Function | Syntax | Description |
chr function | chr(x) | Converts an ASCII code to characters. |
codepoint function | codepoint(x) | Converts characters to an ASCII code. |
concat function | concat(x, y...) | Concatenates multiple strings into one string. |
from_utf8 function | from_utf8(x) | Decodes a binary string into a UTF-8 encoded string. Invalid UTF-8 characters are replaced with the default replacement character U+FFFD. |
from_utf8(x, replace_string) | Decodes a binary string into a UTF-8 encoded string. Invalid UTF-8 characters are replaced with a custom string. |
length function | length(x) | Returns the length of a string. |
lower function | lower(x) | Converts the characters in a string to lowercase letters. |
lpad function | lpad(x, length, lpad_string) | Left pads a string to a specified length by using a specified character and returns the result string. |
ltrim function | ltrim(x) | Removes spaces from the start of a string. |
replace function | replace(x, sub_string ) | Removes the matched characters from a string. |
replace(x, sub_string, replace_string) | Replaces the matched characters in a string with specified characters. |
reverse function | reverse(x) | Returns a string in reverse order. |
rpad function | rpad(x, length, rpad_string) | Right pads a string to a specified length by using a specified character and returns the result string. |
rtrim function | rtrim(x) | Removes spaces from the end of a string. |
split_part function | split_part(x, delimeter, part) | Splits a string by using a specified delimiter and returns the substring at a specified position. |
strpos function | strpos(x, sub_string) | Returns the position of a specified substring in a string. This function is equivalent to the position(sub_string in x) function. |
substr function | substr(x, start) | Returns the substring at a specified position in a string. |
substr(x, start, length) | Returns the substring at a specified position in a string. The length of the substring is specified. |
to_utf8 function | to_utf8(x) | Converts a string to a UTF-8 encoded string. |
trim function | trim(x) | Removes spaces from the start and end of a string. |
upper function | upper(x) | Converts the characters in a string to uppercase letters. |