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Elastic Desktop Service:Mount a NAS file system on a Windows cloud computer

最終更新日:Jul 13, 2024

By default, you cannot share files between different cloud computers that reside in the same office network in Elastic Desktop Service (EDS). If you want to share files between the cloud computers, you can mount an Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS) file system on the cloud computers. You can create a NAS file system for a Windows cloud computer to automatically or manually mount the file system to a specific directory of the cloud computer. This topic describes how to mount a NAS file system on a Windows cloud computer. In this topic, a convenience office network is used as an example.


An office network described in this topic was formerly known as a workspace. A basic office network corresponds to a basic workspace, and an advanced office network corresponds to a standard workspace.

Background information

In Elastic Desktop Service, NAS file systems can be mounted on cloud computers to share files, store logs, and back up data.

By default, the NAS file systems that are created in the Elastic Desktop Service console are of the General-purpose type and use the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. For more information about General-purpose NAS file systems, see General-purpose NAS file systems.


You are charged when you use a General-purpose NAS file system. The billable items of a NAS file system include storage specifications, storage capacity (peak storage per hour), and storage duration. For more information, see Billing of General-purpose NAS file systems.


When a NAS file system is automatically mounted on a Windows cloud computer, you must take note of the following limits:

  • You can create a NAS file system only in an advanced office network.

  • You can enable the encryption feature for a NAS file system only when you create the file system. After the feature is enabled, you cannot disable it.


    Before you create a NAS file system, you must confirm whether the NAS file system needs to be encrypted.


Automatically mount a NAS file system

A NAS file system can be automatically mounted on a Windows cloud computer. To do so, you need to only create a NAS file system in the office network in which the cloud computer resides in the EDS console. After you create the NAS file system, it is automatically mounted on the Windows cloud computer. When you create, start, or restart Windows cloud computers in the same office network, the file system is automatically mounted on the cloud computers. The following section describes how to create a NAS file system.

Step1: Create a NAS file system

  1. Log on to the NAS console and follow the on-screen instructions to activate NAS.

    If NAS is already activated, skip this step.

  2. Log on to the Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) console.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Networks & Storage > NAS File Systems.

  4. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  5. On the NAS File Systems page, click Create NAS File System.

  6. In the Create NAS File System panel, configure parameters. The following table describes the parameters.

    Parameter description




    Enter a name for the NAS file system that you want to create.


    The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter but cannot start with http:// or https://.

    Office Network

    Select the office network in which you want to create the NAS file system.


    If your Windows cloud computer resides in a basic office network and you want to mount a NAS file system on the cloud computer, you must first migrate the cloud computer from the basic office network to an advanced office network. For more information about how to migrate cloud computers, see Migrate cloud computers across office networks.


    Enter a description for the NAS file system.

    Encryption Type

    Select None or NAS-managed Key based on your business requirements.

    • None: Disable the encryption feature.

    • NAS-managed Key: Enable the encryption feature. Each NAS file system is encrypted by using a NAS-managed key.

    Storage Type

    Select Capacity or Performance based on your business requirements. The capacity of a Capacity NAS file system is 10 PiB. The capacity of a Performance NAS file system is 1 PiB.


    Both the storage types are General-purpose NAS file systems with different performance metrics. For more information about General-purpose NAS file systems, see General-purpose NAS file systems.

  7. Confirm the parameters that you specified and click OK.

When the status of the NAS file system that you create changes to Started on the NAS File Systems page, the NAS file system is created.

Step 2: Verify whether the NAS file system is mounted

If the NAS file system is mounted on a Windows cloud computer, you can access the file system in the same way you access a directory.

By default, a NAS file system is mounted to the (Z:) drive on a Windows cloud computer. If a conflict occurs in the Z: drive, or multiple NAS file systems are mounted to the Z: drive, the NAS file system is mounted to the next drive in reverse alphabetic order.

You can access the corresponding drive to which the NAS file system is mounted on the cloud computer after you connect to the cloud computer.

Manually mount a NAS file system

If your NAS file system is unmounted by mistake or if you want to mount it to another drive, you can manually mount the NAS file system by using one of the following methods:

  1. Log on to the Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Networks & Storage > NAS File Systems.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  4. On the NAS File Systems page, find the desired NAS file system and record the domain name of the mount target in the Mount Target Domain column.

  5. Connect to the cloud computer and run the following command to mount the NAS file system:

    In the following example, Y drive is used and the domain name of the mount target is 0bb254adc3-x**** You must replace y: and 0bb254adc3-x**** with the actual drive letter and the domain name of the mount target.

    net use y: \\0bb254adc3-x****\myshare
  6. After you mount the NAS file system, you can read and write data in the file system in the same way you do on a normal disk on the cloud computer.


If the office network in which the Windows cloud computer resides is of the enterprise Active Directory (AD) account type, and the SMB access control list (ACL) feature is enabled for the file system, the NAS file system is automatically mounted on the cloud computer by a domain user. For more information about how to enable the SMB ACL feature, see Join the mount target of an SMB file system to an AD domain.