This topic describes the fields in Layer 7 access logs of Application Load Balancer (ALB).

Field Description
__topic__ The topic of the log. The value is fixed as alb_layer7_access_log.
body_bytes_sent The number of bytes in the body of the HTTP response that is sent to the client.
client_ip The IP address of the client.
host The domain name or IP address of the server. By default, the value is obtained from request parameters. If no value is obtained from request parameters, the value is obtained from the host header field. If no value is obtained from request parameters or the host header field, the IP address of the backend server that processes the request is used as the value.
http_host The host header field of the request.
http_referer The URL of the source web page.
http_user_agent The browser information of the client.
http_x_forwarded_for The client IP address that is recorded after the request of the client is forwarded by the proxy.
http_x_real_ip The real IP address of the client.
read_request_time The time that is taken by the proxy to read the request. Unit: milliseconds.
request_length The length of the request. The request line, request headers, and request body are all counted.
request_method The request method.
request_time The interval between the time when the proxy receives the first request and the time when the proxy returns a response. Unit: seconds.
request_uri The URI of the request that is received by the proxy.
scheme The schema of the request. Valid values: HTTP and HTTPS.
server_protocol The HTTP version of the request that is received by the proxy. Example: HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1.
slb_vport The listening port of the SLB instance.
app_lb_id The ID of the ALB instance.
ssl_cipher The cipher suite that is used to establish an SSL connection. Example: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256.
ssl_protocol The protocol that is used to establish an SSL connection. Example: TLSv1.2.
status The HTTP status code that is sent by the proxy.
tcpinfo_rtt The round-trip time (RTT) of the client TCP connection. Unit: microseconds.
time The time when the log is generated.
upstream_addr The IP address and port number of the backend server.
upstream_response_time The interval between the time when the SLB instance connects to the backend server and the time when the SLB instance disconnects from the backend server after the required data is received.
upstream_status The HTTP status code that is received by the proxy from the backend server.
vip_addr The virtual IP address.
write_response_time The time that is taken by the SLB proxy to send the request to the client after the SLB proxy receives the request from the backend server.
owner_id The owner ID of the ALB instance.
region The region where the ALB instance resides.
instance_name The name of the ALB instance.
address_type The address type of the ALB instance. Valid values: Intranet and Internet.
vpc_id The ID of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in which the ALB instance resides.