achieve resource visualization, reducing hardware investment and O & M costs.

Future-Oriented and All in the Cloud-Native

Cloud-native technologies have profoundly changed the process of software development and delivery, but have improved the threshold for enterprises. Application-centric EDAS has lowered this threshold.


In May 2020, EDAS 3.0 was released and fully supports the cloud-native technology system. EDAS 3.0 upgraded the microservice governance, Kubernetes cluster inclusion and management, integrated supervision and control, and the integration experience of other Alibaba Cloud Infrastructure products. For example, the Java Agent technology developed by the Alibaba Cloud Microservice Open-Source Team can perfectly support all of the versions released by Spring Cloud and Dubbo in the past five years without intrusion or modifying a line of code. The technology uses the full set of microservice governance capabilities, such as canary release, outlier removal, service authentication, fault-free offline, throttling and degradation, and full-link traffic control. In addition to the Kubernetes cluster hosting service, EDAS 3.0 provides the full-process control capabilities, such as one-click multi-AZ high-availability deployment, application release version management, release change tracking, and application-layer mechanism elasticity. It helps you manage Alibaba Cloud container clusters more efficiently and lowers the threshold for using container technology.

For the future, EDAS 3.0 helps more customers build a cloud-native system and transform their requirements to the implementation of their products efficiently and stably.

Catch the replay of the Apsara Conference 2020 at this link!

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