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Simple Log Service:Enable the log analysis feature

更新時間:Apr 01, 2024

Cloud Firewall and Simple Log Service jointly launch the log analysis feature. The feature allows you to collect, query, analyze, transform, and consume traffic logs of protected assets in real time. The feature helps you monitor and protect network assets and meet compliance requirements. This topic describes how to enable the log analysis feature in the Cloud Firewall console and collect traffic logs to Simple Log Service.


Supported editions

The log analysis feature is available only in Premium Edition, Enterprise Edition, and Ultimate Edition of Cloud Firewall that uses the subscription billing method. The log analysis feature is unavailable in Cloud Firewall that uses the pay-as-you-go billing method.



If you do not know the actual traffic condition when you create an access control policy, you can set the policy action to Monitor. For more information about the actions that are supported in access control policies, see Policy actions. If you set the policy action to Monitor, traffic is allowed when the policy is hit. You can observe traffic for a specific period of time and change the policy action to Allow or Deny based on your business requirements. You can view the traffic data on the Traffic Logs page. For more information, see Log audit.

  1. Visit the Cloud Firewall buy page.

  2. Set the Log Analysis parameter to Yes, configure the Log Storage parameter, click Buy Now, and then complete the payment.

    For more information, see Subscription.


  3. Log on to the Cloud Firewall console.

  4. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Log Analysis > Log Analysis.

  5. Click Enable Now to enable the log analysis feature.

For more information about the types of Cloud Firewall logs, see Supported log types.

Related operations



Disable the log delivery feature

On the Logs tab of the Log Analysis page, click Log Delivery and disable the log delivery feature for specific types of logs.


After you disable the log delivery feature, your project and the logs that are delivered to Simple Log Service are not automatically deleted. To prevent unwanted fees after you disable the feature, we recommend that you manually delete the project in the Simple Log Service console. For more information, see Delete a project.

Modify log storage configurations

Modify the configurations related to log storage. For example, change log types, log storage regions, and log retention periods, manage log storage usage, and delete logs. For more information, see Modify log storage configurations.

  • We recommend that you monitor the storage usage at regular intervals when you use the log analysis feature. If the storage usage exceeds 70%, we recommend that you upgrade the log storage specifications at the earliest opportunity. Otherwise, you cannot store new logs.

  • You cannot restore logs after the logs are deleted. Proceed with caution.
