Submit an application to increase a quota

Updated at: 2024-02-01 02:41

If a quota of a cloud service is adjustable, you can submit an application to increase the quota. This topic describes how to submit an application to increase a general quota, API rate limit, and privilege.


If you are a Resource Access Management (RAM) user, make sure that the RAM user is granted the management permissions (AliyunQuotasFullAccess) on Quota Center. For more information, see Authorize a RAM user.

Background information

For more information about the Alibaba Cloud services that support Quota Center and the related service codes, see Alibaba Cloud services that support Quota Center.

General quotas

  1. Log on to the Quota Center console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Products > General Quotas.

  3. On the Products with General Quotas page, click the information card of a cloud service. For example, click the Elastic Compute Service card.

  4. On the General Quotas page, select a region of the cloud service.

  5. On the General Quotas page, find the quota that you want to increase, and then click Apply in the Actions column.

  6. In the Apply for Quotas dialog box, configure the Applied Quotas and Reason parameters. Use the default setting of the Notify Result parameter.

    • Applications are reviewed and approved by the technical support team for each cloud service. To increase the success rate of your application, you must specify a reasonable quota value and a detailed reason when you submit an application.

    • Application results are sent to you by using text messages and emails.

  7. Click OK.

  8. In the left-side navigation pane, click Application Records to view the status of the application.

    If the application is in the Approved state, the related quota is increased.

API rate limits

  1. Log on to the Quota Center console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Products > API Rate Limits.

  3. On the Products with API Rate Limits page, click the information card of a cloud service. For example, click the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL card.

  4. On the API Rate Limits page, select a region of the cloud service.

  5. On the API Rate Limits page, find the quota that you want to increase, and then click Apply in the Actions column.

  6. In the Apply for API Rate Limit dialog box, configure the Applied Quotas and Reason parameters. Use the default setting of the Notify Result parameter.

    • Applications are reviewed and approved by the technical support team for each cloud service. To increase the success rate of your application, you must specify a reasonable quota value and a detailed reason when you submit an application.

    • Application results are sent to you by using text messages and emails.

  7. Click OK.

  8. View the status of the application for the increase in the API rate limit.

    1. In the left-side navigation pane, click Application Records.

    2. On the Application Records page, set Quota Type to API Rate Limits.

      If the application is in the Approved state, the related quota is increased.


  1. Log on to the Quota Center console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Products > Privileges.

  3. On the Products with Privileges page, click the information card of a cloud service. For example, click the Virtual Private Cloud card.

  4. On the Privileges page, find the quota that you want to increase, and then click Apply in the Actions column.

  5. In the Apply for Privileges dialog box, configure the parameters.

    1. If you set the Quota Value parameter to Valid, specify a validity period (Valid From and Valid Until) in the Time field and enter a reason for application in the Reason field. Keep the default setting of the Notify Result parameter.

      • If you do not specify a start time for the validity period, the default start time is the time when the quota increase application is submitted. If you do not specify an end time for the validity period, the default end time is 99 years after the start time. The end time must be later than the start time.

      • Applications are reviewed and approved by the technical support team for each cloud service. To increase the success rate of your application, you must specify a reasonable quota value and a detailed reason when you submit an application.

      • Application results are sent to you by using text messages and emails.

    2. If you set the Quota Value parameter to Invalid, enter a reason for application in the Reason field and keep the default setting of the Notify Result parameter.

  6. Click OK.

  7. View the status of the application for the privilege increase.

    1. In the left-side navigation pane, click Application Records.

    2. On the Application Records page, set Quota Type to Privileges.

      If the application is in the Approved state, the related quota is increased.

  • On this page (1, T)
  • Prerequisites
  • Background information
  • General quotas
  • API rate limits
  • Privileges
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