Comparison operators are used to compare parameter values. The values that are of the following data types can be compared: double, bigint, varchar, timestamp, and date. This topic describes the syntax of comparison operators. This topic also provides examples on how to use the comparison operators.
The following table describes the comparison operators that are supported by Simple Log Service.
Operator | Syntax | Description | Supported in SQL | Supported in SPL |
x < y | If x is less than y, true is returned. | √ | √ | |
x > y | If x is greater than y, true is returned. | √ | √ | |
x <= y | If x is less than or equal to y, true is returned. | √ | √ | |
x >= y | If x is greater than or equal to y, true is returned. | √ | √ | |
x = y | If x is equal to y, true is returned. | √ | √ | |
x <> y | If x is not equal to y, true is returned. | √ | √ | |
x != y | If x is not equal to y, true is returned. | √ | √ | |
x relational operator ALL(subquery) | If x meets all conditions, true is returned. | √ | × | |
x relational operator ANY(subquery) | If x meets one of the conditions, true is returned. | √ | × | |
x BETWEEN y AND z | If x is between y and z, true is returned. | √ | √ | |
x IS DISTINCT FROM y | If x is not equal to y, true is returned. | √ | × | |
x IS NOT DISTINCT FROM y | If x is equal to y, true is returned. | √ | × | |
x LIKE pattern [escape 'escape_character'] | Matches a specified character pattern in a string. The string is case-sensitive. | √ | √ | |
x relational operator SOME(subquery) | If x meets one of the conditions, true is returned. | √ | × | |
GREATEST(x, y...) | Obtains the greater value of x and y. | √ | × | |
LEAST(x, y...) | Obtains the smaller value of x and y. | √ | × | |
x IS NULL | If x is null, true is returned. | √ | √ | |
x IS NOT NULL | If x is not null, true is returned. | √ | √ |
Relational operators
Relational operators compare x and y. If the condition is met, true is returned.
Syntax | Description |
x < y | x is less than y. |
x > y | x is greater than y. |
x <= y | x is less than or equal to y. |
x >= y | x is greater than or equal to y. |
x = y | x is equal to y. |
x <> y | x is not equal to y. |
x != y | x is not equal to y. |
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
y | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
Return value type
The Boolean type.
Example 1: Query logs from the previous day.
Query statement
* | SELECT * FROM log WHERE __time__ < to_unixtime(current_date) AND __time__ > to_unixtime(date_add('day', -1, current_date))
Query and analysis results
Example 2: E-commerce Company A uses the mobile and client_ip fields in access logs to find the customers whose phone numbers are from a different place than the IP addresses used to access the website of the company.
Sample field
mobile:1881111**** client_ip:
Query statement
* | SELECT mobile, client_ip, count(*) AS PV WHERE mobile_city(mobile) != ip_to_city(client_ip) AND ip_to_city(client_ip) != '' GROUP BY client_ip, mobile ORDER BY PV DESC
Query and analysis results
ALL operator
The ALL operator determines whether x meets all conditions. If all conditions are met, true is returned.
x relational operator ALL(subquery)
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
Relational operator | The value of this parameter is a relational operator. Valid values: < > <= >= = <> != Important The ALL operator must follow the relational operator. Relational operators: < > <= >= = <> != |
subquery | The value of this parameter is an SQL subquery. |
Return value type
The Boolean type.
Check whether each request related to instance i-01 is responded with the status code 200.
Sample field
instance_id:i-01 status:200
Query statement
* | select 200 = ALL(select status where instance_id='i-01')
Query and analysis results
ANY operator
The ANY operator determines whether x meets one of the conditions. If one of the conditions is met, true is returned.
x relational operator ANY(subquery)
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
Relational operator | The value of this parameter is a relational operator. Valid values: < > <= >= = <> != Important The ANY operator must follow the relational operator. Relational operators: < > <= >= = <> != |
subquery | The value of this parameter is an SQL subquery. |
Return value type
The Boolean type.
Check whether any request related to instance i-01 is responded with the status code 200.
Sample field
instance_id:i-01 status:200
Query statement
* | SELECT 200 = ANY(SELECT status WHERE instance_id='i-01')
Query and analysis results
BETWEEN operator
The BETWEEN operator determines whether x is between y and z. If the condition is met, true is returned. y and z specify a closed interval.
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
y | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
z | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
The data types of x, y, and z must be the same.
If the value of x, y, or z contains null, null is returned.
Return value type
The Boolean type.
Example 1: Determine whether the value of the status field is within the [200,299] range.
Query statement
* | SELECT status BETWEEN 200 AND 299
Query and analysis results
Example 2: Determine the number of logs whose value of the status field is not within the [200,299] range.
Query statement
* | SELECT count(*) AS count FROM log WHERE status NOT BETWEEN 200 AND 299
Query and analysis results
DISTINCT operator
The DISTINCT operator determines whether x is equal to y.
IS DISTINCT FROM: If x is not equal to y, true is returned.
IS NOT DISTINCT FROM: If x is equal to y, true is returned.
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
y | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
Unlike the = and <> operators, the DISTINCT operator can be used to perform comparison on null.
x | y | x = y | x <> y | x IS DISTINCT FROM y | x IS NOT DISTINCT FROM y |
1 | 1 | true | false | false | true |
1 | 2 | false | true | true | false |
1 | null | null | null | true | false |
null | null | null | null | false | true |
Return value type
The Boolean type.
Compare 0 against null.
Query statement
* | select 0 IS DISTINCT FROM null
Query and analysis results
LIKE operator
The LIKE operator matches a specified character pattern in a string. The string is case-sensitive.
x LIKE pattern [escape 'escape_character']
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
pattern | The value of this parameter is the character pattern, which can contain strings or wildcard characters. The following wildcard characters are supported:
escape_character | The value of this parameter is a character expression that is used to escape the wildcard characters in the character pattern. |
The LIKE operator is used to query logs based on exact match. For more information, see How do I query logs by using exact match?
Return value type
The Boolean type.
Example 1: Query the logs whose value of the request_uri field ends with file-8 or file-6.
Sample field
Query statement
*|SELECT * WHERE request_uri LIKE '%file-8' OR request_uri LIKE '%file-6'
Query and analysis results
Example 2: Check whether the value of the request_uri field ends with file-6.
Sample field
Query statement
* | SELECT request_uri LIKE '%file-6'
Query and analysis results
Example 1: Query the logs whose value of the request_uri field ends with file-8 or file-6.
Sample field
SPL statement
*|WHERE request_uri LIKE '%file-8' OR request_uri LIKE '%file-6'
SPL results
Example 2: Check whether the value of the request_uri field ends with file-6.
Sample field
SPL statement
* | extend a = request_uri LIKE '%file-6'
SPL results
SOME operator
The SOME operator determines whether x meets one of the conditions. If one of the conditions is met, true is returned.
x relational operator SOME(subquery)
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
Relational operator | The value of this parameter is a relational operator. Valid values: < > <= >= = <> != Important The SOME operator must follow the relational operator. Relational operators: < > <= >= = <> != |
subquery | The value of this parameter is an SQL subquery. |
Return value type
The Boolean type.
Check whether any request related to instance i-01 is processed for less than 20s.
Sample field
instance_id:i-01 request_time:16
Query statement
* | SELECT 20 > SOME(SELECT request_time WHERE instance_id='i-01')
Query and analysis results
GREATEST operator
The GREATEST operator obtains the greater value of x and y.
The GREATEST operator is used for horizontal comparison, and the max function is used for vertical comparison.
GREATEST(x, y...)
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
y | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
Return value type
The double type.
Compare the values of the request_time and status fields in the same log to obtain the greater value.
Sample field
request_time:38 status:200
Query statement
* | SELECT GREATEST(request_time,status)
Query and analysis results
LEAST operator
The LEAST operator obtains the smaller value of x and y.
The LEAST operator is used for horizontal comparison, and the min function is used for vertical comparison.
LEAST(x, y...)
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
y | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
Return value type
The double type.
Compare the values of the request_time and status fields in the same log to obtain the smaller value.
Sample field
request_time:77 status:200
Query statement
* | SELECT LEAST(request_time,status)
Query and analysis results
NULL operator
The NULL operator determines whether x is null.
IS NULL: If x is null, true is returned.
IS NOT NULL: If x is not null, true is returned.
Parameter | Description |
x | The value of this parameter is of a data type that supports comparison. |
Return value type
The Boolean type.
Example1: Determine whether the value of the status field is null.
Query statement
* | select status IS NULL
Query and analysis results
Example 2: Determine the number of logs whose status field is not empty.
Query statement
* | SELECT count(*) AS count FROM log WHERE status IS NOT NULL
Query and analysis results