ALIYUN::ECS::Route is used to create a custom route entry.
"Type": "ALIYUN::ECS::Route",
"Properties": {
"DestinationCidrBlock": String,
"RouteTableId": String,
"NextHopId": String,
"NextHopType": String,
"NextHopList": List
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
DestinationCidrBlock | String | Yes | No | The destination CIDR block of the custom route entry. | None. |
RouteTableId | String | Yes | No | The ID of the route table. | None. |
NextHopId | String | No | No | The ID of the next-hop instance of the custom route entry. | None. |
NextHopType | String | No | No | The type of the next hop of the custom route entry. | Valid values:
NextHopList | List | No | No | The next hops of the custom route entry. | If NextHopList is specified, the route entry is an equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) route entry. Valid values: 2 to 4. For more information, see NextHopList properties. |
NextHopList syntax
"NextHopList": [
"NextHopId": String,
"NextHopType": String
NextHopList properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
NextHopId | String | Yes | No | The ID of the next-hop instance of the ECMP route entry. | None. |
NextHopType | String | No | No | The type of the next hop of the ECMP route entry. | Set the value to RouterInterface. |
Return values
RouteEntryId: the ID of the custom route entry.
For more examples, visit Route.json and Route.yml. In the examples, the ALIYUN::ECS::AssignIpv6Addresses and ALIYUN::ECS::Route resource types are used.