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Quick BI:Create a BI Portal

Last Updated:Apr 30, 2024

This topic describes how to create a business intelligence (BI) portal.

Methods for creating a workbook

After you log on to the Quick BI console. You can use one of the following methods to create a BI portal.

  • Method 1:


  • Method 2:


  • Entry 3:


Go to the BI Portals page.image.png

Configure a BI portal

You can configure the parameters for a BI portal. For example, you can specify the title, upload the logo image file, and edit the footer for the BI portal.

Operation platform

  • In the top navigation bar, click the Portal Settings icon. image.png

  • You can click Portal Configuration to go to the portal configuration page.


Basic parameters



Global LOGO

  • Supports hiding global LOGO.

    The global LOGO is displayed by default. After you remove the check box, the global LOGO can be hidden.


  • You can use materials or upload custom images. The size of the uploaded local image is recommended to be within 60*60~180*60, 100K.


  • Supports resizing LOGO.


Show Main Title

You can select whether to display the main title and configure the name and text style of the main title.

Show Subtitle

You can select whether to show subtitles and configure the subtitle name and text style.

View mode

  • If you set Navigation Frame Mode to Double Navigation Layout or Top Navigation Layout, you can select Open Current Page or Open New Window from the drop-down list.


  • If the Navigation Frame Mode parameter is set to Left Navigation Layout, you can select Open on Current Page, Open in New Window, or Add Tab to Current Page from the drop-down list.


  • You can also select Customize View Mode for Menu Pages and click Configure to go to the configuration page.


    For more information about how to configure a menu page, see Configure a menu.

Navigation framework

You can configure Theme Mode, Navigation Frame Mode, and Style in the navigation frame.

  • Theme Mode

    You can set Light Mode or Dark Mode.

    • Light mode


    • Dark Mode


  • Navigation Frame Mode

    You can select Top Navigation Layout, Left Navigation Layout, or Dual Navigation Layout.


    • Top Navigation Layout



      Head Navigation

      If you set Navigation Frame Mode to Top Navigation Layout or Dual Navigation Layout, you can configure head navigation.

      • Navigation Bar Height


      • Navigation Bar Background


      • Overlay background image

        If you select this check box, you can upload Custom Image. You can upload local images only in the JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, or SVM format. The maximum size is 1 MB.


      • Tab Style

        Supports underscores, Selected Word, and Selected Block.

      • Tab Text

        You can configure the regular Text, Selected Text, and Selected Text styles. The selected fill color takes effect only in the Selected Block.


      Drop-down list

      If you set Navigation Frame Mode to Top Navigation Layout, you can configure a drop-down menu.

      • Navigation Menu Area Background


      • Overlay background image

        If you select this check box, you can upload Custom Image. You can upload local images only in the JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, or SVM format. The maximum size is 1 MB.

      • Text Display

        Supports setting the regular and selected fill colors and text styles.


      • Custom Menu Row Size

        Sets the height of the menu line.

    • Left Navigation Layout



      Color of Logo Display Area

      You can set the color of the Logo Display Area to a solid color or a gradient.


      Overlay background image

      If you select this check box, you can upload Custom Image. You can upload local images only in the JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, or SVM format. The maximum size is 1 MB.

      Panel configuration

      • Navigation Bar Background


      • Overlay background image

        If you select this check box, you can upload Custom Image. You can upload local images only in the JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, or SVM format. The maximum size is 1 MB.

      Menu display configuration

      • Menu Selection Style

        Fill and Select Block are supported.

      • Menu level and text display

        Allows you to set the text display style for all menu levels or a specified menu level. image.png

      • Menu Name Indent

        • Select Indent next-level menu names. image.png

        • If not selected, all menu names are on one column. image.png

      • Custom Menu Row Size

        Sets the height of the menu line.

    • Dual Navigation Layout



      Head Navigation

      If you set Navigation Frame Mode to Top Navigation Layout or Dual Navigation Layout, you can configure head navigation.

      • Navigation Bar Height


      • Navigation Bar Background


      • Overlay background image

        If you select this check box, you can upload Custom Image. You can upload local images only in the JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, or SVM format. The maximum size is 1 MB.


      • Tab Style

        Supports underscores, Selected Word, and Selected Block.

      • Tab Text

        You can configure the regular Text, Selected Text, and Selected Text styles. The selected fill color takes effect only in the Selected Block.


      Left Panel Menu Area

      If you set Navigation Frame Mode to Dual Navigation Layout, you can configure the Left-side Menu Area.

      • Menu Area Background


      • Overlay background image

        If you select this check box, you can upload Custom Image. You can upload local images only in the JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, or SVM format. The maximum size is 1 MB.

      • Menu Selection Style

        Fill and Select Block are supported.

      • Menu level and text display

        Allows you to set the text display style for all menu levels or a specified menu level.


      • Menu Name Indent

        • Select Indent next-level menu names.


        • If not selected, all menu names are on one column.


      • Custom Menu Row Size

        Sets the height of the menu line.

Mobile navigation framework

  • Mobile Terminal Style

    Valid values: Navigation with Content and Tile Layout.

    • Add content to navigation

      • You can configure the top or bottom navigation position.


      • You can set the Theme parameter to Dark, Light, or Custom.


    • Tile Layout

      You can turn on Report Navigation and set the Maximum Number per Line parameter.


Advanced Settings



Show Footer

After you select this option, you can specify the footer. The footer is displayed at the bottom of the content page.

Show Menu Crumbs

If you select this option, the menu levels are displayed at the top of the content page.


Cache Menu

If you select this option and open multiple menus, menus do not need to be reloaded when you switch between the menus.

Show Full Portal Title

When the PC style parameter is set to Left And Top or Top, the title is completely displayed by default if the title is excessively long.4数据门户


You can specify the alias of the BI portal. The specified value is added to the portal URL. For example, if you specify parameter 1, the alias is:


Menu configuration

  1. On the BI portal editing page, click the desired menu to go to the menu configuration page.


  2. On the Configure Menu page, configure Portal Menu, System Features, and Menu Settings.


    • Portal menu configuration


      Add a main menu. If you click Add main menu, you can add a level-1 menu.

      ② Add secondary and the following menu.

      ③ Set a menu as the home page. After you click this icon, the homepage is displayed when you open the BI portal.

      ④ Hide and delete menus.

      • If a parent menu is hidden, the child menus are also hidden.

      • If you want to show a menu that is hidden, click the Hide Menu icon again.

    • System Function Settings

      You can select Menu Search or Full Screen as shown in the following figure.


      • Menu Search

        • If you select Menu Search and Show, you can search for menu names.


        • You can configure the Background Color, Icon Color, Wireframe Color, Empty, and Input text styles for menu searches.


      • Full Screen

        • If you select Full Screen and Show, the page displays the Full Screen button and allows you to perform full screen operations.


        • You can set the icon to Material or Custom Image.


          Upload local images can be in the JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, or SVM format. The maximum size is 1 MB.


    • Menu Settings



      Menu Name

      The name of a menu.

      Allow Folding

      Specifies whether a menu can be folded.

      Default Collapse

      Specifies the default state of a menu.


      You can configure this parameter only when Menu can fold is selected.

      Node Type

      Set Node Type to Content Node or Null Node.

      If a node is specified as a parent node, you can configure this node to an empty node.

      Content Type

      You can specify Spatial Resources or External Links. The following types of space resources are supported:

      • Uptime dashboards

      • Dashboards

      • Workbook

      • Ad hoc analysis

      • Forms

      • downloads

      If you select Dashboards, Spreadsheets, Ad-hoc Analysis, or Self-service Access as the Storage Resource, you can select Show Report Title.


      View mode

      The following options are supported: Open Current Page, Open New Window, and Current Page and New Window.

      • You can configure this parameter only when Set to empty node is not selected.

      • If you have uniformly selected the page opening mode in the configuration site, you cannot customize a single menu page at this time. If you want to customize the view mode of a menu page, change the value to Customize the View Mode of Each Menu Page.


      Menu Display Style

      • PC

        You can select Show Icon and configure the size of the icon, the menu icon in the regular and selected states, and the space between icon and text. image.pngThe ico n menu supports Material or Custom Image.

        • Use material image.png

        • Custom Image

          Supports uploading local images (①) or by using image links (②). image.png

      • You can select Show Icon and Use Material or Custom Image on mobile devices.


  3. Click Save.

    After the configuration is complete, you can drag the left-side navigation pane to adjust the width of the BI portal.22.gif