If you no longer require a search index that is created for a data table, you can delete the search index.
API operation
You can call the DeleteSearchIndex operation to delete a search index.
Parameter | Description |
tableName | The name of the data table. |
indexName | The name of the search index. |
Usage notes
A deleted search index cannot be recovered. Proceed with caution.
You can use the Tablestore console, Tablestore CLI, or Tablestore SDKs to delete a search index.
Before you delete a search index, make sure that the following preparations are made:
You have an Alibaba Cloud account or a RAM user that has permissions to perform operations on Tablestore. For information about how to grant Tablestore operation permissions to a RAM user, see Use a RAM policy to grant permissions to a RAM user.
If you want to use Tablestore SDKs or the Tablestore CLI to perform a query, an AccessKey pair is created for your Alibaba Cloud account or RAM user. For more information, see Create an AccessKey pair.
A data table is created. For more information, see Operations on tables.
A search index is created for the data table. For more information, see Create a search index.
If you want to use Tablestore SDKs to perform a query, an OTSClient instance is initialized. For more information, see Initialize an OTSClient instance.
If you want to use the Tablestore CLI to perform a query, the Tablestore CLI is downloaded and started, and information about the instance that you want to access and the data table are configured. For more information, see Download the Tablestore CLI, Start the Tablestore CLI and configure access information, and Operations on data tables.
If existing search indexes do not meet your business requirements, you can create search indexes or modify the schemas of existing search indexes to add, remove, and modify index columns. For more information, see Create a search index and Dynamically modify the schema of a search index.