NGINX logs record important information that can be used for website O&M. Simple Log Service provides the e_table_map function that you can use to enrich HTTP response status codes for NGINX log analysis. This topic describes how to use the e_table_map function to enrich HTTP response status codes.
NGINX logs are collected. For more information, see Data collection overview.
Example scenario
An enterprise developed Application A and defined HTTP response status codes to maintain the application. The data is updated at irregular intervals. Only the http_code field in raw NGINX logs indicates the status of HTTP requests. This field cannot be used to identify issues in an efficient manner.
In this case, a mapping table of HTTP response status codes is required. You can use the e_table_map function to enrich logs. Then, you can identify the status of HTTP requests in an efficient manner.
Sample raw log
body_bytes_sent:1750 http_user_agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; it-it) AppleWebKit/533.20.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.4 Safari/533.20.27 http_x_forwarded_for:203.0.XXX.XX remote_addr:203.0.XXX.XX remote_user:p288 request_length:13741 request_method:GET request_time:71 request_uri:/request/path-1/file-1 http_code:200 time_local:11/Aug/2021:06:52:27 upstream_response_time:0.66
This raw log is stored in a Logstore named nginx-demo. The value of the http_code field is an HTTP response status code.
Mapping table of HTTP response status codes
The following table is a mapping table of typical HTTP response status codes.
Multiple Choices
Client Error
Bad Request
Enriched log
body_bytes_sent:1750 http_code:200 http_code_alias:2xx http_code_category:Success http_code_desc:OK http_user_agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; it-it) AppleWebKit/533.20.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.4 Safari/533.20.27 http_x_forwarded_for:203.0.XXX.XX remote_addr:203.0.XXX.XX remote_user:p288 request_length:13741 request_method:GET request_time:71 request_uri:/request/path-1/file-1 time_local:11/Aug/2021:06:52:27 upstream_response_time:0.66
Available solutions
Transformation process
Convert HTTP response status codes into table objects.
Use the e_table_map function to transform and enrich data.
Recommended solutions
The following table describes the solutions that you can use to enrich data.
Solution | Supported data volume | Incremental update | Batch update | |
Large | Supported | Supported | The mapping table contains a large volume of data and is frequently updated. | |
Medium | Not supported | Supported | The mapping table is frequently updated. | |
Medium | Not supported | Supported | The mapping table is infrequently updated. | |
Small | Not supported | Not supported | The mapping table contains typical HTTP response status codes. |
Solution 1: (Recommended) Enrich data based on a Logstore
Use an SDK to write HTTP response status codes to a Logstore named http_code.
The following example shows a log that contains an HTTP response status code in the http_code Logstore:
__source__:203.0.XXX.XX __tag__:__receive_time__:1595424194 __topic__: code:200 alias:2xx description:OK category:Success
For more information, see Overview of Simple Log Service SDKs.
Obtain the name and endpoint of the http_code Logstore and the required AccessKey pair. The obtained information is used to write a data transformation statement.
For more information about Simple Log Service endpoints and AccessKey pairs, see Endpoints and AccessKey pair.
Go to the data transformation page of the nginx-demo Logstore that stores raw logs.
For more information, see Create a data transformation job.
In the editor box, enter a data transformation statement.
Read data from the http_code Logstore and use the e_table_map function to return the values of the matched fields.
e_table_map( res_log_logstore_pull("", res_local("AK_ID"),res_local("AK_KEY"),"live-demo","http_code", ["code","alias","description","category"]), [("http_code","code")], [("alias","http_code_alias"), ("description","http_code_desc"), ("category","http_code_category")])
ImportantTo ensure data security, we recommend that you specify an AccessKey pair in the Advanced Parameter Settings field. For more information about how to configure the Advanced Parameter Settings field, see Create a data transformation job.
The res_log_logstore_pull function pulls data from another Logstore when you transform data in a Logstore. For more information, see res_log_logstore_pull.
The e_table_map function maps the value of an input field to a row in a specified table and returns a new field. For more information, see e_table_map.
Click Preview Data.
After the raw NGINX log is enriched, new fields that are related to the HTTP response status code are included in the log.
body_bytes_sent:1750 http_code:200 http_code_alias:2xx http_code_category:Success http_code_desc:OK http_user_agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; it-it) AppleWebKit/533.20.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.4 Safari/533.20.27 http_x_forwarded_for:203.0.XXX.XX remote_addr:203.0.XXX.XX remote_user:p288 request_length:13741 request_method:GET request_time:71 request_uri:/request/path-1/file-1 time_local:11/Aug/2021:06:52:27 upstream_response_time:0.66
Create a data transformation job.
For more information, see Create a data transformation job.
Solution 2: Enrich data based on a MySQL table
Save HTTP response status codes to an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database.
The following figure shows the mapping table of HTTP response status codes that are stored in the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database.
Obtain the host address, username, password, database name, and table name of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database. The obtained information is used to write a data transformation statement.
Go to the data transformation page of the nginx-demo Logstore that stores raw logs.
For more information, see Create a data transformation job.
In the editor box, enter a data transformation statement.
Read data from the MySQL database and use the e_table_map function to return the values of the matched fields.
e_table_map(res_rds_mysql(address="MySQL host address", username="Username", password="Password", database="Database name",table="Table name", refresh_interval=300), [("http_code","code")], [("alias","http_code_alias"), ("description","http_code_desc"), ("category","http_code_category")])
ImportantTo ensure data security, we recommend that you specify an AccessKey pair in the Advanced Parameter Settings field. For more information about how to configure the Advanced Parameter Settings field, see Create a data transformation job.
The res_rds_mysql function pulls data from a specified table in an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database. For more information, see res_rds_mysql.
The e_table_map function maps the value of an input field to a row in a specified table and returns a new field. For more information, see e_table_map.
Click Preview Data.
After the raw NGINX log is enriched, new fields that are related to the HTTP response status code are included in the log.
body_bytes_sent:1750 http_code:200 http_code_alias:2xx http_code_category:Success http_code_desc:OK http_user_agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; it-it) AppleWebKit/533.20.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.4 Safari/533.20.27 http_x_forwarded_for:203.0.XXX.XX remote_addr:203.0.XXX.XX remote_user:p288 request_length:13741 request_method:GET request_time:71 request_uri:/request/path-1/file-1 time_local:11/Aug/2021:06:52:27 upstream_response_time:0.66
Create a data transformation job.
For more information, see Create a data transformation job.
Solution 3: Enrich data based on an OSS object
Save HTTP response status codes to an object named http_code.csv and upload the object to an OSS bucket.
For more information, see Upload objects.
Obtain the name and endpoint of the OSS bucket to which the http_code.csv object is uploaded and the required AccessKey pair. The obtained information is used to write a data transformation statement.
For more information about OSS endpoints, see Regions and endpoints.
Go to the data transformation page of the nginx-demo Logstore that stores raw logs.
For more information, see Create a data transformation job.
In the editor box, enter a data transformation statement.
Read data from the OSS bucket and use the e_table_map function to return the values of the matched fields.
e_table_map( tab_parse_csv( res_oss_file(endpoint="", ak_id=res_local("AK_ID"), ak_key=res_local("AK_KEY"), bucket="ali-sls-etl-test", file="http_code.csv", format='text')), [("http_code","code")], [("alias","http_code_alias"), ("description","http_code_desc"), ("category","http_code_category")])
ImportantTo ensure data security, we recommend that you specify an AccessKey pair in the Advanced Parameter Settings field. For more information about how to configure the Advanced Parameter Settings field, see Create a data transformation job.
The res_oss_file function pulls data from an object in a specified OSS bucket. The data can be updated at regular intervals. For more information, see res_oss_file.
The tab_parse_csv function creates a table from a comma-separated values (CSV) file. For more information, see tab_parse_csv.
The e_table_map function maps the value of an input field to a row in a specified table and returns a new field. For more information, see e_table_map.
Click Preview Data.
After the raw NGINX log is enriched, new fields that are related to the HTTP response status code are included in the log.
body_bytes_sent:1750 http_code:200 http_code_alias:2xx http_code_category:Success http_code_desc:OK http_user_agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; it-it) AppleWebKit/533.20.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.4 Safari/533.20.27 http_x_forwarded_for:203.0.XXX.XX remote_addr:203.0.XXX.XX remote_user:p288 request_length:13741 request_method:GET request_time:71 request_uri:/request/path-1/file-1 time_local:11/Aug/2021:06:52:27 upstream_response_time:0.66
Create a data transformation job.
For more information, see Create a data transformation job.
Solution 4: Enrich data based on embedded code
Prepare a mapping table of HTTP response status codes in the CSV format.
Go to the data transformation page of the nginx-demo Logstore that stores raw logs.
For more information, see Create a data transformation job.
In the editor box, enter a data transformation statement.
Use the tab_parse_csv function to create a table from the CSV file and use the e_table_map function to return the values of the matched fields.
e_table_map(tab_parse_csv("code,alias,category,description\n100,1xx,Informational,Continue\n101,1xx,Informational,Switching Protocols\n102,1xx,Informational,Processing (WebDAV)\n200,2xx,Success,OK\n201,2xx,Success,Created\n202,2xx,Success,Accepted\n203,2xx,Success,Non-Authoritative Information\n204,2xx,Success,No Content\n205,2xx,Success,Reset Content\n206,2xx,Success,Partial Content\n207,2xx,Success,Multi-Status (WebDAV)\n208,2xx,Success,Already Reported (WebDAV)\n226,2xx,Success,IM Used\n300,3xx,Redirection,Multiple Choices\n301,3xx,Redirection,Moved Permanently\n302,3xx,Redirection,Found\n303,3xx,Redirection,See Other\n304,3xx,Redirection,Not Modified\n305,3xx,Redirection,Use Proxy\n306,3xx,Redirection,(Unused)\n307,3xx,Redirection,Temporary Redirect\n308,3xx,Redirection,Permanent Redirect (experimental)\n400,4xx,Client Error,Bad Request\n401,4xx,Client Error,Unauthorized\n402,4xx,Client Error,Payment Required\n403,4xx,Client Error,Forbidden\n404,4xx,Client Error,Not Found\n405,4xx,Client Error,Method Not Allowed\n406,4xx,Client Error,Not Acceptable\n407,4xx,Client Error,Proxy Authentication Required\n408,4xx,Client Error,Request Timeout\n409,4xx,Client Error,Conflict\n410,4xx,Client Error,Gone\n411,4xx,Client Error,Length Required\n412,4xx,Client Error,Precondition Failed\n413,4xx,Client Error,Request Entity Too Large\n414,4xx,Client Error,Request-URI Too Long\n415,4xx,Client Error,Unsupported Media Type\n416,4xx,Client Error,Requested Range Not Satisfiable\n417,4xx,Client Error,Expectation Failed\n418,4xx,Client Error,I'm a teapot (RFC 2324)\n420,4xx,Client Error,Enhance Your Calm (Twitter)\n422,4xx,Client Error,Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)\n423,4xx,Client Error,Locked (WebDAV)\n424,4xx,Client Error,Failed Dependency (WebDAV)\n425,4xx,Client Error,Reserved for WebDAV\n426,4xx,Client Error,Upgrade Required\n428,4xx,Client Error,Precondition Required\n429,4xx,Client Error,Too Many Requests\n431,4xx,Client Error,Request Header Fields Too Large\n444,4xx,Client Error,No Response (Nginx)\n449,4xx,Client Error,Retry With (Microsoft)\n450,4xx,Client Error,Blocked by Windows Parental Controls (Microsoft)\n451,4xx,Client Error,Unavailable For Legal Reasons\n499,4xx,Client Error,Client Closed Request (Nginx)\n500,5xx,Server Error,Internal Server Error\n501,5xx,Server Error,Not Implemented\n502,5xx,Server Error,Bad Gateway\n503,5xx,Server Error,Service Unavailable\n504,5xx,Server Error,Gateway Timeout\n505,5xx,Server Error,HTTP Version Not Supported\n506,5xx,Server Error,Variant Also Negotiates (Experimental)\n507,5xx,Server Error,Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)\n508,5xx,Server Error,Loop Detected (WebDAV)\n509,5xx,Server Error,Bandwidth Limit Exceeded (Apache)\n510,5xx,Server Error,Not Extended\n511,5xx,Server Error,Network Authentication Required\n598,5xx,Server Error,Network read timeout error\n599,5xx,Server Error,Network connect timeout error\n"), [("http_code","code")], [("alias","http_code_alias"), ("description","http_code_desc"), ("category","http_code_category")])
ImportantTo ensure data security, we recommend that you specify an AccessKey pair in the Advanced Parameter Settings field. For more information about how to configure the Advanced Parameter Settings field, see Create a data transformation job.
The tab_parse_csv function creates a table from a CSV file. For more information, see tab_parse_csv.
The e_table_map function maps the value of an input field to a row in a specified table and returns a new field. For more information, see e_table_map.
Click Preview Data.
After the raw NGINX log is enriched, new fields that are related to the HTTP response status code are included in the log.
body_bytes_sent:1750 http_code:200 http_code_alias:2xx http_code_category:Success http_code_desc:OK http_user_agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; it-it) AppleWebKit/533.20.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.4 Safari/533.20.27 http_x_forwarded_for:203.0.XXX.XX remote_addr:203.0.XXX.XX remote_user:p288 request_length:13741 request_method:GET request_time:71 request_uri:/request/path-1/file-1 time_local:11/Aug/2021:06:52:27 upstream_response_time:0.66
Create a data transformation job.
For more information, see Create a data transformation job.