Parameter | Description | IPsec-VPN Connection 1 | IPsec-VPN Connection 2 | IPsec-VPN Connection 3 | IPsec-VPN Connection 4 |
Name | Specify a name for the IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, IPsec-VPN Connection 1 is used. | In this example, IPsec-VPN Connection 2 is used. | In this example, IPsec-VPN Connection 3 is used. | In this example, IPsec-VPN Connection 4 is used. |
Associate Resource | Select the type of network resource to be associated with the IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, CEN is selected. |
Gateway Type | Select the network type of the IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, Private is selected. |
CEN Instance ID | Select a CEN instance. | In this example, the CEN instance created in the Preparations section is selected. |
Transit Router | The transit router to be associated with the IPsec-VPN connection. | The system automatically selects the transit router in the region in which the IPsec-VPN connection is created. |
Zone | Select the zone in which the IPsec-VPN connection is created. Make sure that the IPsec-VPN connection is created in a zone that supports transit routers. | In this example, Shanghai Zone F is selected. Note In this scenario, we recommend that you deploy IPsec-VPN connections in different zones to implement disaster recovery. | In this example, Shanghai Zone G is selected. |
Routing Mode | The routing mode. | In this example, Destination Routing Mode is selected. |
Effective Immediately | Select whether to immediately apply the settings of the IPsec-VPN connection. Valid values: If you set the Effective Immediately parameter to Yes when you create an IPsec-VPN connection, the negotiations immediately start after the configuration is complete. If you set the Effective Immediately parameter to No when you create an IPsec-VPN connection, the negotiations start when inbound traffic is detected.
| In this example, Yes is selected. |
Customer Gateway | Select the customer gateway that you want to associate with the IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, Customer-Gateway1 is selected. | In this example, Customer-Gateway2 is selected. | In this example, Customer-Gateway3 is selected. | In this example, Customer-Gateway4 is selected. |
Pre-Shared Key | Specify a pre-shared key that is used to authenticate the on-premises gateway device. The key must be 1 to 100 characters in length, and can contain digits, letters, and the following special characters: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | ; : ' , . < > / ? . The key cannot contain spaces. If you do not specify a pre-shared key, the system randomly generates a 16-character string as the pre-shared key. After an IPsec-VPN connection is created, you can click Edit in the Actions column of the IPsec-VPN connection to view the pre-shared key that is generated for the IPsec-VPN connection. For more information, see the Modify an IPsec-VPN connection section of this topic.
Important The IPsec-VPN connection and peer gateway device must use the same pre-shared key. Otherwise, the system cannot establish an IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, fddsFF123**** is used. | In this example, fddsFF456**** is used. | In this example, fddsFF789**** is used. | In this example, fddsFF901**** is used. |
Enable BGP | Specify whether to enable BGP. By default, BGP is disabled. | In this example, BGP is enabled. |
Local ASN | Specify the ASN of the IPsec-VPN connection. | In this example, 45104 is used. | In this example, 45104 is used. | In this example, 45104 is used. | In this example, 45104 is used. |
Encryption Configuration | Set encryption configurations, including IKE configurations and IPsec configurations. | Use the default settings except for the following parameters. For more information, see Create and manage IPsec-VPN connections associated with transit routers. Note You need to select encryption parameters based on the on-premises gateway device to ensure that the encryption configurations for the IPsec connection are the same as those for the on-premises gateway device. |
BGP Configuration | |
Tunnel CIDR Block | Specify the CIDR block that is used for IPsec tunneling. The CIDR block must fall into The subnet mask of the CIDR block must be 30 bits in length. The CIDR block cannot be,,,,,, or | In this example, is used. | In this example, is used. | In this example, is used. | In this example, is used. |
Local BGP IP address | Specify a BGP IP address for the IPsec-VPN connection. The IP address must fall within the CIDR block of the IPsec tunnel. | In this example, is used. | In this example, is used. | In this example, is used. | In this example, is used. |
Advanced Configuration | Specify whether to enable the advanced features to enable the IPsec-VPN connection to automatically advertise and learn routes. By default, the advanced features are enabled. | In this example, the advanced features are enabled. |