CREATE TABLE if not exists pyodps_iris ( sepallength DOUBLE comment '片長度(cm)', sepalwidth DOUBLE comment '片寬度(cm)', petallength DOUBLE comment '瓣長度(cm)', petalwidth DOUBLE comment '瓣寬度(cm)', name STRING comment '種類' );
單擊目標工作空間操作列的 。
在資料開發頁面,按右鍵已經建立的商務程序,選擇 。
from odps import DataFrame iris = DataFrame(o.get_table('pyodps_iris')) #擷取列。 print iris.sepallength.head(5) print iris['sepallength'].head(5) #查看列的類型。 print iris.sepallength.dtype #修改列的類型。 iris.sepallength.astype('int') #計算。 print iris.groupby('name').sepallength.max().head(5) print iris.sepallength.max() #重新命名列。 print iris.sepalwidth.rename('speal_width').head(5) #簡單的列變化。 print (iris.sepallength + iris.sepalwidth).rename('sum_sepal').head(5)
Executing user script with PyODPS 0.8.0 Try to fetch data from tunnel sepallength 0 4.9 1 4.7 2 4.6 3 5.0 4 5.4 Try to fetch data from tunnel sepallength 0 4.9 1 4.7 2 4.6 3 5.0 4 5.4 FLOAT64 Sql compiled: CREATE TABLE tmp_pyodps_ed78e3ba_f13c_4a49_812d_2790d57c25dd LIFECYCLE 1 AS SELECT MAX(t1.`sepallength`) AS `sepallength_max` FROM data_service_fr.`pyodps_iris` t1 GROUP BY t1.`name` sepallength_max 0 5.8 1 7.0 2 7.9 Collection: ref_0 odps.Table name: data_service_fr.`pyodps_iris` schema: sepallength : double # 片長度(cm) sepalwidth : double # 片寬度(cm) petallength : double # 瓣長度(cm) petalwidth : double # 瓣寬度(cm) name : string # 種類 max = Max[float64] sepallength = Column[sequence(float64)] 'sepallength' from collection ref_0 Try to fetch data from tunnel speal_width 0 3.0 1 3.2 2 3.1 3 3.6 4 3.9 Sql compiled: CREATE TABLE tmp_pyodps_28120275_8d0f_4683_8318_302fa21459ac LIFECYCLE 1 AS SELECT t1.`sepallength` + t1.`sepalwidth` AS `sum_sepal` FROM data_service_fr.`pyodps_iris` t1 sum_sepal 0 7.9 1 7.9 2 7.7 3 8.6 4 9.3 2019-08-13 10:48:13 INFO ================================================================= 2019-08-13 10:48:13 INFO Exit code of the Shell command 0 2019-08-13 10:48:13 INFO --- Invocation of Shell command completed --- 2019-08-13 10:48:13 INFO Shell run successfully!
from odps import options from odps import DataFrame #查看運行時的instance的logview。 options.verbose = True iris = DataFrame(o.get_table('pyodps_iris')) iris[iris.sepallength < 5].exclude('sepallength')[:5].execute() my_logs = [] def my_loggers(x): my_logs.append(x) options.verbose_log = my_loggers iris[iris.sepallength < 5].exclude('sepallength')[:5].execute() print(my_logs) #緩衝中間Collection結果。 cached = iris[iris.sepalwidth < 3.5].cache() print cached.head(3) #非同步和並存執行。 from odps.df import Delay delay = Delay() #建立Delay對象。 df = iris[iris.sepalwidth < 5].cache() #有一個共同的依賴。 future1 = df.sepalwidth.sum().execute(delay=delay) #立即返回future對象,此時並沒有執行。 future2 = df.sepalwidth.mean().execute(delay=delay) future3 = df.sepalwidth.max().execute(delay=delay) delay.execute(n_parallel=3) print future1.result() print future2.result() print future3.result()
Executing user script with PyODPS 0.8.0 Sql compiled: CREATE TABLE tmp_pyodps_4a204590_0510_4e9c_823b_5b837a437840 LIFECYCLE 1 AS SELECT t1.`sepalwidth`, t1.`petallength`, t1.`petalwidth`, t1.`name` FROM data_service_fr.`pyodps_iris` t1 WHERE t1.`sepallength` < 5 LIMIT 5 Instance ID: 20190813025233386g04djssa Log view: http://logview.odps.aliyun.com/logview/XXX ['Sql compiled:', 'CREATE TABLE tmp_pyodps_03b92c55_8442_4e61_8978_656495487b8a LIFECYCLE 1 AS \nSELECT t1.`sepalwidth`, t1.`petallength`, t1.`petalwidth`, t1.`name` \nFROM data_service_fr.`pyodps_iris` t1 \nWHERE t1.`sepallength` < 5 \nLIMIT 5', 'Instance ID: 20190813025236282gcsna5pr2', u' Log view: http://logview.odps.aliyun.com/logview/?h=http://service.odps.aliyun.com/api&XXX sepallength sepalwidth petallength petalwidth name 0 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa 454.6 3.05100671141 4.4 2019-08-13 10:52:48 INFO ================================================================= 2019-08-13 10:52:48 INFO Exit code of the Shell command 0 2019-08-13 10:52:48 INFO --- Invocation of Shell command completed --- 2019-08-13 10:52:48 INFO Shell run successfully! 2019-08-13 10:52:48 INFO Current task status: FINISH