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VPN Gateway:Configure a strongSwan device

Last Updated:Aug 23, 2024

When you establish an IPsec-VPN connection between a data center and a virtual private cloud (VPC) in Alibaba Cloud, you must add VPN configurations to the gateway device in the data center after you configure the VPN gateway on Alibaba Cloud. This topic describes how to add VPN configurations to the gateway device in the data center by using strongSwan.

Sample scenario


In this example, a company has deployed a VPC on Alibaba Cloud. The CIDR block of the VPC is Applications are deployed on an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance in the VPC. The company has a data center that needs to use the CIDR block to communicate with the VPC. The company wants to establish an IPsec-VPN connection between the data center and the VPC on the cloud to implement mutual resource access.


In this sample scenario, the local gateway device on which strongSwan is to be deployed is referred to as the strongSwan device. The data center uses a public IP address of the strongSwan device to establish an IPsec-VPN connection with Alibaba Cloud in dual-tunnel mode. If you want to establish an IPsec-VPN connection in single-tunnel mode, see the Configure a strongSwan device to use a single tunnel section in this topic.

CIDR block plan and sample VPN configurations

CIDR block plan


CIDR block

IP address

Data center

CIDR block that needs to communicate with the VPC:

Server IP address:

strongSwan device


  • Physical interface that connects to the Internet on the strongSwan device: eth0, which is configured with the public IP address 8.XX.XX.99

  • strongSwan version: 5.9.10


Primary CIDR block:

vSwitch 1:

vSwitch 2:

ECS IP address:

Public VPN gateway


  • IPsec address 1: 8.XX.XX.149

  • IPsec address 2: 8.XX.XX.137


After you create a VPN gateway, the system automatically assigns IP addresses to the VPN gateway.

Sample VPN configurations

  • In this example, Tunnel 1 is the active tunnel and Tunnel 2 is the standby tunnel. The two tunnels use the same sample values.

  • The VPN configurations on Alibaba Cloud and the strongSwan device must be the same for each tunnel.

Configuration item

Sample value on Alibaba Cloud

Sample value on the strongSwan device

Pre-shared key (PSK)



Internet Key Exchange (IKE) configurations

IKE version



Negotiation mode



Encryption algorithm



Authentication algorithm



Diffie-Hellman (DH) group



Security association (SA) lifecycle (seconds)



IPsec configurations

Encryption algorithm



Authentication algorithm



DH group



SA lifecycle (seconds)




This topic describes only how to add VPN configurations to a strongSwan device. The procedure for configuring a VPN gateway on Alibaba Cloud is omitted. Before you configure the strongSwan device, make sure that you have completed the following tasks: create a VPN gateway, create a customer gateway, create an IPsec-VPN connection, and configure routing for the VPN gateway. For more information, see Connect a VPC to a data center in dual-tunnel mode.


In this scenario, the strongSwan device in the data center establishes an IPsec-VPN connection in dual-tunnel mode to Alibaba Cloud by using a public IP address. Therefore, you need to create only one customer gateway. When you create an IPsec-VPN connection, you can associate the two tunnels with the same customer gateway.



In the following example, Alibaba Cloud Linux 3.2104 LTS 64-bit is used to describe how to configure a strongSwan device. For information about the procedure that applies if you use another operating system, see strongSwan Installation Documentation.

  1. Go to the CLI of the strongSwan device.

  2. Run the following command to install strongSwan:

    sudo yum install -y strongswan-5.9.10
  3. Enable traffic forwarding for the strongSwan device.

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    The preceding command requires root permissions and is a temporary command. After you restart the strongSwan device, you must run the command again. If you want to enable traffic forwarding for the strongSwan device permanently, perform the following steps.

    Click here to expand the procedure

    1. Run the following command to open the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

      sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf
    2. Press the I key to enter the edit mode.

    3. Add the following configuration to the file:

      net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
    4. Press the Esc key, enter :wq, and then press the Enter key to save the change.

    5. Run the following command to apply the change:

      sudo sysctl -p
  4. Create two virtual network interfaces for establishing IPsec-VPN tunnels.

    sudo ip link add ipsec0 type xfrm dev eth0 if_id 42 # Create an XFRM virtual network interface for Tunnel 1 with the interface ID 42 and the public interface eth0 as the underlying interface. 
    sudo ip link add ipsec1 type xfrm dev eth0 if_id 43 # Create an XFRM virtual network interface for Tunnel 2 with the interface ID 43 and the public interface eth0 as the underlying interface. 
    sudo ip link set ipsec0 up # Start the XFRM virtual network interface for Tunnel 1. 
    sudo ip link set ipsec1 up # Start the XFRM virtual network interface for Tunnel 2.


    The preceding configuration for creating virtual network interfaces is a temporary configuration. After you restart the strongSwan device, you must add the configuration again and run the sudo systemctl restart strongswan;swanctl --load-all command. The command requires root permissions. If you want to configure a script that runs on system startup to automatically create virtual network interfaces after the strongSwan device is restarted, perform the following steps.

    Click here to expand the procedure

    1. Run the following command to create a script:

    2. Press the I key to enter the edit mode.

    3. Add the following configuration to the script:

      sudo ip link add ipsec0 type xfrm dev eth0 if_id 42 # Create an XFRM virtual network interface for Tunnel 1 with the interface ID 42 and the public interface eth0 as the underlying interface. 
      sudo ip link add ipsec1 type xfrm dev eth0 if_id 43 # Create an XFRM virtual network interface for Tunnel 2 with the interface ID 43 and the public interface eth0 as the underlying interface. 
      sudo ip link set ipsec0 up # Start the XFRM virtual network interface for Tunnel 1. 
      sudo ip link set ipsec1 up # Start the XFRM virtual network interface for Tunnel 2.

    4. Press the Esc key, enter :wq, and then press the Enter key to save the change.

    5. Run the following command to view the absolute path of the script:

      sudo find / -name
    6. Add the absolute path to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.

      sudo vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local # Open the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. 
      Press the I key to enter the edit mode.
      /root/  # Add the absolute path to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. 
      Press the Esc key, enter :wq, and then press the Enter key to save the change.
    7. Run the following commands to make the rc.local and files executable:

      sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local
      sudo chmod +x /root/
  5. Modify the strongSwan configuration file.

    1. Run the following command to open the strongSwan configuration file:

      sudo vi /etc/strongswan/swanctl/swanctl.conf
    2. Press the I key to enter the edit mode.

    3. Delete all the original configurations in the file and refer to the following sample code to add VPN configurations to the file.


      Replace the IP addresses in the sample code with the IP addresses that you actually use, and make sure that the VPN configurations on Alibaba Cloud and those on the strongSwan device are the same.

      connections {
         vco1 {                            # The VPN configurations of IPsec-VPN Tunnel 1.
            version = 2                    # The IKE version, which must be the same as that configured for Tunnel 1 on Alibaba Cloud. A value of 2 indicates IKEv2. 
            local_addrs  = 8.XX.XX.99      # The public IP address for which you want to create an IPsec-VPN connection. 
            remote_addrs = 8.XX.XX.149     # Set the remote address of Tunnel 1 to the VPN gateway address of Tunnel 1 on Alibaba Cloud, which is IPsec address 1. 
            dpd_delay = 10
            rekey_time = 84600             # The SA lifecycle of Tunnel 1, which must be the same as that specified in the IKE configurations of Tunnel 1 on Alibaba Cloud. 
            over_time = 1800               
            proposals = aes-sha1-modp1024  # The encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm, and DH group of Tunnel 1, which must be the same as those specified in the IKE configurations of Tunnel 1 on Alibaba Cloud. A value of group2 indicates modp1024. 
            encap = yes
            local {
               auth = psk                  # Set the authentication algorithm of the data center to PSK. 
               id = 8.XX.XX.99             # The ID of the data center, which must be the same as the RemoteId value of Tunnel 1 on Alibaba Cloud. 
            remote {
               auth = psk                  # Set the authentication algorithm of the VPC to PSK. 
               id = 8.XX.XX.149            # The ID of the VPC, which must be the same as the LocalId value of Tunnel 1 on Alibaba Cloud. 
            children {
               vco_child1 {
                  local_ts  =    # Specify that the CIDR block of the protected data flows for the destination-based route mode on Alibaba Cloud is 
                  remote_ts =    # Specify that the CIDR block of the protected data flows for the destination-based route mode on Alibaba Cloud is 
                  mode = tunnel
                  rekey_time = 85500
                  life_time = 86400        # The SA lifecycle of Tunnel 1, which must be the same as that specified in the IPsec configurations of Tunnel 1 on Alibaba Cloud. 
                  dpd_action = restart
                  start_action = start
                  close_action = start
                  esp_proposals = aes-sha1-modp1024   # The encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm, and DH group of Tunnel 1, which must be the same as those specified in the IPsec configurations of Tunnel 1 on Alibaba Cloud. A value of group2 indicates modp1024. 
                  if_id_out = 42           # Specify that the XFRM virtual network interface of Tunnel 1 is used as the egress port and ingress port of Tunnel 1. 
                  if_id_in = 42
                  updown = /root/         # Execute the /root/ script to configure routing based on the UP/DOWN status of Tunnel 1. 
        vco2 {                             # The VPN configurations of IPsec-VPN Tunnel 2.
            version = 2                    # The IKE version, which must be the same as that configured for Tunnel 2 on Alibaba Cloud. A value of 2 indicates IKEv2. 
            local_addrs  = 8.XX.XX.99      # The public IP address for which you want to create an IPsec-VPN connection. 
            remote_addrs = 8.XX.XX.137     # Set the remote address of Tunnel 2 to the VPN gateway address of Tunnel 2 on Alibaba Cloud, which is IPsec address 2. 
            dpd_delay = 10
            rekey_time = 84600             # The SA lifecycle of Tunnel 2, which must be the same as that specified in the IKE configurations of Tunnel 2 on Alibaba Cloud. 
            over_time = 1800               # 
            proposals = aes-sha1-modp1024  # The encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm, and DH group of Tunnel 2, which must be the same as those specified in the IKE configurations of Tunnel 2 on Alibaba Cloud. A value of group2 indicates modp1024. 
            encap = yes
            local {
               auth = psk                  # Set the authentication algorithm of the data center to PSK. 
               id = 8.XX.XX.99             # The ID of the data center, which must be the same as the RemoteId value of Tunnel 2 on Alibaba Cloud. 
            remote {
               auth = psk                  # Set the authentication algorithm of the VPC to PSK. 
               id = 8.XX.XX.137            # The ID of the VPC, which must be the same as the LocalId value of Tunnel 2 on Alibaba Cloud. 
            children {
               vco_child2 {
                  local_ts  =    # Specify that the CIDR block of the protected data flows for the destination-based route mode on Alibaba Cloud is
                  remote_ts =    # Specify that the CIDR block of the protected data flows for the destination-based route mode on Alibaba Cloud is
                  mode = tunnel 
                  rekey_time = 85500
                  life_time = 86400        # The SA lifecycle of Tunnel 2, which must be the same as that specified in the IPsec configurations of Tunnel 2 on Alibaba Cloud. 
                  dpd_action = restart
                  start_action = start
                  close_action = start
                  esp_proposals = aes-sha1-modp1024     # The encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm, and DH group of Tunnel 2, which must be the same as those specified in the IPsec configurations of Tunnel 2 on Alibaba Cloud. A value of group2 indicates modp1024. 
                  if_id_out = 43           # Specify that the XFRM virtual network interface of Tunnel 2 is used as the egress port and ingress port of Tunnel 2. 
                  if_id_in = 43
                  updown = /root/           # Execute the /root/ script to configure routing based on the UP/DOWN status of Tunnel 2. 
      secrets {
         ike-vco1 {
            secret = 123456****            # The PSK of Tunnel 1, which must be the same as that configured for Tunnel 1 on Alibaba Cloud. 
         ike-vco2 {
            secret = 123456****            # The PSK of Tunnel 2, which must be the same as that configured for Tunnel 2 on Alibaba Cloud. 
    4. Press the Esc key, enter :wq, and then press the Enter key to save the change.

  6. Refer to the following steps to create a script that configures routing to control the traffic from the data center to the VPC whose CIDR block is

    1. Run the following command to open the /root/ file:

      sudo vi /root/
    2. Press the I key to enter the edit mode.

    3. Add the following configurations to the script.

      If the status of Tunnel 1 is UP, add a route to transmit traffic from the data center to the VPC whose CIDR block is through the XFRM virtual network interface of Tunnel 1. In addition, set the metric value of this route to 100 to make this route have a higher priority than the route that points to the XFRM virtual network interface of Tunnel 2. If the status of Tunnel 1 is DOWM, withdraw the route.

      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      if [ x"$PLUTO_VERB" == "xup-client" ]; then
      	echo "ip route add dev ipsec0" >> /root/vpn_route.log;ip route add dev ipsec0 metric 100
      elif [ x"$PLUTO_VERB" == "xdown-client" ]; then
      	echo "ip route del dev ipsec0" >> /root/vpn_route.log;ip route del dev ipsec0 metric 100
    4. Press the Esc key, enter :wq, and then press the Enter key to save the change.

    5. Repeat the preceding steps to modify the /root/ file.

      If the status of Tunnel 2 is UP, add a route to transmit traffic from the data center to the VPC whose CIDR block is through the XFRM virtual network interface of Tunnel 2. In addition, set the metric value of this route to 101 to make this route have a lower priority than the route that points to the XFRM virtual network interface of Tunnel 1. If the status of Tunnel 2 is DOWM, withdraw the route.

      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      if [ x"$PLUTO_VERB" == "xup-client" ]; then
      	echo "ip route add dev ipsec1" >> /root/vpn_route.log;ip route add dev ipsec1 metric 101
      elif [ x"$PLUTO_VERB" == "xdown-client" ]; then
      	echo "ip route del dev ipsec1" >> /root/vpn_route.log;ip route del dev ipsec1 metric 101
    6. Run the following commands to make the /root/ and /root/ files executable:

      sudo chmod +x /root/
      sudo chmod +x /root/
    7. Restart the strongSwan process.

      sudo systemctl restart strongswan
  7. View the tunnel status and routes.

    In normal cases, after you perform the preceding steps, an IPsec-VPN connection is established between the strongSwan device and the VPN gateway. You can run the following commands to view the tunnel status and routes of the IPsec-VPN connection:

    sudo swanctl --list-sas  # View the tunnel status.
    route -n            # View the routing configurations.


  8. On the data center side, configure routes from the data center to the strongSwan device and from the strongSwan device to the data center.

    Then, you can test the network connectivity between the data center and Alibaba Cloud VPC. For more information, see the "Step 6: Test the network connectivity" section of the Connect a VPC to a data center in dual-tunnel mode topic.

Configure a strongSwan device to use a single tunnel

Click here to expand the sample configurations

Sample scenario


In this example, a company has deployed a VPC on Alibaba Cloud. The CIDR block of the VPC is Applications are deployed on an ECS instance in the VPC. The company also has a data center that needs to use the CIDR block to communicate with the VPC. The company wants to establish an IPsec-VPN connection between the data center and the VPC on the cloud to implement mutual resource access.

CIDR block plan and sample VPN configurations

CIDR block plan




Private CIDR block that needs to communicate with the data center

Public VPN gateway

Public IP address of the VPN gateway


Data center

Private CIDR block that needs to communicate with the VPC

Public IP address of the strongSwan device


strongSwan version


Sample VPN configurations

Configuration item

Sample value on Alibaba Cloud

Sample value on the strongSwan device




IKE configurations

IKE version



Negotiation mode



Encryption algorithm



Authentication algorithm



DH group



SA lifecycle (seconds)



IPsec configurations

Encryption algorithm



Authentication algorithm



DH group



SA lifecycle (seconds)




This topic describes only how to add VPN configurations to a strongSwan device. The procedure for configuring a VPN gateway on Alibaba Cloud is omitted. Before you configure the strongSwan device, make sure that you have completed the following tasks: create a VPN gateway, create a customer gateway, and create an IPsec-VPN connection. For more information, see Connect a VPC to a data center in single-tunnel mode.

  • When you create an IPsec-VPN connection, select Protected Data Flows as the routing mode, set the local CIDR block to, and set the remote CIDR block to

  • After you create an IPsec-VPN connection, you must advertise the policy-based route. For more information, see the Advertise a policy-based route section of the "Configure policy-based routes" topic.


If the strongSwan device in your data center accesses the Internet through a unified Internet egress, the strongSwan device does not have a public IP address. In this case, you can use the private IP address of the strongSwan device to establish an IPsec-VPN connection.

Step 1: Install strongSwan


In the following example, Alibaba Cloud Linux 2.1903 LTS 64-bit is used to describe how to configure a strongSwan device. For information about the procedure that applies if you use another operating system, see strongSwan Installation Documentation.

  1. Go to the CLI of the strongSwan device.

  2. Run the following command to install strongSwan:

    sudo yum install strongswan
  3. (Optional) Run the following command to query the version of strongSwan that is automatically installed by the system:

    strongswan version


Step 2: Configure strongSwan

  1. Run the following command to open the ipsec.conf file:

    sudo vi /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf
  2. Modify the ipsec.conf file based on the following information:

    # ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file
    # basic configuration
    config setup
    conn %default
         authby=psk                  # Set the authentication algorithm to PSK.
    conn tomyidc
         keyexchange=ikev1           # The version of the IKE protocol that is used by the IPsec-VPN connection.
         left=59.XX.XX.70            # The public IP address of the strongSwan device. If you want to use the private IP address of the strongSwan device to establish an IPsec-VPN connection, specify the private IP address. 
         leftsubnet=    # The private CIDR block of the data center to be connected to the VPC.
         leftid=59.XX.XX.70          # The ID of the strongSwan device, which must be the same as the RemoteId value on Alibaba Cloud. The default value is the public IP address used by the strongSwan device. 
         right=119.XX.XX.125         # The public IP address of the VPN gateway. 
         rightsubnet= # The private CIDR block of the VPC to be connected to the data center.
         leftid=119.XX.XX.125          # The ID of the VPN gateway, which must be the same as the LocalId value on Alibaba Cloud. The default value is the public IP address used by the VPN gateway. 
         auto=route                  # Specify that an IPsec-VPN connection is created only if a host on a subnet of one end sends an access request to the other end. For more information, see the description of the auto parameter. 
         ike=aes-sha1-modp1024       # The encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm, and DH group of the IKE protocol.
         ikelifetime=86400s          # The SA lifecycle of the IKE protocol.
         esp=aes-sha1-modp1024       # The encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm, and DH group of the IPsec protocol.
         lifetime=86400s             # The SA lifecycle of the IPsec protocol.
         #aggressive = yes           # Specify whether to enable the aggressive mode. By default, the system uses the main mode, and the aggressive mode is disabled.

    Click here to expand the description of the auto parameter

    Setting of the auto parameter



    When the strongSwan process starts, the process only reads the connection configurations and does not establish a connection. This setting is applicable when the server is waiting for the client to initiate a connection request.


    An IPsec-VPN connection is created only if a host on a subnet of one end sends an access request to the other end.


    The strongSwan process reads the connection configurations and immediately establishes an IPsec-VPN connection.


    The auto parameter is ignored.

  3. Configure the ipsec.secrets file.

    1. Run the following command to open the ipsec.secrets file:

      sudo vi /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets
    2. Add the following configurations to the file.


      You can select one of the following configuration methods.

      • Method 1

        59.XX.XX.70 119.XX.XX.125 : PSK ff123TT****   # ff123TT**** is the PSK of the IPsec-VPN connection. The data center and the VPN gateway must use the same PSK.

      • Method 2

        119.XX.XX.125 : PSK ff123TT****   # ff123TT**** is the PSK of the IPsec-VPN connection. The data center and the VPN gateway must use the same PSK.

  4. Run the following command to start the strongSwan service:

    sudo systemctl enable strongswan
    sudo systemctl start strongswan
    # You can run the following command to check whether the strongSwan service is properly started:
    sudo systemctl status strongswan
  5. Enable system forwarding.

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    The preceding command requires root permissions and is a temporary command. After you restart the strongSwan device, you must run the command again. If you want to enable traffic forwarding for the strongSwan device permanently, perform the following steps.

    Click here to expand the procedure

    1. Run the following command to open the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

      sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf
    2. Press the I key to enter the edit mode.

    3. Add the following configuration to the file:

      net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
    4. Press the Esc key, enter :wq, and then press the Enter key to save the change.

    5. Run the following command to apply the change:

      sudo sysctl -p
  6. On the data center side, configure routes from the data center to the strongSwan device and from the strongSwan device to the data center.

    Then, you can test the network connectivity between the data center and Alibaba Cloud VPC. For more information, see the "Step 6: Test the network connectivity" section of the Connect a VPC to a data center in single-tunnel mode topic.

  7. If you use strongSwan to establish more than three IPsec-VPN connections, you must modify the /etc/strongswan/strongswan.d/charon.conf configuration file as follows.

    Delete the comment delimiter before the max_ikev1_exchanges = 3 command to make this command take effect, and then set the max_ikev1_exchanges parameter in the command to a value greater than the number of IPsec-VPN connections that you establish.

    For example, if you establish four IPsec-VPN connections by using strongSwan, you can modify the command to max_ikev1_exchanges = 5.