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Time zones

Updated at: 2024-04-02 09:45

This topic describes the time zone format and the common time zones of the Scheduled SQL feature.

Time zone format

The time zones used in the Scheduled SQL feature are in the {± offset hours} {minutes} format.

  • Value range of offset hours: [-12,+14]

  • Valid values of minutes: 00, 30, and 45

  • Value range of the time zone: [-1200,+1400]


Both hours and minutes must be two digits.

When you create a Scheduled SQL task, you can select Cron from the drop-down list of the Specify Scheduling Interval field and select a time zone. Select a time zone

Common time zones

Time zone


Time zone



China Standard Time, Hong Kong Time

Australian Western Time

Korea Standard Time

Malaysia Time

Philippile Time

Singapore Time

Central Indonesian Time

Ulaanbaatar Time

Choibalsan Time


Japan Standard Time

Ulaanbaatar Summer Time


Australian Central Standard Time


New Zealand Standard Time


India Standard TIme


Greenwich Mean Time

Western Europen Time


Atlantic Standard Time


Eastern Standard Time


Central Standard Time


Mountain Standard Time


Pacific Standard Time

  • On this page (1, T)
  • Time zone format
  • Common time zones
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