Insert, update, and delete multiple data records at a time

Updated at: 2023-11-10 07:13

This topic describes how to insert, update, and delete multiple data records of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance at a time. These operations can reduce the number of interactions between your RDS instance and your application and increase the data processing capability of your RDS instance.

Insert multiple data records at a time

You can use one of the following methods to insert multiple data records at a time:

In this example, the following statement is used to create a test table named tbl1:

    info TEXT,
    crt_time TIMESTAMP

Method 1: Execute the INSERT INTO ... SELECT statement.

  • Sample statements

    -- Insert multiple data records into the tbl1 table at a time.
    INSERT INTO tbl1 (id, info ,crt_time) SELECT GENERATE_SERIES(1,10000),'test',NOW(); 
    -- Query the data volume.
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl1;
  • Output

      (1 row)

Method 2: Use the VALUES(),(),...(); function.

  • Sample statements

    -- Insert multiple data records into the tbl1 table at a time.
    INSERT INTO tbl1 (id,info,crt_time) VALUES (1,'test',NOW()), (2,'test2',NOW()), (3,'test3',NOW());
    -- Query the data volume.
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl1;
  • Output

      (1 row)

Method 3: Run a BEGIN; ...Multiple INSERT statements...; END; transaction.


This method allows you to include multiple INSERT statements in one transaction. This reduces the wait time on transaction commit, which in turn improves the performance of your RDS instance.

  • Sample statements

    -- Insert multiple data records into the tbl1 table at a time.
    INSERT INTO tbl1 (id,info,crt_time) VALUES (1,'test',NOW()); 
    INSERT INTO tbl1 (id,info,crt_time) VALUES (2,'test2',NOW());
    INSERT INTO tbl1 (id,info,crt_time) VALUES (3,'test3',NOW());
    -- Query the data volume.
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl1;
  • Output

      (1 row)

Method 4: Use the COPY command.


Compared with the INSERT statement, the COPY command is easy to use and can insert data at higher efficiency.

Update multiple data records at a time

Sample statements

-- Update multiple data records at a time.
UPDATE tbl1 SET from (VALUES (1,'new1'),(2,'new2'),(6,'new6')) AS tmp (id,info) WHERE; 

-- Query table data.
SELECT * FROM tbl1; 


 id |     info     |          crt_time            
  3 | hello        | 2017-04-24 15:31:49.14291  
  4 | digoal0123   | 2017-04-24 15:42:50.912887  
  5 | hello digoal | 2017-04-24 15:57:29.622045  
  1 | new1         | 2017-04-24 15:58:55.610072  
  2 | new2         | 2017-04-24 15:28:20.37392  
  6 | new6         | 2017-04-24 15:59:12.265915  
(6 rows)

Delete multiple data records at a time

  • Delete partial table data at a time

    • Sample statements

      -- Delete multiple data records at a time.
      DELETE FROM tbl1 USING (VALUES (3),(4),(5)) AS tmp(id) WHERE; 
      -- Query table data.
      SELECT * FROM tbl1;
    • Output

       id |  info   |          crt_time            
        1 | new1    | 2017-04-24 15:58:55.610072  
        2 | new2    | 2017-04-24 15:28:20.37392  
        6 | new6    | 2017-04-24 15:59:12.265915
  • Delete all table data. We recommend that you use the TRUNCATE statement.

    • Sample statements

      -- Configure a lock timeout period.
      SET lock_timeout = '1s';
      -- Delete all data in the tbl1 table.
      TRUNCATE tbl1;
      -- Query table data.
      SELECT * FROM tbl1;
    • Output

       id | info | crt_time   
      (0 rows)
  • On this page (1, T)
  • Insert multiple data records at a time
  • Method 1: Execute the INSERT INTO ... SELECT statement.
  • Method 2: Use the VALUES(),(),...(); function.
  • Method 3: Run a BEGIN; ...Multiple INSERT statements...; END; transaction.
  • Method 4: Use the COPY command.
  • Update multiple data records at a time
  • Delete multiple data records at a time
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