Community Blog Configure SLO for Application Service in Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (5): Use Grafana to View SLO

Configure SLO for Application Service in Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (5): Use Grafana to View SLO

Part 5 of this series exaplains how to use Grafana to view SLO-related metrics.

By Xining Wang (xining.wxn@alibaba-inc.com)

This is the fifth article in the series:

  1. Configure SLO for Application Service in Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (1): SLO Overview
  2. Configure SLO for Application Service in Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (2): SLO Definition in ASM
  3. Configure SLO for Application Service in Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (3): Configure SLOs for Applications in ASM
  4. Configure SLO for Application Service in Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (4): Import the Generated Rules to Prometheus to Execute SLO
  5. Configure SLO for Application Service in Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (5): Use Grafana to View SLO

Grafana is an open-source data visualization platform. It can generate various visual meters and help us simplify the complexity of monitoring. The following exaplains how to use Grafana to view SLO-related metrics.


• The generated rules have been imported to Prometheus to execute the SLO. For more information, see Import the Generated Rules to Prometheus to Execute SLO.

• Use Kubernetes command-line client kubectl to connect to the ACK cluster that is added to the ASM instance. For more information, see Use kubectl to connect to an ASM instance.

Install Grafana and import a dashboard

1.  Install Helm

2.  Run the following command in the terminal to install the Grafana application in the ACK cluster

# Add the warehouse information
helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
# Install the Grafana application
helm install -n monitoring asm-grafana grafana/grafana

3.  Run kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring asm-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo in terminal to get login password

4.  Run kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/asm-grafana 3000:80 in the terminal. Click http://localhost:3000 to access the Grafana console and log in with the username: admin and the password obtained in the previous step

5.  Click Add data source and select the Prometheus data sources


6.  Enter http://ack-prometheus-operator-prometheus:9090 in the URL column and save it;


7.  Click Dashboard->Import in the left sidebar, click the link to copy the dashboard template asm-slo-detail-rev5.json, paste it into the Import via panel json input box, and click Import Template.


View SLO

The effect of the dashboard is shown as the following:


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Xi Ning Wang(王夕宁)

56 posts | 8 followers

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