Community Blog Use ASM to Manage Knative Services (6): Auto Scaling Based on the Number of Traffic Requests

Use ASM to Manage Knative Services (6): Auto Scaling Based on the Number of Traffic Requests

Part 6 of this 6-part series describes how to enable auto scaling of pods based on the number of requests

By Xining Wang

Article Series

Use ASM to Manage Knative Services (1): An Overview of Knative on ASM

Use ASM to Manage Knative Services (2): Use Knative on ASM to Deploy Serverless Applications

Use ASM to Manage Knative Services (3): Use Custom Domain in Knative on ASM

Use ASM to Manage Knative Services (4): Use ASM Gateway to Access Knative Services over HTTPS

Use ASM to Manage Knative Services (5): Canary Deployment of Services Based on Traffic in Knative on ASM

Use ASM to Manage Knative Services (6): Auto Scaling Based on the Number of Traffic Requests

Knative Pod Autoscaler (KPA) is an out-of-the-box feature that can scale pods for your application to withstand traffic fluctuations. This article describes how to enable auto scaling of pods based on the number of requests.


  • A Knative Service is created using Knative on ASM. Please see Part 2 for specific operations.
  • Use the custom domain name aliyun.com (please see Part 3)

Background Information

Knative Serving adds the Queue-Proxy container to each pod. The Queue-Proxy container sends concurrency metrics of the application containers to KPA. After KPA receives the metrics, KPA automatically adjusts the number of pods provisioned for a Deployment based on the number of concurrent requests and related algorithms.


Concurrency and QPS

  • The number of concurrent requests refers to the number of requests received by a pod at the same time.
  • Queries per second (QPS) refers to the number of requests that can be handled by a pod per second. It also shows the maximum throughput of a pod.

The increase in concurrent requests does not necessarily increase the QPS. In scenarios where the access load is heavy, if the concurrency is increased, the QPS may be decreased. This is because the system is overloaded, and CPU and memory usage is high, which downgrades the performance and increases the response latency.

Please visit the link below for specific algorithm: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/container-service-for-kubernetes/latest/enable-automatic-scaling-for-pods-based-on-the-number-of-requests

Please visit the link below for information about how to use HPA in Knative: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/container-service-for-kubernetes/latest/best-practices-use-hpa-in-knative

KPA Configurations Introduction

Configure KPA

In order to configure KPA, you must configure config-autoscaler. config-autoscaler is configured by default. The following content describes the key parameters.

Run the following command to query config-autoscaler:

kubectl -n knative-serving get cm config-autoscaler

Expected output:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
 name: config-autoscaler
 namespace: knative-serving
 container-concurrency-target-default: "100"
 container-concurrency-target-percentage: "0.7"
 enable-scale-to-zero: "true"
 max-scale-up-rate: "1000"
 max-scale-down-rate: "2"
 panic-window-percentage: "10"
 panic-threshold-percentage: "200"
 scale-to-zero-grace-period: "30s"
 scale-to-zero-pod-retention-period: "0s"
 stable-window: "60s"
 target-burst-capacity: "200"
 requests-per-second-target-default: "200"

Configure Scale-In to 0 for KPA

Field Description Value
scale-to-zero-grace-period The time when inactive revision keeps running before KPA scales the number of pods to zero. The minimum period is 30 seconds. 30s
stable-window In stable mode, KPA scales pods based on the average number of concurrent requests per pod within the stable window. You can also specify the stable window using an annotation in the Deployment revision.
autoscaling.knative.dev/window: 60s
enable-scale-to-zero Set enable-scale-to-zero to true true

Configure the Concurrency Number of Autoscaler

Field Description Value
container-concurrency-target-default It defines how many concurrent requests are required at a given time (soft limit). It is the recommended configuration for Autoscaler in Knative. The concurrency target in the ConfigMap is set to 100 by default. In addition, this value can be modified by the autoscaling.knative.dev/target annotation in the Revision.
autoscaling.knative.dev/target: 50
containerConcurrency When running in Stable mode, Autoscaler operates under the average number of concurrency during the stable window. You can also configure stable-window in the Revision annotation.
autoscaling.knative.dev/window: 60s
container-concurrency-target-percentage This parameter is known as a concurrency percentage or a concurrency factor. It will directly participate in the calculation of the concurrency number for auto scaling. For example, if the concurrency target or the containerConcurrency is set to 100, the concurrency factor container-concurrency-target-percentage is 0.7. Then, the scale-out will be triggered when the actual concurrency number reaches 70 (100 0.7). Therefore, the actual concurrency number of auto scaling = target (or containerConcurrency) container-concurrency-target-percentage. 0.7

Set the Scale Bounds

You can use minScale and maxScale parameters to set the minimum and maximum number of Pods served by your application. You can use these two parameters to reduce cold starts and computing costs.


  • If you do not set the minScale annotation, all pods are removed when no traffic arrives. If you set the enable-scale-to-zero of the config-autoscaler to false, the scaling is 1.
  • If you do not set the maxScale annotation, the number of pods that can be provisioned for the application is unlimited.

You can configure the minScale and maxScale parameters in the revision template:

      autoscaling.knative.dev/minScale: "2"
      autoscaling.knative.dev/maxScale: "10"

Scenario 1: Enable Auto Scaling by Setting a Concurrency Target

In this scenario, you can set the number of concurrent requests and use KPA to implement auto scaling. Follow these steps to deploy the autoscale-go application in the cluster.

1) Create autoscale-go.yaml. Set the number of concurrent targets to 10.

apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
kind: Service
  name: autoscale-go
  namespace: default
        app: autoscale-go
        autoscaling.knative.dev/target: "10"
        - image: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/autoscale-go:0.1

2) Use kubectl to connect to the cluster and run the following command on the command line to deploy the autoscale-go:

kubectl apply -f autoscale-go.yaml

3) Log on to the ASM service mesh console to view the ASM gateway

4) Use the Hey stress testing tool to maintain 50 concurrent requests within 30s (please replace xxx.xx.xx.xxx with your gateway IP)

Note: Please see Hey for information about Hey stress testing tools.

hey -z 30s -c 50   -host "autoscale-go.default.example.com"   "http://xxx.xx.xx.xxx?sleep=100&prime=10000&bloat=5"

Expected output:


As you can see from the results, seven pods are scaled out in the whole process. This is because when the container concurrency is greater than a certain percentage of the target concurrency (70% by default), knative will create more standby pods in advance to avoid a further increase in concurrency, and the target is exceeded.

Scenario 2: Enable Auto Scaling by Setting Scale Bounds

Scale bounds control the minimum and maximum numbers of pods that can be provisioned for an application. Auto scaling is achieved by setting the minimum and maximum number of Pods that can be provisioned for an application. Follow these steps to deploy the autoscale-go application in the cluster.

1) Create autoscale-go.yaml. Set the maximum number of concurrent requests to 10, set the minimum number of reserved instances of minScale to 1, and set the maximum number of scale-out instances of maxScale to 3.

apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
kind: Service
  name: autoscale-go
  namespace: default
        app: autoscale-go
        autoscaling.knative.dev/target: "10"
        autoscaling.knative.dev/minScale: "1"
        autoscaling.knative.dev/maxScale: "3"   
        - image: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/autoscale-go:0.1

2) Use kubectl to connect to the cluster and run the following command on the command line to deploy the autoscale-go:

kubectl apply -f autoscale-go.yaml

3) Log on to the ASM console to view the ASM gateway.

4) Use the Hey stress testing tool to maintain 50 concurrent requests within 30s (please replace xxx.xx.xx.xxx with your gateway IP)

Note: Please see Hey for more information about Hey stress testing tools.

hey -z 30s -c 50   -host "autoscale-go.default.example.com"   "http://xxx.xx.xx.xxx?sleep=100&prime=10000&bloat=5"

Expected output:


The result is consistent with our configuration, with a maximum of 3 Pods added. Even if there is no access request traffic, one running Pod is maintained.

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Xi Ning Wang(王夕宁)

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