CloudLens for EBS

Updated at: 2024-12-23 10:24

This topic contains important information on necessary precautions. We recommend that you read this topic carefully before proceeding.

Simple Log Service and Elastic Block Storage (EBS) jointly launch the CloudLens for EBS application. You can use the application to monitor and manage EBS resources such as disks, snapshots, and asynchronous data replication between disks.


The CloudLens for EBS application is available only to users that are added to a whitelist. If you want to use the CloudLens for EBS application, submit a ticket.

Feature description

The CloudLens for EBS application supports the following features:

  • Data collection and management

    • You can use the application to manage the collection status for the high-precision monitoring data of disks in a centralized manner. In this topic, high-precision monitoring data refers to data that is collected and monitored within seconds.

    • You can use the application to automatically collect the high-precision monitoring data of existing or new disks.

    • You can use the application to collect the high-precision monitoring data of disks to the destination project and Metricstore for centralized storage and management.

  • Visualized dashboards

    • Resource overview

      You can use the application to display the usage of EBS resources for resource management and auditing.

    • Performance analysis

      You can use the application to analyze your resource usage and performance and gain insights into business growth and performance consumption.

Asset details

After you enable the feature of high-precision monitoring data collection, Simple Log Service automatically creates a dedicated project and Metricstore to store the high-precision monitoring data of disks.

Simple Log Service creates a project named aliyun-product-data-Alibaba Cloud account ID-Region ID and a Metricstore named ebs_disk_metric.


CloudLens for EBS is in public preview and can be used free of charge.


You can use the application to collect the high-precision monitoring data of SSDs, enhanced SSDs (ESSDs), and ultra disks in the China (Hangzhou) and China (Beijing) regions.



To use a CloudLens application, make sure that at least one project exists within your Alibaba Cloud account.

When you enable a CloudLens application, Simple Log Service automatically checks whether a project exists within your Alibaba Cloud account.

Check logic

  1. The first time you enable a CloudLens application, Simple Log Service automatically checks whether a project exists within your Alibaba Cloud account. If no projects exist, Simple Log Service creates a project whose name is in the aliyun-product-data-<Alibaba Cloud account ID>-cn-heyuan format in the China (Heyuan) region.

  2. After you enable a CloudLens application, Simple Log Service automatically checks whether a project exists within your Alibaba Cloud account. If no projects exist, Simple Log Service does not create a project in the China (Heyuan) region. You can manually create a project. For more information about how to create a project, see Manage a project.

Delete a project

  • If you want to delete the project whose name is in the aliyun-product-data-<Alibaba Cloud account ID>-cn-heyuan format, open Cloud Shell and run the following command. Replace the Alibaba Cloud account ID based on your business scenario.

    aliyunlog log delete_project --project_name=aliyun-product-data-<Alibaba Cloud account ID>-cn-heyuan
  • If you want to delete other projects and logstores, follow the instructions provided in Manage a logstore and Manage a project.

  • On this page (1, M)
  • Feature description
  • Asset details
  • Billing
  • Limits
  • Precautions
  • Check logic
  • Delete a project
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