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View dashboards

Updated at: 2024-07-21 00:55

After monitoring data is collected to Log Service, the Full-stack Monitoring application automatically creates dashboards to allow you to view the monitoring data.


Monitoring data is collected to Log Service.

Entry point

  1. Log on to the Simple Log Service console.

  2. In the Log Application section, click Full-stack Monitoring.

  3. On the Full-stack Monitoring page, click the instance that you want to use.

  4. In the left-side navigation pane, click the dashboard that you want to view below Monitoring Kanban.

Host monitoring





Resource Overview

Displays the configuration data and metric data of all hosts in real time. The data includes the number of CPU cores, total disk space, average CPU utilization, and average memory usage.


Displays the configuration data and metric data of each host in real time. The data includes the number of CPU cores, memory size, CPU utilization, and memory usage.

Hotspot Analysis

Displays the resource usage information of hotspot hosts in real time. The resources include CPUs and memory. The information includes the distribution of CPU utilization among hotspot hosts, distribution of memory usage among hotspot hosts, top CPU utilization values, and top memory usage values.

Standalone Metrics-Simple

Displays the resource usage trends of a host in real time. The resources include CPUs and memory. The trends are based on CPU utilization, disk space usage, and memory usage.

Standalone Metrics-Details

Displays the resource usage trends of a host based on the resource status in real time. The resources include CPUs and memory. A CPU can be in the following states: Total, System, User, and IOWait. Memory can be in the following states: Total, Availableused, and Used.

Kubernetes monitoring





Resource Overview

Displays the resource usage of a Kubernetes cluster in real time. The resources include Pod, Node, Service, and Deployment.

Water-level Monitoring

Displays the resource usage information of a Kubernetes cluster in real time. The information includes the number of running pods, total number of CPUs, and file system usage.

Run-time Monitoring

Displays information about running resources of a Kubernetes cluster in real time. The information includes the number of running Deployments and number of running DaemonSets.

Core Component Monitoring

Displays information about the core components of a Kubernetes cluster in real time. The information includes the number of objects that are stored on etcd and the queries per second (QPS) of etcd.

Node Overview

Displays overall information about nodes, and the configuration data and metric data of each node in real time. The information includes the total number of nodes and total number of running pods.

Node Metrics

Displays the metric data of a node in real time. The data includes the number of pods that can be requested and CPU utilization.


Displays overall information about pods, and the configuration data and metric data of each pod in real time. The information includes the total number of pods that can be requested.

Pod Metrics

Displays the metric data of a pod in real time. The data includes the basic information about the pod and the containers in the pod.


Displays the configuration data and metric data of each Deployment in real time. The data includes the namespace and cluster to which a Deployment belongs.

Deployment Metrics

Displays the metric data of a Deployment in real time. The data includes the proportion of the CPU limit to the total amount of CPU resources that can be requested and proportion of the memory limit to the total amount of memory resources that can be requested.


Displays the configuration data and metric data of each StatefulSet in real time. The data includes the namespace and cluster to which a StatefulSet belongs.

StatefulSet Metrics

Displays the metric data of a StatefulSet in real time. The data includes the proportion of the CPU limit to the total amount of CPU resources that can be requested and proportion of the memory limit to the total amount of memory resources that can be requested.


Displays the configuration data and metric data of each DaemonSet in real time. The data includes the namespace and cluster to which a DaemonSet belongs.

DaemonSet Metrics

Displays the metric data of a DaemonSet in real time. The data includes the proportion of the CPU limit to the total amount of CPU resources that can be requested and proportion of the memory limit to the total amount of memory resources that can be requested.

Middleware monitoring





JVM Monitoring

Displays the metric data of the JVM middleware in real time. The data includes the process runtime, total memory, heap memory, and CPU utilization.

NGINX Monitoring

Displays the metric data of the NGINX middleware in real time. The data includes the number of processed connections and QPS.

Tomcat Monitoring

Displays the metric data of the Tomcat middleware in real time. The data includes the process runtime, QPS, number of errors, and CPU utilization.

Kafka Monitoring

Displays the metric data of the Kafka middleware in real time. The data includes the status of Controller, total number of topics, and number of messages per second.

Nvidia GPU Monitoring

Displays the metric data of the NVIDIA GPU middleware in real time. The data includes the GPU utilization and memory usage.

Database monitoring





MySQL Monitoring

Displays the metric data of MySQL databases in real time. The data includes the startup time, number of queries, and number of connections.

Redis Monitoring

Displays the metric data of Redis databases in real time. The data includes the number of cluster instances that are enabled, Redis runtime, and number of connected clients.

Elasticsearch Monitoring

Displays the metric data of Elasticsearch clusters in real time. The data includes the cluster health status and number of nodes.

ClickHouse Monitoring

Displays the metric data of ClickHouse databases in real time. The data includes Query and Merge.

MongoDB Monitoring

Displays the metric data of MongoDB databases in real time. The data includes Available Connections and Query Operations.

  • On this page (1)
  • Prerequisites
  • Entry point
  • Host monitoring
  • Kubernetes monitoring
  • Middleware monitoring
  • Database monitoring
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