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Security Center:Scan for vulnerabilities

Last Updated:Feb 26, 2025

To ensure the security of your assets, we recommend that you scan your assets for vulnerabilities on a regular basis. This topic describes the types of vulnerabilities that can be detected and fixed by Security Center. This topic also describes how to run an automatic periodic scan task on your servers and manually perform vulnerability scan.

Vulnerabilities that can be detected and fixed

Vulnerability scan and fixing

The following table describes the types of vulnerabilities that can be detected and fixed in each edition of Security Center.

Security Center scans for application vulnerabilities based on the following methods:

  • Web Scanner: inspects network traffic to detect vulnerabilities in your system. For example, you can use this method to scan for SSH weak passwords and remote command execution.

  • Software Component Analysis: identifies software versions to detect vulnerabilities in your system. For example, you can use this method to scan for vulnerabilities in Apache Shiro authorization and Kubernetes kubelet resource management.


The following symbols are used in the table:

  • 对: The feature is supported.

  • 错: The feature is not supported.

Vulnerability type


Basic edition

Value-added Plan edition

Anti-virus edition

Advanced edition

Enterprise edition

Ultimate edition

Linux software vulnerability

Manual vulnerability scan







Periodic automatic vulnerability scan

对(The default scan cycle is two days.)

对(The default scan cycle is two days.)

对(The default scan cycle is two days.)

对(The default scan cycle is one day.)

对(The default scan cycle is one day.)

对(The default scan cycle is one day.)

Vulnerability fixing


You must purchase a quota for vulnerability fixing or purchase vulnerability fixing based on the pay-as-you-go billing method.

You must purchase a quota for vulnerability fixing or purchase vulnerability fixing based on the pay-as-you-go billing method.




Windows system vulnerability

Manual vulnerability scan







Periodic automatic vulnerability scan

对(The default scan cycle is two days.)

对(The default scan cycle is two days.)

对(The default scan cycle is two days.)

对(The default scan cycle is one day.)

对(The default scan cycle is one day.)

对(The default scan cycle is one day.)

Vulnerability fixing


You must purchase a quota for vulnerability fixing.

You must purchase a quota for vulnerability fixing.




Web-CMS vulnerability

Manual vulnerability scan







Periodic automatic vulnerability scan

对(The default scan cycle is two days.)

对(The default scan cycle is two days.)

对(The default scan cycle is two days.)

对(The default scan cycle is one day.)

对(The default scan cycle is one day.)

对(The default scan cycle is one day.)

Vulnerability fixing







Application vulnerability

Manual vulnerability scan







Periodic automatic vulnerability scan





对(The default scan cycle is one week. You can specify a custom scan cycle.)

对(The default scan cycle is one week. You can specify a custom scan cycle.)

Vulnerability fixing







Urgent vulnerability

Manual vulnerability scan







Periodic automatic vulnerability scan




对(The default scan cycle is one week. You can specify a custom scan cycle.)

对(The default scan cycle is one week. You can specify a custom scan cycle.)

对(The default scan cycle is one week. You can specify a custom scan cycle.)

Vulnerability fixing







Web-CMS vulnerabilities that can be detected

Component Type

Check item


Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in 74CMS

Privilege escalation vulnerability in 74CMS

SQL injection vulnerability in 74CMS

Arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in 74CMS v4.1.15

Arbitrary file read vulnerability in the latest version of 74CMS


Variable overwrite vulnerability in DedeCMS

Arbitrary file upload vulnerability in DedeCMS

Reinstallation vulnerability in DedeCMS

Injection vulnerability in DedeCMS

File upload vulnerability in DedeCMS

Password resetting vulnerability in DedeCMS

Vulnerability of arbitrary user logon from the frontend caused by cookie leaks in DedeCMS

SQL injection vulnerability caused by session variable overwriting in DedeCMS

Vulnerability of arbitrary file upload at the backend in DedeCMS

SQL injection vulnerability in DedeCMS

Template SQL injection vulnerability in DedeCMS

SQL injection vulnerability caused by cookie leaks in DedeCMS

Payment plug-in injection vulnerability in DedeCMS

Arbitrary file deletion by registered users in DedeCMS V5.7

CSRF protection bypass vulnerability in DedeCMS V5.7

Arbitrary file upload by common users in DedeCMS select_soft_post.php

Arbitrary file upload vulnerability in DedeCMS V5.7 SP2 (CVE-2019-8362)


Code execution vulnerability in Discuz!

MemCache + ssrf permission acquisition vulnerability (GetShell) in Discuz!

Backend SQL injection vulnerability in Discuz!

Arbitrary attachment download caused by privilege escalation vulnerabilities in Discuz!

Arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in Discuz!

Encrypted message forgery vulnerability caused by authcode function defects in Discuz!

Command execution vulnerability in the backend database backup feature of Discuz!


Code injection vulnerability in ECShop

Password retrieval vulnerability in ECShop

Injection vulnerability in ECShop

ECShop backdoor

Arbitrary user logon vulnerability in ECShop

Backend SQL injection vulnerability in ECShop

SQL injection vulnerability in ECShop

Vulnerability of overwriting variables in the ECShop installation directory at the backend

Code execution caused by SQL injection vulnerabilities in ECShop

Secondary injection vulnerability in ECShop

Backend permission acquisition vulnerability in ECShop (GetShell)

Backend file download vulnerability in ECShop 2.7.3


Arbitrary file upload vulnerability in FCKeditor


Remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability caused by malformed deserialized packet injection in Joomla!

Unauthorized user creation vulnerability in Joomla! (CVE-2016-8870)

Core SQL injection vulnerability in Joomla! 3.7.0

SQL injection vulnerability in Joomla!


Injection vulnerability in PHPCMS

AuthKey leak vulnerability in PHPCMS

Wide byte injection vulnerability in PHPCMS v9

Arbitrary file read vulnerability caused by frontend code injection in PHPCMS

Permission acquisition vulnerability caused by specific logic issues in PHPCMS (GetShell)

AuthKey leak caused by AuthKey generation algorithm issues in PHPCMS

SQL injection vulnerability in PHPCMS v9.6.2 RCE vulnerability in PHPCMS 2008

RCE vulnerability in template cache of PHPCMS 2008


Deserialized injection vulnerability in phpMyAdmin

CVE-2016-6617 SQL injection vulnerability in phpMyAdmin

Permission acquisition vulnerability caused by checkPageValidity function defects in phpMyAdmin version 4.8.1 and earlier (GetShell)

phpMyAdmin 4.8.5


GET request CSRF vulnerability in PHPWind v9 task center

Permission acquisition vulnerability caused by MD5 padding vulnerabilities in PHPWind v9 (GetShell)

Backend SQL injection vulnerability in PHPWind

Cross-site scripting (XSS) injection into UBB tag attributes in PHPWind


Medium-risk permission acquisition vulnerability caused by cache function design flaws in ThinkPHP 5.0.10-3.2.3 (GetShell)

High-risk RCE vulnerability in ThinkPHP 5.0

RCE vulnerability in ThinkPHP 5.1.X to 5.1.30 (included)

High-risk Request.php RCE vulnerability in versions earlier than ThinkPHP 5.0.24


Arbitrary file upload vulnerability in WordPress

IP address verification vulnerability in WordPress

WP_Image_Editor_Imagick instruction injection vulnerability in WordPress

XSS vulnerability in the bbPress plug-in of WordPress

Mailpress RCE vulnerability in WordPress

DOS vulnerability caused by arbitrary directory traversal in the backend plug-in update module of WordPress

SQL injection vulnerability caused by arbitrary user logon to the backend plug-in of WordPress

Username enumeration vulnerability in versions earlier than WordPress 4.7.1 (CVE-2017-5487)

SQL injection vulnerability in WordPress

XSS vulnerability in WordPress

Content injection vulnerability in WordPress

RCE vulnerabilities caused by the sitename field in WordPress Mail

SQL injection vulnerability in the Catalogue plug-in of WordPress

Arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in WordPress

Permission acquisition vulnerability caused by multiple defects, such as Author permission path traversal in WordPress (GetShell)

Application vulnerabilities that can be detected

Vulnerability type

Check item

Weak passwords in system services

OpenSSH services

MySQL database services

Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) database services

MongoDB database services

FTP, VSFTP, and ProFTPD services

Memcache cache services

Redis caching services

Subversion control services

Server Message Block (SMB) file sharing services

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email delivery services

Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) email reception services

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) email management services

Vulnerabilities in system services

OpenSSL heartbleed vulnerabilities


  • Samba

  • Brute-force attacks against weak passwords


  • Anonymous access to sensitive data

  • Brute-force attacks against password-based authentication

Brute-force attacks against Virtual Network Console (VNC) passwords

Brute-force attacks against pcAnywhere passwords

Brute-force attacks against Redis passwords

Vulnerabilities in application services

phpMyAdmin weak passwords

Tomcat console weak passwords

Apache Struts 2 remote command execution vulnerabilities

Apache Struts 2 remote command execution vulnerability (S2-046)

Apache Struts 2 remote command execution vulnerability (S2-057)

Arbitrary file uploads in ActiveMQ (CVE-2016-3088)

Arbitrary file reads in Confluence

CouchDB Query Server remote command execution

Brute-force attacks against administrator weak passwords in Discuz!

Unauthorized access to Docker

Remote code execution in Drupal Drupalgeddon 2 (CVE-2018-7600)

ECshop code execution vulnerabilities in logon endpoints

Unauthorized access to Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch MvelRCE CVE-2014-31

Elasticsearch Groovy RCE CVE-2015-1427

Expression Language (EL) Injection in Weaver OA

Unauthorized access to Hadoop YARN ResourceManager

Path traversal in JavaServer Faces 2

Java deserialization in JBoss EJBInvokerServlet

Anonymous access to Jenkins Manage (CVE-2018-1999001 and CVE-2018-1999002)

Unauthorized access to Jenkins

Jenkins Script Security Plugin RCE

Unauthorized access to Kubernetes

SQL injection vulnerabilities in the MetInfo getPassword interface

SQL injection vulnerabilities in the MetInfo logon interface

Arbitrary file uploads in PHPCMS 9.6

PHP-CGI remote code execution vulnerabilities

Actuator unauth RCE


Server-side request forgery (SSRF) in WebLogic UDDI Explorer

SSRF in WordPress xmlrpc.php

Brute-force attacks against the Zabbix web console

OpenSSL heartbleed detection

Unauthorized access to the WEB-INF directory in Apache Tomcat

Detection of application vulnerabilities

When Security Center scans your server for application vulnerabilities, the AliSecureCheckAdvanced process of the Security Center agent may perform proof of concept (POC) verification on your computer and send specific POC requests to check whether application vulnerabilities exist. The requests are sent only to test the existence and potential impacts of application vulnerabilities but do not launch attacks.

Server IP addresses of the web scanner

When you use Security Center to scan for application vulnerabilities and urgent vulnerabilities in your servers, Security Center simulates attacks that are launched from the Internet to scan your servers. Security Center only sends request packets, but does not perform malicious operations. If your servers are protected by a security protection or monitoring system, such as Web Application Firewall (WAF) or Secure Operations Center (SOC), we recommend that you add the server IP addresses of the web scanner to the whitelist in your security protection or monitoring system. This ensures that your scan tasks run as expected. You must add the following IP addresses to the whitelist in your security protection or monitoring system:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and


The domain name is an auxiliary domain name used by Security Center to detect application vulnerabilities and urgent vulnerabilities, which operates independently of the whitelist settings.


  1. Log on to the Security Center console. In the top navigation bar, select the region of the asset that you want to manage. You can select China or Outside China.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Risk Governance > Vulnerabilities.

  3. On the Vulnerabilities page, manually perform vulnerability scan or run an automatic periodic scan task on your servers.

    • Manually perform vulnerability scan: If you want to immediately check whether vulnerabilities exist in your servers, you can use the quick scan feature to scan your servers for vulnerabilities.

      Before you perform quick scan, perform the following steps to check whether the required servers are added: Click Vulnerability Settings in the upper-right corner of the Vulnerabilities page. In the Vulnerability Settings panel, click Manage to the right of a vulnerability type.

      1. On the Vulnerabilities page, click Quick Scan.

      2. In the Vulnerability Scan dialog box, select the type of vulnerabilities for which you want to scan and click OK.

        After a scan task is created, wait for 15 minutes before you can stop the scan task.


        If you did not specify the servers on which the vulnerability scan task runs, the scan task runs on all assets that are protected by Security Center and is complete within 30 minutes. You can refresh the page to view the most recent scan results.

    • Run an automatic periodic scan task.

      You can configure a scan cycle for an automatic periodic scan task. Then, Security Center runs the automatic periodic scan tasks to scan for vulnerabilities on your servers on a regular basis.

      1. In the upper-right corner of the Vulnerabilities page, click Vulnerability Settings.

      2. In the Vulnerability Settings panel, configure the parameters based on your business requirements. The following table describes the parameters.



        Linux Software Vulnerability

        Turn on or turn off the switches to enable or disable the scan for Linux software vulnerabilities, Windows system vulnerabilities, Web-CMS vulnerabilities, and urgent vulnerabilities. After you turn on a switch, you can click Manage on the right side to add or remove servers that you want to scan for the corresponding vulnerabilities.

        Windows System Vulnerability

        Web-CMS Vulnerability

        Urgent Vulnerability

        Application Vulnerability

        Turn on or turn off the switch to enable or disable the scan for application vulnerabilities.

        YUM/APT Source Configuration

        Turn on or turn off the switch to specify whether to preferentially use YUM or APT sources of Alibaba Cloud to fix vulnerabilities.

        Before you fix a Linux software vulnerability, you must specify a valid YUM or APT source. If you specify an invalid YUM or an APT source, the vulnerability may fail to be fixed. After you turn on the switch, Security Center automatically selects a YUM or APT source of Alibaba Cloud. This improves the success rate of vulnerability fixing. We recommend that you turn on YUM/APT Source Configuration.

        Urgent Vulnerability Scan Cycle

        Specify the scan cycle for urgent vulnerabilities.

        • Only the Advanced, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions are supported. The default scan period is 00:00:00 to 07:00:00.

        • If your servers are deployed in a private network or urgent vulnerability detection is not required, you can set the Urgent Vulnerability Scan Cycle parameter to Stop.

        • Your servers may be attacked in various ways. We recommend that you set the Emergency vul(s) Scan Cycle parameter to a value other than Stop. This way, Security Center detects urgent vulnerabilities on your servers in a timely manner.

        Application Vulnerability Scan Cycle

        Specify the scan cycle for application vulnerabilities.


        Only the Enterprise and Ultimate editions are supported. The default scan period is 00:00:00 to 07:00:00.

        Retain Invalid Vulnerabilities For:

        Specify the number of days after which a detected vulnerability is automatically deleted.

        If you do not handle a detected vulnerability and the vulnerability is no longer detected in multiple subsequent detection operations, the vulnerability is automatically deleted from the Vulnerabilities page after the specified number of days. If vulnerabilities of the same type are detected later, Security Center still generates alerts.

        Vulnerability Scan Level

        Specify priorities for the vulnerabilities that you want Security Center to detect.

        Security Center detects and displays only the vulnerabilities with the priorities that you specify. For example, if you select High and Medium, Security Center detects the vulnerabilities with the High and Medium priorities to fix.

        Vulnerability Whitelist Settings

        If you do not want Security Center to detect a vulnerability, you can click Create Rule to add the vulnerability to the vulnerability whitelist.


        After you create a vulnerability whitelist rule, you can modify the scope of the whitelist rule and delete the whitelist rule.

What to do next

  • View the progress of vulnerability scan

    After you complete the configurations, Security Center scans your servers for vulnerabilities based on the configurations. You can click Task Management in the upper-right corner of the Vulnerabilities page to go to the Task Management page. Then, you can view the progress of the vulnerability scan. After the vulnerability scan is complete, you can click a tab on the Vulnerabilities page to view the most recent scan results.

  • View and handle vulnerabilities

    After vulnerability scan is complete, you can view and handle the detected vulnerabilities on the Vulnerabilities page. For more information, see View and handle vulnerabilities.
