Parameter | Description | IPsec-VPN Connection 1 | IPsec-VPN Connection 2 |
Name | Enter a name for the IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, IPsec-VPN Connection 1 is used. | In this example, IPsec-VPN Connection 2 is used. |
Resource Group | Select the resource group to which the VPN gateway belongs. If you leave this parameter empty, the system displays the VPN gateways in all resource groups. | In this example, the default resource group is selected. | In this example, the default resource group is selected. |
Associate Resource | Select the type of network resource to be associated with the IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, VPN Gateway is selected. | In this example, VPN Gateway is selected. |
VPN Gateway | Select the VPN gateway that you want to associate with the IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, VPN Gateway 1 is selected. | In this example, VPN Gateway 2 is selected. |
Routing Mode | Select a routing mode. Note If you want to use BGP dynamic routing for the IPsec-VPN connection, we recommend that you select Destination Routing Mode. | In this example, Destination Routing Mode is selected. | In this example, Destination Routing Mode is selected. |
Effective Immediately | Select whether to immediately apply the settings of the IPsec-VPN connection. Valid values: If you set the Effective Immediately parameter to Yes when you create an IPsec-VPN connection, the negotiations immediately start after the configuration is complete. If you set the Effective Immediately parameter to No when you create an IPsec-VPN connection, the negotiations start when inbound traffic is detected.
Note If you use VPN Gateway to create IPsec-VPN connections between two VPCs, we recommend that you set the Effective Immediately parameter to Yes for one of the IPsec-VPN connections. This way, IPsec negotiations can start immediately. | In this example, Yes is selected. | In this example, No is selected. |
Enable BGP | If you want to use BGP routing for the IPsec-VPN connection, turn on Enable BGP. By default, Enable BGP is turned off. | In this example, Enable BGP is turned off. You can configure BGP dynamic routing after the IPsec-VPN connection is created. | In this example, Enable BGP is turned off. You can configure BGP dynamic routing after the IPsec-VPN connection is created. |
Tunnel 1 | Add VPN configurations for Tunnel 1. By default, Tunnel 1 serves as the active tunnel and Tunnel 2 serves as the standby tunnel. You cannot modify this configuration. |
Customer Gateway | Select the customer gateway that you want to associate with the active tunnel. | In this example, VPN1-Customer1 is selected. | In this example, VPN2-Customer1 is selected. |
Pre-Shared Key | Enter a pre-shared key for the active tunnel to verify identities. The key must be 1 to 100 characters in length, and can contain digits, letters, and the following characters: ~ ' ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | ; : ' , . < > / ? . If you do not specify a pre-shared key, the system generates a random 16-character string as the pre-shared key.
Important The IPsec-VPN connection and peer gateway device must use the same pre-shared key. Otherwise, the system cannot establish an IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, fddsFF123**** is used. | In this example, fddsFF123**** is used. |
Encryption Configuration | Configure the parameters for IKE, IPsec, dead peer detection (DPD), and NAT traversal features. | In this example, the default values are used. | In this example, the default values are used. |
Tunnel 2 | Add VPN configurations for Tunnel 2. |
Customer Gateway | Select the customer gateway that you want to associate with the standby tunnel. | In this example, VPN1-Customer2 is selected. | In this example, VPN2-Customer2 is selected. |
Pre-Shared Key | Enter a pre-shared key for the standby tunnel to verify identities. | In this example, fddsFF456**** is used. | In this example, fddsFF456**** is used. |
Encryption Configuration | Configure the parameters for IKE, IPsec, DPD, and NAT traversal features. | In this example, the default values are used. | In this example, the default values are used. |