AddTagToFlinkCluster | AddTagToFlinkCluster | Attaches the workspace ID and workspace name tags to the Prometheus instance corresponding to a Flink workspace. |
CreateEnvironment | CreateEnvironment | Creates an environment instance. |
InitEnvironment | InitEnvironment | Initializes an environment instance. |
DescribeEnvironment | DescribeEnvironment | Queries the details of an environment. |
UpdateEnvironment | UpdateEnvironment | Updates the configuration of an environment. |
ListEnvironments | ListEnvironments | Queries environments. |
DeleteEnvironment | DeleteEnvironment | Deletes an environment instance. |
DescribeAddonMetrics | DescribeAddonMetrics | Queries the metric details of a component. |
InstallEnvironmentFeature | InstallEnvironmentFeature | Installs a feature. |
DescribeEnvironmentFeature | DescribeEnvironmentFeature | Queries the details of a feature. |
UpgradeEnvironmentFeature | UpgradeEnvironmentFeature | Updates the feature information of an environment. |
RestartEnvironmentFeature | RestartEnvironmentFeature | Restarts a feature. |
ListEnvironmentFeatures | ListEnvironmentFeatures | Queries the features in an environment. |
DeleteEnvironmentFeature | DeleteEnvironmentFeature | Deletes a feature. |
CreateEnvCustomJob | CreateEnvCustomJob | Creates a custom job for an environment. |
UpdateEnvCustomJob | UpdateEnvCustomJob | Updates a custom job for an environment. |
ListEnvCustomJobs | ListEnvCustomJobs | Queries the custom jobs of an environment. |
DescribeEnvCustomJob | DescribeEnvCustomJob | Queries the details of a custom job for an environment. |
DeleteEnvCustomJob | DeleteEnvCustomJob | Deletes a custom job for an environment. |
CreateEnvPodMonitor | CreateEnvPodMonitor | Creates a PodMonitor for an environment. |
DescribeEnvPodMonitor | DescribeEnvPodMonitor | Queries the PodMonitor details of an environment. |
ListEnvPodMonitors | ListEnvPodMonitors | Queries the PodMonitors of an environment. |
UpdateEnvPodMonitor | UpdateEnvPodMonitor | Updates the PodMonitor of an environment. |
DeleteEnvPodMonitor | DeleteEnvPodMonitor | Deletes the PodMonitor of an environment. |
CreateEnvServiceMonitor | CreateEnvServiceMonitor | Creates a ServiceMonitor for an environment. |
DescribeEnvServiceMonitor | DescribeEnvServiceMonitor | Queries the ServiceMonitor details of an environment. |
ListEnvServiceMonitors | ListEnvServiceMonitors | Queries the ServiceMonitors of an environment. |
UpdateEnvServiceMonitor | UpdateEnvServiceMonitor | Updates the ServiceMonitor of an environment. |
DeleteEnvServiceMonitor | DeleteEnvServiceMonitor | Deletes the ServiceMonitor of an environment. |
InstallAddon | InstallAddon | Installs an add-on. |
DescribeAddonRelease | DescribeAddonRelease | Queries the release information of an add-on by name. |
ListAddons | ListAddons | List of access center products. |
UpgradeAddonRelease | UpgradeAddonRelease | Updates the release information of an add-on. |
ListAddonReleases | ListAddonReleases | Queries the add-ons installed in an environment. |
DeleteAddonRelease | DeleteAddonRelease | Delete AddonRelease data by AddonRelease name. |
ListEnvironmentDashboards | ListEnvironmentDashboards | Queries information about a dashboard of an environment instance. |
EnableMetric | EnableMetric | Enables a discarded metric. |
UpdateMetricDrop | UpdateMetricDrop | Updates the list of discarded metrics. |
UpdatePrometheusMonitoringStatus | UpdatePrometheusMonitoringStatus | Updates the status of the monitoring configuration of a Prometheus instance. |
UpdatePrometheusMonitoring | UpdatePrometheusMonitoring | Updates the monitoring configuration of a Prometheus instance. |
ListPrometheusMonitoring | ListPrometheusMonitoring | Queries the monitoring configuration of a Prometheus instance. |
GetPrometheusMonitoring | GetPrometheusMonitoring | Queries the monitoring configuration of a Prometheus instance. |
DeletePrometheusMonitoring | DeletePrometheusMonitoring | Deletes the monitoring configuration of a Prometheus instance. |
CreatePrometheusMonitoring | CreatePrometheusMonitoring | Creates a monitoring configuration for a Prometheus instance. |
AppendInstancesToPrometheusGlobalView | AppendInstancesToPrometheusGlobalView | Adds a data source to a global aggregation instance. |
AddPrometheusInstance | AddPrometheusInstance | Creates a Prometheus instance for Remote Write. |
AddPrometheusGlobalViewByAliClusterIds | AddPrometheusGlobalViewByAliClusterIds | Creates a global aggregation instance in Prometheus Service. |
AddPrometheusGlobalView | AddPrometheusGlobalView | Adds a global aggregation instance in Prometheus Service. |
AddAliClusterIdsToPrometheusGlobalView | AddAliClusterIdsToPrometheusGlobalView | Adds data sources to a global aggregation instance in Prometheus Service. |
AddRecordingRule | AddRecordingRule | Creates or updates a recording rule. |
SyncRecordingRules | SyncRecordingRules | Synchronizes the aggregation rule of a cluster to other clusters in a region. |
AddIntegration | AddIntegration | Integrates the dashboard and collection rules of Prometheus Service. |
GetIntegrationState | GetIntegrationState | Queries the integration state of the dashboards and collection rules of Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) Prometheus. |
DeleteIntegration | DeleteIntegration | Deletes the collection rules for a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
AddGrafana | AddGrafana | Integrates the dashboard of Prometheus Service. |
InstallCmsExporter | InstallCmsExporter | Installs the cms-exporter collector. |
OpenVCluster | OpenVCluster | Activates a virtual cluster. |
DeletePrometheusGlobalView | DeletePrometheusGlobalView | Deletes a global aggregation instance from Prometheus Service. |
RemoveAliClusterIdsFromPrometheusGlobalView | RemoveAliClusterIdsFromPrometheusGlobalView | Removes data sources from an aggregation instance in Prometheus Service. |
RemoveSourcesFromPrometheusGlobalView | RemoveSourcesFromPrometheusGlobalView | Removes custom data sources from a global aggregation instance in Prometheus Service. |
DelAuthToken | DelAuthToken | Disables an authentication token. |
DeleteGrafanaResource | DeleteGrafanaResource | Deletes Grafana dashboard resources from a cluster monitored by Prometheus Service. |
UninstallPromCluster | UninstallPromCluster | Releases a Prometheus instance. |
ManageRecordingRule | ManageRecordingRule | Edits the recording rule of a cluster monitored by Prometheus Service. |
QueryPromInstallStatus | QueryPromInstallStatus | Queries whether the Prometheus agent is installed on a cluster. |
ListPrometheusGlobalView | ListPrometheusGlobalView | Creates a global aggregation instance in Prometheus Service and obtains the list of global aggregation instances. |
GetPrometheusGlobalView | GetPrometheusGlobalView | Queries the information about a global aggregation instance. |
ManageGetRecordingRule | ManageGetRecordingRule | Obtains the recording rule of a cluster monitored by Prometheus Service. |
CheckServiceStatus | CheckServiceStatus | Checks the status of a service in the current cluster, such as whether the service is activated and whether the payment is overdue. |
GetPrometheusApiToken | GetPrometheusApiToken | Queries the token required for integrating Prometheus Service. |
GetExploreUrl | GetExploreUrl | Enables the Explore feature of Grafana. |
ListDashboards | ListDashboards | Queries the Grafana dashboards of a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
ListClusterFromGrafana | ListClusterFromGrafana | Queries all Grafana dashboards in a specified region. |
GetRecordingRule | GetRecordingRule | Obtains the recording rule of a cluster. |
ListDashboardsByName | ListDashboardsByName | Uses Loki data sources and other data sources to create a dashboard in Prometheus Service. |
GetAuthToken | GetAuthToken | Obtains an authentication token. When you connect a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster to Prometheus Service over the Internet, you must use a token for authentication. |
GetClusterAllUrl | GetClusterAllUrl | Obtains all the URLs of a cluster, including remote read and write URLs, Pushgateway URLs, and Grafana URLs. |
GetCloudClusterAllUrl | GetCloudClusterAllUrl | Queries the read and write URLs of a CloudMonitor instance, such as Pushgateway and Grafana URLs. |
ListPrometheusInstances | ListPrometheusInstances | Obtains all Prometheus instances in a region. |
InstallManagedPrometheus | InstallManagedPrometheus | Installs a Prometheus agent for serverless Kubernetes (ASK) clusters or Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters. |
UninstallManagedPrometheus | UninstallManagedPrometheus | Uninstalls a Prometheus agent. |
GetManagedPrometheusStatus | GetManagedPrometheusStatus | Queries the installation status of a Prometheus agent in a serverless Kubernetes (ASK) cluster or an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster. |
BindPrometheusGrafanaInstance | BindPrometheusGrafanaInstance | Binds a Grafana workspace to a Prometheus instance. |
AddPrometheusIntegration | AddPrometheusIntegration | Adds an exporter to a Prometheus instance for Container Service or a Prometheus instance for ECS. |
UpdatePrometheusIntegration | UpdatePrometheusIntegration | Modifies the configurations of an exporter that is integrated into a Prometheus instance for Container Service or a Prometheus instance for ECS. |
DeletePrometheusIntegration | DeletePrometheusIntegration | Deletes an exporter from a Prometheus instance for Container Service or a Prometheus instance for ECS. |
GetPrometheusIntegration | GetPrometheusIntegration | Queries the information about an exporter that is integrated into a Prometheus instance for Container Service or a Prometheus instance for ECS. |
ListPrometheusIntegration | ListPrometheusIntegration | Queries a list of exporters that are integrated into a Prometheus instance. Only aliyun-cs and ecs instances are supported. |
GetPrometheusInstance | GetPrometheusInstance | Queries the information about a Prometheus instance. |
ListPrometheusInstanceByTagAndResourceGroupId | ListPrometheusInstanceByTagAndResourceGroupId | Queries Prometheus instances by tag and resource group. |
CreatePrometheusInstance | CreatePrometheusInstance | Creates a Prometheus instance. |
UpdatePrometheusInstance | UpdatePrometheusInstance | Updates the information about a Prometheus instance. |
UpdatePrometheusGlobalView | UpdatePrometheusGlobalView | Updates the data sources of Prometheus instance for GlobalView. |