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CloudOps Orchestration Service:Limits

最終更新日:Sep 04, 2024

This topic describes the limits of CloudOps Orchestration Service (OOS) and the methods of increasing the limits.


Limit for regular users

Method of increasing the limit

Maximum number of templates that a user can create


Apply for a limit increase in Quota Center.

Maximum number of concurrent executions that a user can run


Maximum number of tasks that a user can execute per day


Maximum size of a template file

64 KB

The limit cannot be increased.

Maximum number of actions that a user can execute per day


Maximum number of tasks that can be defined in a template


Maximum number of iterations for a loop task in a template


Maximum number of entries that can be retrieved when autopaging is enabled for an action


Supported regions

  • China (Hangzhou)

  • China (Shanghai)

  • China (Qingdao)

  • China (Beijing)

  • China (Zhangjiakou)

  • China (Hohhot)

  • China (Ulanqab)

  • China (Shenzhen)

  • China (Heyuan)

  • China (Guangzhou)

  • China (Chengdu)

  • China (Hong Kong)

  • China (Wuhan - Local Region)

  • China East 2 MYbank

  • China (Nanjing - Local Region)

  • China (Fuzhou - Local Region)

  • Singapore

  • Japan (Tokyo)

  • South Korea (Seoul)

  • Thailand (Bangkok)

  • Philippines (Manila)

  • Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

  • Indonesia (Jakarta)

  • UK (London)

  • US (Silicon Valley)

  • US (Virginia)

  • Germany (Frankfurt)

  • UAE (Dubai)

  • SAU (Riyadh)

  • China North 2 Finance

  • China East 1 Finance

  • China South 1 Finance

  • China East 2 Finance

  • China North 2 Ali Gov 1

The limit cannot be increased.

  • Supported regions are regions in which OOS can be deployed. By default, OOS deployed in a region is used to manage resources in the same region. For example, by default, OOS deployed in the China (Hangzhou) region is used to manage Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in this region. However, OOS provides a method to manage resources deployed in other regions. You can specify the RegionID parameter in the ACS::ExecuteAPI action to call API operations in other regions. However, we recommend that you do not use this method.