This topic describes the syntax and parameters of event check functions. This topic also provides examples on how to use the functions.


Category Function Description
Basic function e_has Checks whether a log field exists.
e_not_has Checks whether a log field does not exist.

This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Cleanse data by using functions.

Expression function e_search Searches for an event by using a query syntax that is similar to Lucene.

This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Cleanse data by using functions.

e_match Checks whether the value of a log field meets the conditions specified in a regular expression.

This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Cleanse data by using functions.

e_match_any Checks whether the value of a log field meets the conditions specified in a regular expression. If one or more specified fields match the regular expression, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.
e_match_all Checks whether the value of a log field meets the conditions specified in a regular expression. If all specified fields match the regular expression, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.
The following table describes the expression functions that you can use together with event check functions.
Category Function Description
Logical function op_and Invokes the AND operation.
op_or Invokes the OR operation.
op_not Invokes the NOT operation.
op_nullif Checks whether the values of two expressions are equal.
op_ifnull Returns the value of the first expression whose value is not None.
op_coalesce Returns the value of the first expression whose value is not None.


The function is used to check whether a log field exists.
  • Syntax

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    key String Yes The name of the log field.
  • Response

    If the specified field exists, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.

  • Examples

    Check whether a log contains the content field. If the log contains the content field, the log is retained. Otherwise, the log is dropped.
    • Raw log:
      content: 123
    • Transformation rule:
    • Result:
      content: 123


The function is used to check whether a log field does not exist.
  • Syntax

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    key String Yes The name of the log field.
  • Response

    If the specified field does not exist, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.

  • Examples

    Check whether a log contains the content field. If the log does not contain the content field, the log is retained. Otherwise, the log is dropped.

    • Raw log:
      content: 123
    • Transformation rule:
    • Result:

      The log is dropped.

  • Other use cases

    This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Cleanse data by using functions.


The function is used to search for an event by using a query syntax that is similar to Lucene.
  • Syntax

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    querystring String Yes The query string that you want to use to filter log data. For more information, see Query string syntax.
  • Response

    If the specified conditions are met, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.

  • Examples

    # Full-text search
    e_search("active error")   # Search for multiple substrings in full text. The substrings are associated with each other by using the logical operator OR. 
    e_search('"active error"')   # Search for a substring in full text. 
    # Field search
    e_search("status: active")   # Search for a substring in a specified field. 
    e_search('author: "john smith"')   # Searches for a substring that contains a space character in a specified field. 
    e_search('field: active error')   # Search the specified field for the substring "active" or searches all logs for the substring "error". The query string in this example is equivalent to field:active OR "error". 
    # Exact match
    e_search('author== "john smith"')  
    # Search for field values by using wildcard characters. You can use an asterisk (*) to match zero or more characters. You can use a question mark (?) to match one character. 
    e_search("status: active*test")    # active*test contains one asterisk (*). You do not need to enclose the value in double quotation marks (""). 
    e_search("status: active?good")    # active?good contains one question mark (?). You do not need to enclose the value in double quotation marks (""). 
    e_search("status== ac*tive?good")  # The query string is used for exact match. 
    # Escape special characters in a field value. Asterisks (*) or question marks (?) that are not used as wildcards must be escaped in a field value by using backslashes (\). 
    e_search('status: "\*\?()[]:="')  # \*\?()[]:=  contains multiple special characters. You must enclose the value in double quotation marks (""). The asterisks (*), question marks (?), and backslashes (\) in the value are escaped. 
    e_search("status: active\*test")  # active\*test contains one asterisk (*). You do not need to enclose the value in double quotation marks (""). 
    e_search("status: active\* test")   # active\*test  contains one question mark (?). You do not need to enclose the value in double quotation marks (""). 
    # Escape special characters in a field name
    e_search("\*\(1+1\)\?: abc")                  # You cannot enclose the field name in double quotation marks (""). You must escape special characters by using backslashes (\). 
    e_search("__tag__\:__container_name__: abc")  # You must escape special characters by using backslashes (\). 
    e_search("field name in Chinese: abc")                     # Enter the Chinese characters that comprise the field name. 
    # Search for strings by using regular expressions.
    e_search('content~="regular expression"')   # Search for substrings that match the regular expression. 
    # Numeric value comparison
    e_search('count: [100, 200]')   # >=100 and <=200
    e_search('count: [*, 200]')     # <=200
    e_search('count: [200, *]')     # >=200
    e_search('age >= 18')           # >= 18
    e_search('age > 18')            # > 18
    # Relational operators
    e_search("abc OR xyz")    # The relational operator is case-insensitive. 
    e_search("abc and (xyz or zzz)")
    e_search("abc and not (xyz and not zzz)")
    e_search("abc && xyz")    # and
    e_search("abc || xyz")    # or
    e_search("abc || !xyz")   # or not
  • Other use cases

    This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Cleanse data by using functions.


The function is used to check whether the value of a log field meets the conditions specified in an expression.
  • Syntax

    e_match(key, regular_expression, full=True)
    In most cases, the e_match function is used together with the op_not, op_and, or op_or function.
  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    key String Yes The name of the log field. If the specified field does not exist, the field does not meet the specified condition.

    For example, if the f1 field does not exist, the e_match("f1", ...) function returns False.

    regular_expression String Yes The regular expression. If you want to match strings by using string literals, you can use the str_regex_escape function to escape characters.
    full Bool No Specifies whether to perform an exact match. By default, the parameter is set to True, which specifies an exact match. For more information, see Regular expressions.
  • Response

    If the specified field matches the regular expression, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.

  • Examples

    Check whether the value of the k1 field is a number.
    • Raw log:
      k1: 123
    • Transformation rule:
    • Result:
      k1: 123
      match: True
  • Other use cases

    This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Cleanse data by using functions.


The function is used to check whether the value of a log field meets the conditions specified in a regular expression. If one or more specified fields match the regular expression, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.
  • Syntax

    e_match_any(key1, regular_expression1, key2, regular_expression2, ..., full=True)
    • The key and regular_expression parameters must be specified in pairs.
    • In most cases, the e_match_any function is used together with the op_not, op_and, or op_or function.
  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    key String Yes The name of the log field. If the specified field does not exist, the field does not meet the specified condition.

    For example, if the f1 field does not exist, the e_match_any("f1", ...) function returns False.

    regular_expression String Yes The regular expression. If you want to match strings by using string literals, you can use the str_regex_escape function to escape characters.
    full Bool No Specifies whether to perform an exact match. The default value True specifies an exact match. For more information, see Regular expressions.
  • Response

    If the specified field matches the regular expression, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.

  • Examples

    Check whether the value of a log field meets the conditions specified in a regular expression. If one or more specified fields match the regular expression, True is returned.
    • Raw log:
      k1: 123
      k2: abc
      k3: abc123
    • Transformation rule:
      e_set("match",e_match_any('k1', r'\d+', 'k2', '.+'))
    • Result:
  • Other use cases

    This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Cleanse data by using functions.


The function is used to check whether the value of a log field meets the conditions specified in a regular expression. If all specified fields match the regular expression, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.
  • Syntax

    e_match_all(key1, regular_expression1, key2, regular_expression2, ..., full=True)
    • The key and regular_expression parameters must be specified in pairs.
    • In most cases, the e_match_all function is used together with the op_not, op_and, or op_or function.
  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    key String Yes The name of the log field. If the specified field does not exist, the field does not meet the specified condition.

    For example, if the f1 field does not exist, the e_match_all("f1", ...) function returns False.

    regular_expression String Yes The regular expression. If you want to match strings by using string literals, you can use the str_regex_escape function to escape characters.
    full Bool No Specifies whether to perform an exact match. By default, the parameter is set to True, which specifies an exact match. For more information, see Regular expressions.
  • Response

    If the specified field matches the regular expression, True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.

  • Examples

    • Raw log:
      k1: 123
      k2: abc
      k3: abc123
    • Transformation rule:
      e_set("match", e_match_all("k1", r"\d+", "k2", r"\d+"))
    • Result:
  • Other use cases

    This function can be used together with other functions. For more information, see Cleanse data by using functions.