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Elastic Desktop Service:Overview

Last Updated:Jun 18, 2024

Office networks (formerly workspaces) are private networks hosted on Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Office networks can determine the number of cloud computers that can be housed and the methods to connect to the cloud computers from Alibaba Cloud Workspace clients. This topic describes how office networks work and how office networks are classified.


In Elastic Desktop Service (Enterprise Edition) , cloud computers reside in office networks that can determine specific configurations of cloud computers. This section describes the details:

  • IPv4 CIDR blocks

    When you create cloud computers in an office network, the system automatically assigns IP addresses to the cloud computers from the CIDR block of the VPC that is used by the office network. The number of IP addresses varies based on the CIDR block. For more information, see Plan a CIDR block.

  • Connection methods

    When you create an office network, you must specify a method used by end users to connect cloud computers from Alibaba Cloud Workspace clients. The following connection methods are provided:

    • Internet (default): End users can connect to the cloud computers only over the Internet. If you select this method, on-premises machines that are used to connect to the cloud computers must be able to access the Internet.

    • VPC: End users can connect to the cloud computers only over a VPC. If you select this method, you must attach the office network to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance. In addition, you must use Express Connect (circuits), Smart Access Gateway (SAG), or VPN Gateway to establish a connection between the on-premises and cloud networks. For more information, see Attach and detach an office network to and from a CEN instance and Select a private network service.

    • VPC and Internet: End users can use both of the preceding connection methods.

  • Internet access

    Elastic Desktop Service (Enterprise Edition) provides 5 Mbit/s of bandwidth that is free of charge for office networks, which cloud computers can use to access the Internet by default. To manage Internet access of cloud computers in a fine-grained manner, you can configure global settings and domain whitelists for office networks in which the cloud computers reside. If you require higher bandwidth, you can purchase premium bandwidth plans for office networks. For more information, see Billable items.

  • Network connectivity

    • By default, office networks are isolated from each other. If you want to connect office networks, attach the office networks to the same CEN instance. For more information, see Attach and detach an office network to and from a CEN instance.

    • Cloud computers in an office network are also isolated. To implement connectivity, you can turn on Interconnection Between Cloud Computers in Office Network on the details page of the office network.

  • File sharing

    By default, cloud computers in an office network cannot share files. If you want to share files between cloud computers, you must attach an Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS) file system on the cloud computers. For more information, see Mount a NAS file system on a Windows cloud computer or Mount a NAS file system on a Linux cloud computer. You are charged for the NAS file systems. For more information, see Billing of General-purpose NAS file systems.

    • NAS file systems must be automatically mounted on Windows cloud computers.


      You can create only one NAS file system for each advanced office network.

    • NAS file systems can be only manually mounted on Linux cloud computers.

  • Logon and authentication

    To ensure the security of logons, you can enable single sign-on (SSO) and other authentication for office networks. The following authentication methods are supported:

    • SSO: You must configure a trust relationship between an identity provider (IdP), such as Active Directory Federation Service (AD FS) and a service provider (SP), such as Elastic Desktop Service (Enterprise Edition) . When end users log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace clients, the system authenticates only the IdP logon credentials of the end users. If the credentials pass authentication, the end users can log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace clients. For more information, see Overview.

    • MFA: You must bind a virtual multiple-factor authentication (MFA) device that dynamically generates code when the device receives an authentication request. When end users log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace clients by using office network IDs, usernames, and passwords, the end users must also enter a dynamic code. For more information, see Configure MFA.

    • Client Logon Verification: End users must enter a verification code that the system sends to their email addresses or mobile phones when the end users use new devices to log on to Alibaba Cloud Workspace clients.

Office network types

Elastic Desktop Service (Enterprise Edition) provides basic and advanced office networks. Basic office networks are formerly known as basic workspaces, and advanced office networks are formerly known as standard workspaces. The following table compares the two types.





You can configure basic settings with ease and use it out of the box.

You can configure advanced settings of robust performance.


  • You want to use Elastic Desktop Service (Enterprise Edition) for trials.

  • You require only a small number of cloud computers and basic configurations.

  • You require a large number of cloud computers.

  • You have special configuration requirements. For example, you want to customize the CIDR block of your office network.

  • You need to interconnect with enterprise AD systems.

Upper limit of cloud computers



Account system

Convenience account

  • Convenience account

  • Enterprise AD account

Connection method


  • Internet

  • VPC

Custom IPv4 CIDR block

Not supported


CEN attachment

Not supported


NAS file system

Not supported

