This topic describes the functions that you can call to transform data in Simple Log Service.
Global processing functions
Category | Function | Description |
Category | Function | Description |
e_if | Performs an operation if a specified condition is met. You can specify multiple condition-operation pairs.
| |
e_if_else | Performs an operation based on the evaluation result of a condition. | |
e_switch | Performs an operation if a specified condition is met. You can specify multiple condition-operation pairs.
| |
e_compose | Combines multiple operations.
| |
e_drop | Discards a log if a specified condition is met. | |
e_keep | Retains a log if a specified condition is met. | |
e_split | Splits a log into multiple logs based on the value of a specified field. You can also use the JMESPath expression to extract the value of the field, and then split the log. | |
e_output | Writes a log to a specified Logstore. You can specify the topic, source, tags and MD5 hash keys of a shard for the log. The log is deleted after it is written to the specified Logstore. The system no longer transforms the log. | |
e_coutput | Writes a log to a specified Logstore. You can specify the topic, source, tags and MD5 hash keys of a shard for the log. The log is retained after it is written to the specified Logstore. The system continues to transform the retained log. | |
e_to_metric | Converts logs to metrics that can be stored in a Metricstore. | |
v | Extracts the value of a field from a log. If you specify the names of multiple fields for the function, the function returns the value of the first field that exists in the log. | |
e_set | Adds a field or specifies a new value for an existing field. | |
e_drop_fields | Deletes the log fields that meet a specified condition. | |
e_keep_fields | Retains the log fields that meet a specified condition. | |
e_pack_fields | Encapsulates log fields and assigns the log fields as a value to a new field. | |
e_rename | Renames the log fields that meet a specified condition. | |
e_regex | Extracts the value of a field based on a regular expression and assigns the value to other fields. | |
e_json | Manages JSON objects in a specified field in a log. You can configure the parameters to expand JSON data, extract JSON data by using the JMESPath expression, or expand the extracted JSON data. | |
e_kv | Extracts key-value pairs from multiple input fields by using a specified quote. | |
e_kv_delimit | Extracts key-value pairs from input fields by using a specified delimiter. | |
e_csv | Extracts multiple fields from a specified field by using a specified delimiter and predefined field names. The default delimiter is a comma (,). | |
e_tsv | Extracts multiple fields from a specified field by using a specified delimiter and predefined field names. The default delimiter is | |
e_psv | Extracts multiple fields from a specified source field by using a specified delimiter and predefined field names. The default delimiter is a vertical bar (|). | |
e_syslogrfc | Calculates the values of the facility and severity fields and returns the value of the facilitylabel field that indicates level information. The function calculates the values based on the value of the priority field and the specified syslog protocol. | |
e_anchor | Extracts strings by using the rules specified by anchor_rules. | |
e_dict_map | Maps the value of an input field to a value in a specified dictionary and returns a new field. | |
e_table_map | Maps the value of an input field to a row in a specified table and returns a new field. | |
e_tablestore_map | Enriches a raw log by using a data table in Tablestore as the dimension table. | |
e_redis_map | Enriches a raw log by using a data table in ApsaraDB for Redis as the dimension table. |
Expression functions
Category | Function | Description |
Category | Function | Description |
e_has | Checks whether a field exists. | |
e_not_has | Checks whether a field does not exist. | |
e_search | Searches for a log by using a query syntax that is similar to Lucene. | |
e_match, e_match_all, and e_match_any | Checks whether the value of a log field meets the conditions specified in a regular expression. | |
op_if | Returns the value of an expression based on a specified condition. | |
op_ifnull | Returns the value of the first expression whose value is not None. | |
op_coalesce | Returns the value of the first expression whose value is not None. | |
op_nullif | Returns none if the value of Expression 1 is equal to the value of Expression 2. If the values of Expression 1 and Expression 2 are different, the value of Expression 1 is returned. | |
op_and | Evaluates the specified expressions by using the logical AND operator and returns True if all specified expressions evaluate to true. The value of each expression can be of an arbitrary data type. | |
op_not | Evaluates a specified expression by using the logical NOT operator and returns the inverse Boolean value of the specified expression. The value of the expression can be of an arbitrary data type. | |
op_or | Evaluates the specified expressions by using the logical OR operator, and returns True if a specified expression evaluates to true or returns False if all specified expressions evaluate to false. The value of each expression can be of an arbitrary data type. | |
op_eq | Returns True or False based on the | |
op_ge | Returns True or False based on the | |
op_gt | Returns True or False based on the | |
op_le | Returns True or False based on the | |
op_lt | Returns True or False based on the | |
op_ne | Returns True or False based on the | |
op_len | Calculates the number of characters in a text string. This function applies to strings or expressions that return tuples, lists, or dictionaries. | |
op_in | Checks whether a string, tuple, list, or dictionary contains a specified element and returns True or False. | |
op_not_in | Checks whether a string, tuple, list, or dictionary does not contain a specified element and returns True or False. | |
op_slice | Extracts strings from a specified string, array, or tuple. | |
op_index | Returns the element that corresponds to the index of a specified string, array, or tuple. | |
op_add | Calculates the sum of multiple values. The values can be strings or numbers. | |
op_max | Returns the largest value among the values of multiple fields or expressions. | |
op_min | Returns the smallest value among the values of multiple fields or expressions. | |
ct_int | Converts the value of a field or an expression to an integer. | |
ct_float | Converts the value of a field or an expression to a floating-point number. | |
ct_str | Converts the value of a field or an expression to a string. | |
ct_bool | Converts the value of a field or an expression to a Boolean value. | |
ct_chr | Converts the ANSI or Unicode value of a field or an expression to a character. | |
ct_ord | Converts the value of a field or an expression to an ANSI value or a Unicode value. | |
ct_hex | Converts the value of a field or an expression to a hexadecimal number. | |
ct_oct | Converts the value of a field or an expression to an octal number. | |
ct_bin | Converts the value of a field or an expression to a binary number. | |
bin2oct | Converts a binary byte string to an octal string. | |
bin2hex | Converts a binary byte string to a hexadecimal string. | |
op_abs | Returns the absolute value of an input value. | |
op_div_floor | Returns the integer part of the quotient of two input values. | |
op_div_true | Returns the quotient of two input values. | |
op_pow | Returns an input value raised to a specified power. | |
op_mul | Returns the product of two input values. | |
op_neg | Returns the opposite number of an input value. | |
op_mod | Returns the remainder of an input value divided by the other input value. | |
op_sub | Returns the difference between two input values. | |
op_round | Returns an input value rounded. | |
op_sum | Returns the sum of input values. | |
mat_ceil | Rounds an input value rounded up to the nearest integer. | |
mat_exp | Returns Euler's number raised to the power of an input value. | |
mat_fabs | Returns the absolute value of an input value. | |
mat_floor | Rounds an input value down to the nearest integer. | |
mat_log | Returns the logarithm of an input value with the base specified by the other input value. | |
mat_log10 | Returns the base-10 logarithm of an input value. | |
mat_sqrt | Returns the square root of an input value. | |
mat_degrees | Converts radians to degrees. | |
mat_radians | Converts degrees to radians. | |
mat_sin | Returns the sine of an input value in radians. | |
mat_cos | Returns the cosine of an input value in radians. | |
mat_tan | Returns the tangent of an input value in radians. | |
mat_acos | Returns the arc cosine of an input value in radians. | |
mat_asin | Returns the arc sine of an input value in radians. | |
mat_atan | Returns the arc tangent of an input value in radians. | |
mat_atan2 | Returns the arc tangent of X and Y coordinates. | |
mat_atanh | Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of an input value. | |
mat_hypot | Returns the Euclidean norm of two input values. | |
str_format | Formats strings. | |
str_join | Concatenates input strings to generate a new string by using a specified connector. | |
str_zip | Concurrently splits two values or strings that are returned by expressions and combines the results into one string. | |
str_encode | Encodes a string by using a specified encoding format. | |
str_decode | Decodes an input value by using a specified encoding format. | |
str_hex_escape_encode | Escapes special characters. The function can escape hexadecimal characters to Chinese characters. | |
str_sort | Sorts a specified object. | |
str_reverse | Reverses a string. | |
str_replace | Replaces an existing string with a specified string based on a specified rule. | |
str_logtash_config_normalize | Converts data in the Logstash configuration language to the JSON format. | |
str_translate | Replaces specified characters in a string with mapping characters. | |
str_strip | Deletes specified characters from a string. | |
str_lstrip | Deletes specified characters from the start of a string. | |
str_rstrip | Deletes specified characters from the end of a string. | |
str_lower | Converts all uppercase letters in a string to lowercase letters. | |
str_upper | Converts all lowercase letters in a string to uppercase letters. | |
str_title | Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string and converts the other letters in the string to lowercase letters. | |
str_capitalize | Capitalizes the first letter of a string and converts the other letters in the string to lowercase letters. | |
str_swapcase | Converts the uppercase letters in a string to lowercase letters and lowercase letters to uppercase letters. | |
str_count | Counts the number of occurrences of a character in a string. | |
str_find | Checks whether a string contains a specified substring. | |
str_rfind | Returns the position of the last occurrence of a specified character in a string. | |
str_endswith | Checks whether a string ends with a specified suffix. | |
str_startswith | Checks whether a string starts with a specified string. | |
str_split | Splits a string by using a specified delimiter. | |
str_splitlines | Splits a string by using a line feed. | |
str_partition | Splits a string into three parts from left to right by using a specified delimiter. | |
str_rpartition | Splits a string into three parts from right to left by using a specified delimiter. | |
str_center | Pads a string to a specified length by using a specified character. | |
str_ljust | Pads a string to a specified length by using a specified character from the end of the string. | |
str_rjust | Pads a string to a specified length by using a specified character from the start of the string. | |
str_zfill | Pads a string to a specified length by using 0 from the start of the string. | |
str_expandtabs | Converts | |
str_isalnum | Checks whether a string contains only letters and digits. | |
str_isalpha | Checks whether a string contains only letters. | |
str_isascii | Checks whether a string is in the ASCII table. | |
str_isdecimal | Checks whether a string contains only decimal characters. | |
str_isdigit | Checks whether a string contains only digits. | |
str_isidentifier | Checks whether a string is a valid Python identifier or checks whether a variable name is valid. | |
str_islower | Checks whether a string contains lowercase letters. | |
str_isnumeric | Checks whether a string contains digits. | |
str_isprintable | Checks whether all characters in a string are printable characters. | |
str_isspace | Checks whether a string contains only spaces. | |
str_istitle | Checks whether the first letter of each word in a string is in uppercase and the other letters in the string are in lowercase. | |
str_isupper | Checks whether all letters in a string are in uppercase. | |
str_uuid | Generates a random universally unique identifier (UUID). | |
dt_parse | Converts a value or the value of a time expression to a datetime object. | |
dt_str | Converts a value or the value of a time expression to a string. | |
dt_parsetimestamp | Converts a value or the value of a time expression to a UNIX timestamp. | |
dt_prop | Returns a specific attribute of a value, or returns a specific attribute of the value of a time expression. The attribute can be day or year. | |
dt_now | Returns the current date and time. | |
dt_today | Return only the current date. | |
dt_utcnow | Returns the current datetime object in the current time zone. | |
dt_fromtimestamp | Converts a UNIX timestamp to a datetime object. | |
dt_utcfromtimestamp | Converts a UNIX timestamp to a datetime object in the current time zone. | |
dt_strptime | Parses a time string into a datetime object. | |
dt_currentstamp | Returns the current UNIX timestamp. | |
dt_totimestamp | Converts a datetime object to a UNIX timestamp. | |
dt_strftime | Converts a datetime object to a string in a specified format. | |
dt_strftimestamp | Converts a UNIX timestamp to a string in a specified format. | |
dt_truncate | Extracts a time value from a value or the value of a time expression based on a specified time granularity. | |
dt_add | Changes a value or the value of a time expression based on a specified time granularity. | |
dt_MO | Offsets a specified time to the date of the previous or following Nth Monday. The offset value N is passed to the | |
dt_TU | Offsets a specified time to the date of the previous or following Nth Tuesday. The offset value N is passed to the | |
dt_WE | Offsets a specified time to the date of the previous or following Nth Wednesday. The offset value N is passed to the | |
dt_TH | Offsets a specified time to the date of the previous or following Nth Thursday. The offset value N is passed to the | |
dt_FR | Offsets a specified time to the date of the previous or following Nth Friday. The offset value N is passed to the | |
dt_SA | Offsets a specified time to the date of the previous or following Nth Saturday. The offset value N is passed to the | |
dt_SU | Offsets a specified time to the date of the previous or following Nth Sunday. The offset value N is passed to the | |
dt_astimezone | Converts a value or the value of a time expression to a datetime object in a specified time zone. | |
dt_diff | Returns the difference between two values or between the values of two time expressions based on a specified time granularity. | |
regex_select | Extracts a value that matches a regular expression. | |
regex_findall | Extracts all values that match a regular expression. | |
regex_match | Checks whether a value matches a regular expression. | |
regex_replace | Replaces the characters that match a regular expression in a string. | |
regex_split | Splits a string into an array of strings. | |
grok | Extracts a value that matches a regular expression. | |
json_select | Extracts or calculates specific values from a JSON expression by using JMESPath. | |
json_parse | Parses a value into a JSON object. | |
xml_to_json | Converts XML data to JSON data, and then expands the converted data. | |
geo_parse | Identifies the city, province, and country based on an IP address. | |
ip_cidrmatch | Checks whether an IP address belongs to a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block. | |
ip_version | Checks whether the version of an IP address is IPv4 or IPv6. | |
ip_type | Identifies the type of an IP address and checks whether the type of the IP address is private or public. | |
ip_makenet | Converts an IP address to a CIDR block. | |
ip_to_format | Converts the format of a CIDR block to a format that specifies the netmask or prefix length of the CIDR block. | |
ip_overlaps | Checks whether two CIDR blocks overlap. | |
ip2long | Converts an IP address to a value of the long type. | |
long2ip | Converts a value of the long type to an IP address. | |
url_encoding | Performs URL encoding on data. | |
url_decoding | Performs URL decoding on data. | |
protobuf_decoding | Parses data into the JSON format by using a specified Protobuf template. | |
str_encode | Encodes a string by using a specified encoding format. | |
str_decode | Decodes an input value by using a specified encoding format. | |
base64_encoding | Encodes data by using the Base64 algorithm. | |
base64_decoding | Decodes data by using the Base64 algorithm. | |
html_encoding | Encodes data in the HTML format. | |
html_decoding | Decodes HTML-encoded data. | |
md5_encoding | Encodes data by using the MD5 algorithm. | |
sha1_encoding | Encodes data by using the SHA1 algorithm. | |
crc32_encoding | Calculates a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code for data. | |
gzip_compress | Compresses and encodes data. | |
gzip_decompress | Decompresses compressed data. | |
zlib_compress | Compresses and encodes data. | |
zlib_decompress | Decompresses compressed data. | |
aes_encrypt | Encrypts data by using the AES algorithm. | |
aes_decrypt | Decrypts data by using the AES algorithm. | |
jwt_encoding | Encodes JSON data based on the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard. | |
jwt_decoding | Decodes data to raw JSON data based on the JWT standard. | |
hashids_encoding | Encodes data by using the Hashids library. | |
hashids_decoding | Decodes data that is encoded by using the Hashids library. | |
ua_parse_device | Parses User-Agent and returns the device information. | |
ua_parse_os | Parses User-Agent and returns the operating system information. | |
ua_parse_agent | Parses User-Agent and returns the browser information. | |
ua_parse_all | Parses User-Agent and returns all information. | |
url_parse | Parses a URL and returns the components of the URL. | |
url_parse_qs | Parses the query string of a URL and returns the components of the query string. | |
lst_make | Constructs a list. | |
lst_insert | Inserts elements to a specified position in a list. | |
lst_append | Appends elements to a list. | |
lst_delete_at | Deletes the element at a specified position from a list. | |
lst_reverse | Reverses the order of elements in a list. | |
lst_get | Returns the element at a specified position in a list or a tuple. | |
dct_make | Constructs a dictionary. | |
dct_update | Updates a dictionary. | |
dct_delete | Deletes key-value pairs from a dictionary. | |
dct_keys | Returns the keys of a dictionary. | |
dct_values | Returns the values of a dictionary. | |
dct_get | Returns the value that corresponds to a specified key in a dictionary. | |
tab_parse_csv | Constructs a table from comma-separated values (CSV) text. | |
tab_to_dict | Constructs a dictionary from a table. | |
res_local | Pulls the values of advanced parameters from the current data transformation job. | |
res_rds_mysql | Pulls data from a specified table in a database that is created on an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or obtains the execution result of an SQL statement. The data and result can be updated at regular intervals. | |
res_log_logstore_pull | Pulls data from another Logstore when you transform data in a Logstore. You can pull data in a continuous manner. | |
res_oss_file | Pulls data from an object in a specified Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. The data can be updated at regular intervals. |