Community Blog Alibaba Cloud Toolkit Command Writing Guide

Alibaba Cloud Toolkit Command Writing Guide

This article provides the best practice for writing commands when you are using the Alibaba Cloud Toolkit plug-in to deploy applications.

This article provides the best practice for writing commands when you are using the Alibaba Cloud Toolkit plug-in to deploy the following applications:

  • Standard Java Web Tomcat applications
  • Standard Java Fatjar applications
  • Standard Spring Boot applications
  • Standard Go applications

Standard Java Web Tomcat Applications


As shown in the preceding figure, assume that the /root/tomcat/ in the Linux system is the root directory of a Tomcat application. We need to deploy the WAR package (javademo.war) of the Java Web application to the /root/tomcat/webapps directory.

The corresponding command configuration is as follows:

sh /root/sh/restart-tomcat.sh

The content of the restart-tomcat.sh script is as follows:

source /etc/profile
killall java
rm -rf /root/tomcat/webapps/javademo
sh /root/tomcat/bin/startup.sh

The /ect/profile file is used to configure environment variables, and contains content similar to the following:

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/share/jdk1.8.0_14
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:.....

Standard Java Fatjar Applications

Assume that the /root/javademo directory in the Linux system is used as the root directory of a Java application. We need to deploy the jar package of the Java application to the /root/javademo directory.

The corresponding command configuration is as follows:

sh /root/sh/restart-java.sh

The content of the restart-java.sh script is as follows:

source /etc/profile
killall java
nohup java -jar /root/javademo/javademo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > nohup.log 2>&1 &

Standard Spring Boot Applications

Assume that the/root/springbootdemo directory of the Linux system is used as the root directory of a Spring Boot application. We need to deploy the jar package (springbootdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar) of the Spring Boot application to the /root/springbootdemo directory.

The corresponding command configuration is as follows:

sh /root/sh/restart-springboot.sh

The content of the restart-springboot.sh script is as follows:

source /etc/profile
killall java
nohup java -jar /root/springbootdemo/springbootdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > nohup.log 2>&1 &

Standard Go Applications

Assume that the /root/godemo directory in the Linux system is used as the root directory of a Go application. We need to deploy the executable file (godemo) of the Go application to the /root/godemo directory.

The corresponding command configuration is as follows:

sh /root/sh/restart-go.sh

The content of the restart-go.sh script is as follows:

source /etc/profile
pkill -f 'godemo'
chmod 755 /root/godemo/godemo; 
sh -c /root/godemo/godemo
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