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Last Updated:Jul 03, 2024

This topic provides answers to commonly asked questions about SchedulerX.

FAQ about alerts

killed from server

don't update progress more than 30s

FAQ about job management

What do I do if the Spring application cannot find the beans?

What do I do if a job fails and the error message "submit jobInstanceId to worker timeout" is returned?

What do I do if a job fails and the error message "used space beyond 90.0%!" is returned?

What do I do if a job fails and the error message "ClassNotFoundException" is returned?

What do I do if a job fails and the error message "jobInstance=xxx don't update progress more than 60s" is returned?

How do I troubleshoot a job failure?

What do I do if a running job is stuck?

How do I troubleshoot slow job running?

What do I do if the number of job instances reaches the upper limit?

If a job is not complete as scheduled, will the job be queued to run next time or will the job be stopped?

How do I view the historical records of a one-time job after it is complete?

How do I perform second-delay scheduling?

What do I do if a job is not scheduled at a point in time?

How do I configure the timeout period in SchedulerX?

Why is a job still running after the instance is stopped?

How do I configure advanced settings for job management?

What do I do if all workers are busy?

FAQ about jobs

How do I integrate tracing analysis with scheduled jobs?

FAQ about jobs

What do I do if a job is stuck or slows down during an application release?

What do I do if the system asks me to enter instance parameters after I click Run once?

FAQ about Spring jobs

Why does the original Spring timer still run after SchedulerX takes over scheduled Spring jobs?

How do I obtain the context for a Spring job?

Does a Spring job return a processing result?

FAQ about permissions

How do I grant permissions to other accounts?

What do I do if the SchedulerX console prompts that a RAM user does not have the corresponding permissions when I use the RAM user to grant permissions to other users?

FAQ about connections

What do I do if the system displays the message "no worker available"?

What do I do if the system reports the error "DomainNotFoundException" during an application release?

How do I test on-premises connections in the SchedulerX console?

What do I do if local workers in SchedulerX cannot connect to the Internet?

FAQ about API operations

What is the throttling policy with a granularity of minutes for an API operation?

What do I do if the SchedulerX console reports an error and the corresponding page cannot be opened when I create a Kubernetes job by calling an API operation?

Can I create a workflow by calling an API operation?

Can I specify the worker or label of a job when I call an API operation to trigger the job?

What do I do if the SchedulerX console reports an error and the corresponding page cannot be opened when I create a job by calling an API operation?