Creates a log collection policy for a cloud service. This way, logs can be automatically collected from the service.
Authorization information
Request syntax
POST /collectionpolicy HTTP/1.1
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
body | object | No | The body of the request. | |
policyName | string | Yes | The name must meet the following requirements:
| your_log_policy |
productCode | string | Yes | The code of the service. | oss |
dataCode | string | Yes | The code of the log type. | access_log |
enabled | boolean | Yes | Specifies whether to enable the policy. | true |
policyConfig | object | Yes | The configurations of the policy. | |
resourceMode | string | Yes | The resource collection mode. Valid values: all, attributeMode, and instanceMode. The value all specifies that logs of all instances within your account are collected to the default logstore. The value attributeMode specifies that logs are collected based on the regions of instances and resource tags. The value instanceMode specifies that logs are collected based on instance IDs. | all |
resourceTags | object | No | The resource tags. This parameter takes effect only when resourceMode is set to attributeMode. If you leave this parameter empty, resource tag-based filtering is not performed. The system considers that all instances are matched. If you specify a value for this parameter, logs of instances that use the specified resource tags are collected. Logs are collected from an instance only if the resource tags and region of the instance match the specified conditions. | {"tag1":"value1",“tag2":"value2"} |
regions | array | No | The regions of the instances. This parameter takes effect only when resourceMode is set to attributeMode. Wildcard characters are supported. If you leave this parameter empty, region-based filtering is not performed. The system considers that all instances are matched. If you specify a value for this parameter, logs of instances that reside in the specified regions are collected. Logs are collected from an instance only if the resource tags and region of the instance match the specified conditions. | |
string | No | The ID of the region. | cn-hangzhou | |
instanceIds | array | No | The IDs of the instances. This parameter takes effect only when resourceMode is set to instanceMode. Logs are collected only from instances that use the specified IDs. | |
string | No | The ID of the instance. | your-test-bucket1 | |
centralizeEnabled | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable centralized storage. Default value: false. | false |
centralizeConfig | object | No | The configurations of centralized storage. | |
destRegion | string | No | The destination region for centralized storage. | cn-beijing |
destProject | string | No | The destination project for centralized storage. Make sure that the region of the destination project is consistent with the region specified by destRegion. | your-sls-project-in-beijing |
destLogstore | string | No | The destination logstore for centralized storage. Make sure that the region of the destination logstore is consistent with the region specified by destRegion and the destination logstore belongs to the destination project specified by destProject. | your-sls-logstore-in-beijing |
destTTL | integer | No | The data retention period for centralized storage. Unit: days. This parameter takes effect only when you use an existing logstore for centralized storage. | your-sls-logstore-ttl |
dataConfig | object | No | The data configurations. The configuration is returned only for global logs. For example, if productCode is set to sls, the configuration is returned. | |
dataRegion | string | No | The region for storing the global logs that are collected for the first time. | cn-beijing |
resourceDirectory | object | No | The configurations of the resource directory. The account must have activated the resource directory and be a management account or a delegated administrator of the resource directory. | |
accountGroupType | string | No | The mode of the resource directory. Valid values: all and custom. | all,custom |
members | array | No | The members. If accountGroupType is set to custom, the members are returned. | |
string | No | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. | 165***********50 |
Response parameters
For more information about error codes, see Manage collection rules in the new version of Log Audit Service.
Sample success responses
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
2023-10-19 | The internal configuration of the API is changed, but the call is not affected | View Change Details |