DATASOURCE::ECS::Disk is used to query the information about a cloud disk.
"Type": "DATASOURCE::ECS::Disk",
"Properties": {
"DiskId": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
DiskId | String | Yes | Yes | The disk ID. | None. |
Return values
DetachedTime: the most recent time when the disk was detached.
Category: the disk category.
Description: the description of the disk.
ResourceGroupId: the ID of the resource group to which the disk belongs.
Encrypted: indicates whether the disk is an encrypted one.
Size: the disk size.
DeleteAutoSnapshot: indicates whether the automatic snapshots of the disk are deleted when the disk is released.
IopsWrite: the maximum write IOPS.
StorageSetPartitionNumber: the maximum number of partitions in the storage set.
MultiAttach: indicates whether the multi-attach feature is enabled.
ExpiredTime: the expiration time of the disk.
ImageId: the image ID.
PaymentType: the billing method.
StorageSetId: the ID of the storage set.
IopsRead: the maximum read IOPS.
Tags: the tags of the disk.
AttachedTime: the most recent time when the disk was attached.
BurstingEnabled: indicates whether the performance burst feature is enabled.
StorageClusterId: the ID of the dedicated block storage cluster.
KmsKeyId: the ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key that is used by the disk.
ZoneId: the zone ID of the disk.
InstanceId: the instance ID.
ProductCode: the product code in Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.
Device: the device name of the instance to which the disk is attached.
PerformanceLevel: the performance level (PL) of the Enterprise SSD (ESSD).
DeleteWithInstance: indicates whether the disk is released when the instance to which the disk is attached is released.
EnableAutomatedSnapshotPolicy: indicates whether an automatic snapshot policy is applied to the disk.
CreateTime: the time when the disk was created.
EnableAutoSnapshot: indicates whether the automatic snapshot policy feature is enabled for the disk.
AutoSnapshotPolicyId: the ID of the automatic snapshot policy that is applied to the disk.
Iops: the maximum read/write IOPS.
ProvisionedIops: the provisioned read/write IOPS of the ESSD AutoPL disk.
DiskName: the disk name.
OperationLocks: the reasons why the disk was locked.
SnapshotId: the ID of the snapshot that is used to create the disk.
Portable: indicates whether the disk can be detached.
MountInstanceNum: the number of instances to which the Shared Block Storage device is attached.
MountInstances: the information about the Shared Block Storage device that is attached to the instances.
DiskId: the disk ID.